What Are You Playing - Retro Edition!


I figured this might be something to keep people interested in posting in the classic forum, just let us all know what you're playing! If you're just now getting into some old RPG, or you've re-discovered an old favorite, be sure to let your fellow Revolutionaries hear about it!

Me, I've gotten back into my Neo Geo Pocket Color more (after writing about it in this week's Retro Revolution entry, posted at http://www.gamerevolution.com/manifesto/retro-revolution-hail-to-the-ngp-9421) so I've played a few matches of Match of the Millenium, a round of Neo Turf Pocket and some Puyo Pop.

So then. What're YOU playing?
I'm not playing anything retro right now, but I am playing a lot of Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot PSone Classics (they were free with PS+).

I have a hankerin' to play some Conkey Dong Country, though. And while I'm at it, maybe some Dirt Trax FX.
No rule against the classics being played on new systems. That's just the beauty of the 'Net, I say. :D
Ever since I posted the music for TMNT II: Back from the Sewers today, I've been dying to get my original Game Boy from my parents house and play that cart with 4 AA batteries newly purchased for that express purpose.
I don't know if it really counts as Retro (i mean, it only came out in 2000 on PC; wow, that makes me feel old), but my brother and I still play the occasional multiplayer game of Star Trek Elite Force.
KevinS said:
No rule against the classics being played on new systems. That's just the beauty of the 'Net, I say. :D
Yeah, back in June I started playing LoZ: A Link To The Past again.

Now I'm just fooling around with Starfox 64 ever since "Do a barrel roll" on Google.
Let's see I'm playing Pokemon: Yellow and Super Mario RPG at my leisure.

Still trying to finally beat Majora's Mask on my N64.

But mostly I'm playing "I have a baby in my house" again. I'm wasted lately.
Rayman 1.

Holy limbless arms this game is hard. I had to use a life cheat at the Music Levels. Some parts are just so unforgiving that you have to memorize the whole level and going after the cages is a even more of a challenge. But I'm enjoying every second of it. Controls are fluid, music and visuals are still great. One of my favorite platformers.
Worms Armageddon. Love that game.

And I wish my sister didn't steal my copy of Rayman, because I'd probably be playing that too.
Just fired up my GBA for the first time in a while, complete with Mega Man Battle Network 5. And yes, I have MMBN5. The first and the fifth. Yup yup.
Affen said:
Rayman 1.

Holy limbless arms this game is hard. I had to use a life cheat at the Music Levels. Some parts are just so unforgiving that you have to memorize the whole level and going after the cages is a even more of a challenge. But I'm enjoying every second of it. Controls are fluid, music and visuals are still great. One of my favorite platformers.

Even after getting through the death trap that is Picture City , tackling Space Mama for the first time was a JERK!
Longo_2_guns said:
Worms Armageddon. Love that game.

You, sir, are awesome.

System Shock 2. After we talked about it in the Bioshock Infinite thread I reinstalled it and played around with it... it's old enough to be retro, right? Anyways, it's hard to get back into with the graphics and all that but it's probably the only game that I could think of where you could beat a psychic monkey with a wench.
Watched more than a little of the WSOP final table footage, so broke out my Game Boy for a bit and enjoyed some Caesar's Palace. Ah, gambling...
I'm personally a big fan of Picross 3D on the DS.... Honestly it is kind of boring though. They'd have to spice it up a bit for American audiences... although if Sudoku can do well here than every other boring game should too.
danielrbischoff said:
I'm personally a big fan of Picross 3D on the DS.... Honestly it is kind of boring though. They'd have to spice it up a bit for American audiences... although if Sudoku can do well here than every other boring game should too.

Exactly my thought. I love me some picross puzzles (Picross DS, IllustLogic DS, Mario Picross) but for some reason people who play sudoku don't play picross, so picross isn't popular in the US.

BTW, that might be the most "picross" in a single sentence... ever. I'm a bit proud of that.
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.

Playing the inferior SNES version because I can't get the pc version work even how hard I try. The music was so good in the pc version and the controls felt slightly accurate. Otherwise as good as ever, though the levels differ quite a lot. So it's like playing Maui Mallard and the Lost Levels
I'm kind of in a slump with retro games at the moment. Anyone else with no desire to play retro unless they have the original console and cartridge?

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