Have you ever been in a fight?


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"Cash me outside, how 'bou dat?"

Have you ever been in a "real" fight? If so... do you have a story to tell? Fighting is never a nice thing, but sometimes there's a funny story in there, somewhere. Maybe?

Aside from competing/training in judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (which isn't really "fighting", in my opinion), I've never actually been in a real fight. There are only two encounters in my life that could be considered "fighting", except the second one I was just... kinda there, but not involved.

First time? I got picked on and bullied a lot in high school. When I was fourteen, one particular bully had been giving it to me for over a year and I felt miserable. One day he came up to me and threw a rugby football at my face, point blank. It hurt like crap, but as soon as the ball hit me, I stood up and punched the guy in the face, without thinking. He then started to arc up with his fists up, but eventually he just sat down holding onto his face. He never bullied me again. Eventually, he started getting bullied himself by bigger and older kids.

The second time, well... that's a weird one. I was twenty one years old and had started a new job at a mobile phone shop. About six months into the job, the guys invited me to come out night clubbing and stuff. So I went out with them. We stopped by one night club, we paid our entry fee, got our wrists stamped as proof of payment, then decided to come back later.

We came back later and the girl at the front wouldn't let me in because I was wearing cargo pants. I was a bit drunk and debated with her, "But I paid and I have a stamp!", not good enough apparently, I was wearing cargo pants. Eventually, she said to me "You're welcome to argue with the bouncer." I had a look and the bouncer was actually a friend of mine, so I smugly said "You know what? I will."

So I approached the bouncer, "Hey, Paul!" and just as I called out to him, some guy came out of nowhere and head butted Paul in the face. Him and Paul got into a fist fight, suddenly there was more dudes coming in and then Paul had a bunch of bouncers with him too, all punching and kicking the crap out of each other. There was even a police officer there, pulling out pepper spray and bloody using it.

I panicked, and started moving quickly through the brawl, drunkenly trying to avoid and dodge random bodies getting shifted left to right. Where did I escape to? Inside the nightclub. With my cargo pants. ;)

Got any stories? :)
Haha love the nightclub story!

I'm like you, I've not really been in any fights. I try to avoid them, I'm no good at confrontation.

I did get punched in the face once when outside a pub waiting for a taxi. My friend was with me and the nob punched me and ran round the corner down an alley. It was really fucking obvious he was trying to lure us down there with about 10 of his friends waiting with fisticuffs - so we just left it there. Grabbed our kebabs and went home to play Mario Party 4 :D
If you count a few thrown punches between myself and some jackass in...6th grade??...as a fight, then yes. Otherwise, no.
Like Green_Lantern, I was always taller than other people, even if I was a bit on the geekier side as a kid. So no fights for me. I think one kid asked if I wanted to fight once, and I just said no. That was the end of that.

Still, I can't help but wonder if I would be any good in a fight. I mean, hopefully I never have to find out, but if I do, at least I'll know.
One had me break the nose of a bully when I slammed his face into a cafeteria table, ended the fight before it began.

Later that day the kids mother contacted my mother, coming to our house and saying I was bullying him after I broke his nose. We told him how he's been bothering me for weeks...the mother took a look at her son who had the "guilty" look on his face, she apologized for bothering us on this, and took him home.

Never bothered me again. This was when I was in the fourth grade, that kid was in the 6th.
LinksOcarina said:
One had me break the nose of a bully when I slammed his face into a cafeteria table, ended the fight before it began.

Later that day the kids mother contacted my mother, coming to our house and saying I was bullying him after I broke his nose. We told him how he's been bothering me for weeks...the mother took a look at her son who had the "guilty" look on his face, she apologized for bothering us on this, and took him home.

Never bothered me again. This was when I was in the fourth grade, that kid was in the 6th.

Good on you, man. Sucks that an older kid was trying to give you a hard time but man, I bet they learned their lesson in more ways than one.
Not the last time it happened either.

I was always the kid folks picked on, probably because I was the fat kid growing up.
LinksOcarina said:
I was always the kid folks picked on, probably because I was the fat kid growing up.

Me too, man.

I was the fat, nerdy kid that people didn't want to be friends with, or at the very least, didn't want to be seen as friends with. I was so desperate for the company of friends that even if someone bullied me with other people, but then was nice to me one on one in private, I didn't seem to mind, even though that's a douchey thing for them to do.
I actually have a crazy fight story from way way back. We're talking like 2010 here... and yes I can't believe 2010 is way way back.

After seeing Pearl Jam (yes I know I'm old fuck off) my buddies and I hit up a nearby bar. After 3am when the place had closed we were chilling out in the parking lot about to call it a night. Before we could say our goodbyes we noticed a huge ruckus coming from the other end of the lot.

We went to see what was going on and there were around 20 brown guys in a gang called the Tamil Tigers. That sounds made up, believe me I know, but it's going to sound even more made up as I go along so you'll just have to trust me that this story is real.

Anyway this gang was attacking this one lone guy and everyone around us was just watching and not doing anything. Then the guy's girlfriend stood between him and the gang and they started beating on her. Some girl within the crowd of bystanders yelled "somebody do something". And I dunno, maybe it was the alcohol (actually it was definitely the alcohol) but I couldn't stand there anymore and ran into this gang to pull the girl out

As soon as I did that this one guy came at me to my side, grabbed me and started punching me in the ear. It hurt, alot. Now I had never been in a fight since grade 3 and I didn't know what the hell I was doing but I knew this guy needed his ass kicked. So I turned to him, grabbed him and punched him a few times in the face until he let go of me. Some other guy grabbed me and I grabbed him and we sort of just stood there for a minute holding onto each other until the bastard punched me in the face. That also hurt alot. So using my body weight I shoved him over to a brick wall and bashed the back of his head against it. I know, it was a dirty trick, but there were so many guys.

He fell to the ground and scurried away like a coward and that's when my friends came in to grab me. They told me we had to get the hell out of there. Apparently they saw one guy pull out a machete and was heading for me but I never saw that. And to this day I still don't know if they made that part up to get me away from there.

So we hopped in my friend's car (he was sober obviously) and he drove off while my other friend was on the phone with 911. I never saw that guy or that girl again and to be honest I don't know if they ever saw me intervene. I never found out what happened to that couple and it still bugs me to this day. But I like to think the cops showed up and they were ok.

My friends thought I was an idiot for getting involved but I feel like I was the only sensible person there. I dunno. Sure my ear cauliflowered for a couple days, I had a black eye, and my knuckles hurt from punching random dudes, but I know I'd have felt worse if I'd done nothing.

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