60 seat majority is over

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
What's stupid is that the President said this(introducing Biden): "After decades of steady work across the aisle, I know he'll be able to help me turn the page on the ugly partisanship in Washington, so we can bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda that works for the American people."

He has failed miserably, obama is as partisan as it comes, even though he ran as a center-left candidate.

The thing about Bi-Partisanship is that it requires BOTH parties working together. For the past year neither side has accomplishing this, so don't try to blame this all on "NObama" when the G"NO"P is just as guilty. Let's be honest shouting out to the PRESIDENT "You Lie!" clearly is the best step forward for Bi-partisanship.

The best was when the Health care bill was trying to get passed in the Senate Committee

Dems: Here is our plan. We outnumber you, so it really doesn't matter what you think.
Repubs: We don't like it.
Dems: Oh shit, they don't like it. What are we going to do?
Repubs: Incorporate more of our plan.
Dems: Whoa, you mean embrace bi-partisanship. This could actually work. What does your plan say?
Repubs: Uhh, it says your plan is stupid and to disagree with everything you propose.
Dems: Well, even though we have a majority, looks like we're all at a deadlock. Can we do anything to move forward?
Repubs: Yes, answer this question: why do you hate America and love illegals?
Dems: Where did that even come from?
Repubs: Don't try to change the subject with your shifty Washington elite ways, answer the question!
Dems: Elite? I drive a Honda Accord.
Repubs: See, if you loved America, you would drive an American car.
Dems: You drive a Mercedes!
Repubs: These photos from Fox News yesterday clearly show I drive a Ford.
Dems: Those photos are from the 1960s, in the summer!
Repubs: Don't try to bring Globa- I mean Climate Change into this!

And look, we still don't have a working health care plan, an economic recovery plan, or a climate change plan from the Dems, and the Republicans answer is still "The Dems plan is communist! BOO!"
the funny thing is, Republicans are claiming that this somehow means they were right about healthcare reform all along...except congressional republicans actually have lower approval ratings concerning how they're handling the health care issue.
why yes Ted, it does.

Dictionary.com said:
face  [feys] Show IPA noun, verb, faced, fac⋅ing.
1. the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
2. a look or expression on this part: a sad face.
3. an expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace: The child put on a face when told to go to bed.
4. cosmetics; makeup: Excuse me while I go to the powder room to put on my face.
5. impudence; boldness: to have the face to ask such a rude question.
6. outward appearance: These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
7. outward show or pretense, esp. as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.: Though shamed beyond words, he managed to show a bold face.
8. good reputation; dignity; prestige: They hushed up the family scandal to preserve face.
9. the amount specified in a bill or note, exclusive of interest.
10. the manifest sense or express terms, as of a document.
11. the geographic characteristics or general appearance of a land surface.
12. the surface: the face of the earth.

13. the side, or part of a side, upon which the use of a thing depends: the clock's face; the face of a playing card.
14. the most important or most frequently seen side; front: the face of a building.
15. the outer or upper side of a fabric; right side.
16. the acting, striking, or working surface of an implement, tool, etc.
17. Geometry. any of the bounding surfaces of a solid figure: a cube has six faces.
18. Also called working face. Mining. the front or end of a drift or excavation, where the material is being or was last mined.
19. Printing.
a. the working surface of a type, of a plate, etc.
b. Also called typeface, typestyle. any design of type, including a full range of characters, as letters, numbers, and marks of punctuation, in all sizes: Caslon is one of the most popular faces.
c. Also called typeface, typestyle. the general style or appearance of type: broad or narrow face.
20. Nautical, Aeronautics. the rear or after side of a propeller blade (opposed to back ).
21. Fortification. either of the two outer sides that form the salient angle of a bastion or the like.
22. Crystallography. any of the plane surfaces of a crystal.
23. Electronics. faceplate (def. 3).
24. Archaic. sight; presence: to flee from the face of the enemy.
the earth has a face and that face is pitted with black heads.

(see what i did there, made a pun, racial comment and a allusion all in one bad joke, go me!)
well Ted, because you asked:

–verb (used with object)
25. to look toward or in the direction of: to face the light.
26. to have the front toward or permit a view of: The building faces Fifth Avenue. The bedroom faces the park.
27. to confront directly: to be faced with a problem; to face the future confidently.
28. to confront courageously, boldly, or impudently (usually fol. by down or out): He could always face down his detractors.
29. to oppose or to meet defiantly: to face fearful odds; Army faces Navy in today's football game.
30. to cover or partly cover with a different material in front: They faced the old wooden house with brick.
31. to finish the edge of a garment with facing.
32. to turn the face of (a playing card) upwards.
33. to dress or smooth the surface of (a stone or the like).
34. to cause (soldiers) to turn to the right, left, or in the opposite direction.
35. Ice Hockey. (of a referee) to put (the puck) in play by dropping it between two opposing players each having his or her stick on the ice and facing the goal of the opponent.
–verb (used without object)
36. to turn or be turned (often fol. by to or toward): She faced toward the sea.
37. to be placed with the front in a certain direction (often fol. by on, to, or toward): The house faces on the street. The barn faces south.
38. to turn to the right, left, or in the opposite direction: Left face!
39. Ice Hockey. to face the puck (often fol. by off).
If you want, I could compile definitions from different dictionaries, just so we could have a complete picture. And maybe different languages too. Just in case you felt like learning french or something.
I'll post here what I posted on my facebook page:
Oh no! The Democrats lost the super-majority! Now they won't be able to get anything done! Oh...wait...
Eyebrows is like the GR political correspondent, you don't see him much but as soon as something happens with the GOP he's on it like flies on shit.
BigZell2020 said:
Eyebrows is like the GR political correspondent, you don't see him much but as soon as something happens with the GOP he's on it like flies on s***.

I'm around, you buggers just ignore me. I have to do something annoying to get any attention.

wankers. :cry:

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