Zombie survival discussion

the problem with walmart is that the front doors are glass. You'd have to move a lot of shit to adequately block them off. Costco, on the other hand, only has solid doors and those metal rollup doors. Those are perfect for keeping zombies out as they are impenetrable. Also, most costco stores also have gasoline now, so It would be easy to stock up on that ASAP for generators and the like once power eventually goes down.
There's no doubt all of those are fine ideas, problem is everyone will have those ideas, Walmart and Costco are too obvious of choices

as for what type of zombie, whatever you choose, I figure my plan works for either the stereotypical Romero zombie, or the new hopped up on speed zombies
It's situations like this that my family's emergency supply of food will come in quite handy. Weapons are great, but food, fuel and water (or at least a water purification system) are better.
Icepick said:
There's no doubt all of those are fine ideas, problem is everyone will have those ideas, Walmart and Costco are too obvious of choices

Is that necessarily a bad thing? Strength in numbers?
The problem I see with the walmart/costco/sams club scenario is odds are it will be swarming with zombies by the time you get there.

I've lost many hours of sleep at night thinking of how to survive in whatever house I currently reside. My best bet would be to get to one of the nearby military establishments and hope they have not been over run.
daverabbit said:
The problem I see with the walmart/costco/sams club scenario is odds are it will be swarming with zombies by the time you get there.

I've lost many hours of sleep at night thinking of how to survive in whatever house I currently reside. My best bet would be to get to one of the nearby military establishments and hope they have not been over run.

My house has too many windows. A military base might be a good idea, but there are problems with the bases around here. Namely that they don't have borders that seem all that defendable. It might be difficult to drive onto the base or sneak on today without being caught, but I feel like most zombies wouldn't be held up by many of the things humans are.

Also, there's always the worry that the military would just shoot anyone on sight. May not make going towards the base a great idea.

What about going up into the mountains, or north where it's colder? Isn't that supposed to deter zombies?
Can Zombies climb ladders? I've never seen it. I'd probably shack up in an apple tree treehouse with a bunch of comic books and porn, eating apples and jerking it. Pretty much how I spent my summer '92.
NickKmet said:
Icepick said:
There's no doubt all of those are fine ideas, problem is everyone will have those ideas, Walmart and Costco are too obvious of choices

Is that necessarily a bad thing? Strength in numbers?

Perhaps if you're an optimist, I however have come to expect people to be fucking dipshits. The less people around to fuck something up, the better off I'll be
For me, I just secure my neighborhood. It's a small little group of houses. One one side are the start of the foothills and on the other are a bunch of fields. Basically, we block off the roads coming in, put a couple of people up on top of the hill to scout, and take out anything that comes in close.

We have solar power, chickens, livestock, and a well for water. My next door neighbor is also SWAT, so he'd be helpful.

Basically, I'll be fine forever.
I'd keep a crowbar, a coldsteel machete that my dad gave me, and my .22 rifle. I'd probably wouldnt keep my shotgun for long. Shells are more cumbersome to carry because of their and I can only fire 3 times before I have to reload. The .22 is good cause it's relatively quiet, ammo is small and plenty and really easy to shoot. Accuracy is good too since its low recoil.

I'd also try to stay near water, preferably a river or stream. I went a day without running water a couple of days ago and it was hugely inconvenient, I can only imagine living with no running water for an indefinite time.

I have read the zombie survival guide, world war z and the walking dead. However, I really don't think a zombie apocalypse can happen. In like every zombie apocalypse story, people are ignorant of what a zombie is and how to kill one. Now if what we think we know about hypothetical zombies is incorrect (like not redieing by destroying the head), then maybe yes.
The_Big_Cheese said:
Now if what we think we know about hypothetical zombies is incorrect (like not redieing by destroying the head), then maybe yes.
You have no idea how badly I want to just blurt out my zombie game ideas...
The_Big_Cheese said:
In like every zombie apocalypse story, people are ignorant of what a zombie is and how to kill one. Now if what we think we know about hypothetical zombies is incorrect (like not redieing by destroying the head), then maybe yes.

Most zombie stories follow a similar pattern to most post-apocalyptic literature and media. It isn't that they don't know the enemy, or how to destroy it. It is mankind's inability to put all the bullshit aside and work together to survive.

Zombie apocalypse comes, I'm getting my brother, my nephews, my mom. Sister-in-law can come, only if she promises not to accuse my brother of cheating every time we come across a female survivor...I tell you, I couldn't survive an eternity of having to listen to that hogwash.
If it ever does come...

Assuming my family is untouched I would keep them as safe as possible, but it would not happen for long...

Honestly, I would probably survive much longer on my own out here. Although one thing I would do is a more community mentality that will keep people alive.

In all honesty it could be done too. You need a space of land that can be blocked off, enough food and water, maybe some scavenger teams, and a way to grow crops.

Got to travel to up State NY for that one though.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Most zombie stories follow a similar pattern to most post-apocalyptic literature and media. It isn't that they don't know the enemy, or how to destroy it. It is mankind's inability to put all the bullshit aside and work together to survive.

So what you're saying is that humans work together better as a base, shambling horde than a higher-reasoning society.
Alright, so assume we have the basics of survival covered and are surviving the zombie apocalypse. What then? How long do these zombies last?
Bretimus_v2 said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
Most zombie stories follow a similar pattern to most post-apocalyptic literature and media. It isn't that they don't know the enemy, or how to destroy it. It is mankind's inability to put all the bullshit aside and work together to survive.

So what you're saying is that humans work together better as a base, shambling horde than a higher-reasoning society.

No, absolutely not. If people are willing to get in line, work together, all that jazz, then yeah, their chances at survival will sky rocket.

But all to common when the power structure falls is the in-fighting. You have leaders not wanting the burden, preferring to look after their own. You have the morons and power hungry fighting for control. People steal from each other. The lower elements generally resort to more serious offenses against eachother (murder, rape, etc.).

If people won't work, come to a consensus together, you wind up with that base, shambling horde. And that, will be mankind's downfall.

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