What's the best job you've ever had?

Icepick said:
Mod-Chip said:
Icepick said:
Mod-Chip said:
I think Icepick is lying. Proof or GTFO! Show us an expired employee badge!

badge? what jobs have you done where you get a badge... I have two company shirts....

You know what, I think you're lying, show me your paralegal badge! pics or it didn't happen
Daniel, where's your review badge, pics or gtfo

Lols. I guess we can take your word for it. I have paystubs that prove I worked there.

... if it's really that serious of an inquisition, I'm sure I have old pay stubs... I did write a vox pop about how I hated working for them a few years ago...

Out of curiosity, what kind of a man do you think I am? Questioning someone on the internet isn't what bothers me, tons of people lie online. What concerns me, is you figure I fabricated this, and so in your mind, I must have sat down, seen the thread, thought to myself "here's an opportunity to lie to make myself internet popularz !!!one1!, and than, out of thin air, made up a story involving a dead dog, and a man performing pseudo medical, probably sexual acts on his anus and having it leak onto his laptop...

I get that I'm seen as an asshole... but to just whip up that story I would have to be pretty psychotic no?

edit: and who the f*** would lie about being technical support to impress someone?

Yawn. Don't take yourself so seriously. And stop being so insecure. Jeez.
im actually quite surprised a laptop would kill something in a pool. it's not something i would do, clearly, but thought there would be too much water.. or something.
Maybe when i worked at the cinema and started & changed the films, thread them through the machine. Or when i worked for a woman making chcolates.
intoTheRain said:
im actually quite surprised a laptop would kill something in a pool. it's not something i would do, clearly, but thought there would be too much water.. or something.

Imac connected by extension cords is what fell in the pool, the laptop was pooped on
Mod-Chip said:
Icepick said:
Mod-Chip said:
Icepick said:
Mod-Chip said:
I think Icepick is lying. Proof or GTFO! Show us an expired employee badge!

badge? what jobs have you done where you get a badge... I have two company shirts....

You know what, I think you're lying, show me your paralegal badge! pics or it didn't happen
Daniel, where's your review badge, pics or gtfo

Lols. I guess we can take your word for it. I have paystubs that prove I worked there.

... if it's really that serious of an inquisition, I'm sure I have old pay stubs... I did write a vox pop about how I hated working for them a few years ago...

Out of curiosity, what kind of a man do you think I am? Questioning someone on the internet isn't what bothers me, tons of people lie online. What concerns me, is you figure I fabricated this, and so in your mind, I must have sat down, seen the thread, thought to myself "here's an opportunity to lie to make myself internet popularz !!!one1!, and than, out of thin air, made up a story involving a dead dog, and a man performing pseudo medical, probably sexual acts on his anus and having it leak onto his laptop...

I get that I'm seen as an asshole... but to just whip up that story I would have to be pretty psychotic no?

edit: and who the f*** would lie about being technical support to impress someone?

Yawn. Don't take yourself so seriously. And stop being so insecure. Jeez.

would appear you're the one taking me to seriously champ, I'm talking about moonlighting as a gay porn star after all...
I used to work in the umm... I guess the professional term was Reprographics industry. Which is a fancy way of saying copying and scanning. But this wasn't like kinkos or anything. It was large scale and these places worked exclusively for some of the largest law firms in Chicago.

I learned that law firms love to copy shit because it was all billable. Some cases were literally hundreds of boxes of documents.

I got to see all kinds of neat stuff. Divorce stuff fom some ex-Bulls and Bears players which included all their personal info, check stubs, old credit cards, bank statements, (one had insurance on 12 cars) Police reports on murders, with crime scene photos, Job accident stuff with photos (there was a nasty one where this guy got his head caught between some equipment and it smushed his head into a weird oval shape and he died on his feet with his head stuck there) some insurance stuff (some gruesome motorcycle accident) a surprising number of cases where entire families were killed by small space heaters and one funny case where a guy was suing his employer for wrongful termination so they decided to print out the 300 or so gigs of hardcore porn images that he had saved on his company computer all neatly arranged into folders. Pretty much a little bit of everything.

The pay and conditions were not that good, but there were still a bunch of good times.
Dobby2244 said:
when i worked for a woman making chcolates.

C_nate said:
I got to see all kinds of neat stuff. Divorce stuff fom some ex-Bulls and Bears players which included all their personal info, check stubs, old credit cards, bank statements, (one had insurance on 12 cars) Police reports on murders, with crime scene photos, Job accident stuff with photos (there was a nasty one where this guy got his head caught between some equipment and it smushed his head into a weird oval shape and he died on his feet with his head stuck there) some insurance stuff (some gruesome motorcycle accident) a surprising number of cases where entire families were killed by small space heaters and one funny case where a guy was suing his employer for wrongful termination so they decided to print out the 300 or so gigs of hardcore porn images that he had saved on his company computer all neatly arranged into folders. Pretty much a little bit of everything.
Wow, craziness!
I worked as a camp counselor for a camp located on an island where kids would stay for two weeks in log cabins.

The job was so much fun because all the other counselors were cool as fuck. Plus it was when I lived with my parents so it was awesome to get away for two months and just chill out in the summer with food and board.

Sometimes the kids were annoying though. I remember during third term (the two months were spilt into 4 terms where the kids would stay for 1 term) my cabin was full of black and white gangsters who where obsessed with 50 Cent. My other counselor and I would crank 90's rock like Smashing Pumpkins and STP and they would bitch and nag and call us old.

But besides that it was a great experience.
WickedLiquid said:
My current job is pretty cool but when I was younger I had an awesome job at Toys R Us.

What's yours?

It's obviously NOT updating the Name that movie thread....
I'll start it up again when I have a chance. In the mean time Green Lantern why don't you go back to hosting one of your games or showdowns- oh that's right...
^ I love the way you posted 5 at once to try and make each post last a bit longer...then BAM, all 5 answered in about 10 minutes haha!

My current job is probably the best. I design interior office manifestation and signage. Basically I play on Illustrator and Photoshop all day. I have a job working for Coca-Cola at the moment, it's pretty damn cool.
It's just the pay that sucks, I feel I should be getting much much more for what I'm doing.

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