What are ya playing?

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Has happened to me numerous times as well. I remember getting extremely hype about Tri on Wii, I pre-ordered, and then it never grabbed me. My brother is going wild over the new Switch version though, so perhaps I'll try again.
Haha, I'm glad my tortuous journey is relatable. It's funny you mention your brother too, because my brother is also the reason I got Generations. We are both trying it concurrently (and maybe someday co-op if we get hooked a little more)
Nice, yeah I feel like that's the dream if you can actually get two or more people really invested. I had an international student roommate in college who was a Monster Hunter junkie, he would play online co-op with his buddy and be yelling in Chinese at 2am. Good times, kind of. It seemed fun though.
Beat my PB any% goal in Korosu Mario World! I'm now 4th on the leaderboard. My goal was to be ChrisG_Games' time. He's the creator of this romhack. At the end of the video, you can see how happy I was. NSFW btw. I not only bopped his time, but I bopped Barb's time as well. If I didn't screw up on the ball skip or the back-up strategy fighting Bowser, I could've taken out Nexus' time and become 3rd. Lastly, couple weeks ago, I did a low% run of this romhack. I'm 3rd in the world by default. Low% means no checkpoints, if you collect CP, you gotta reset. It also means you can't pick up the mushroom during the Bowser fight. My run of that was well over 2 1/2, but it was worth it. I did it, because I wanted to see how long it would take me to one shot each course.

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