Helping a friend promote his short film - FEAR


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One of my closest friends, who I've known for over ten years and actually work with today, has recently unveiled his short film "FEAR" last night at a local art gallery. There was a big audience, everyone loved the film and it was very well done. I'd like to share it with you all.

Here's the film -

It goes for just over twenty minutes. FEAR is a story about two mates trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. The location is in Darwin, Australia. Our home town.

My friend is incredibly talented at video editing and filming, while his mate (big guy with the beard) is fantastic at make up and prop design. Some of the actors in this film have also never done acting before, but they did a fantastic job.

Since it's a zombie film, this film contains intense violence, blood/gore and coarse language.

Enjoy the film! :)
That was pretty enjoyable. Well edited too, except for the audio levels. Some of the zombies seemed too much like people, and some of the people seemed too much like zombies, but I liked it.
I do have a few criticisms of the film but in all fairness, it was a short film made by some mates who were doing it out of love, investing their own money and time while living their own lives with prior commitments, e.g. work, sports etc.

For the most part, I love their film. It's the best short film they've ever made. The camera work (with one Canon 5D Mk III) was excellent, most of the writing is great, the editing and special effects are superb and most of the acting was really well done, again by guys who don't act very often, if at all.

My only criticism of the film is that some of the music is a little bit out of place (like the beginning sequence, I think that's dub step) and there's a little too much swearing. It'd be great if there were more zombies but unfortunately, like everyone involved in the film, no one got paid, they were working with what they had and who volunteered to help them.

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