What are ya playing?

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Picked up Injustice 2 yesterday and played a bit of the story. Fun so far. It's a little jarring at how different some of the characters look compared to the first game, especially Superman who almost looks like a kid facially, at least in a couple of the scenes. So far the characters I've used play almost identically to the way they did in the first game, which is not surprising. The stages are pretty impressive looking, though it can be hard to notice objects that can be interacted with in some cases.
I want to get Injustice 2, but it's one of those games that I "wanna play, but don't wanna pay". Maybe I'll get it when, or if it goes on a sale later down the track. I mostly just wanna play it for the single player.

Apparently most of the game play mechanics are the same as the first one, including combos, move sets etc. A very "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" feature, I think. I heard there are some minor new additions to game play, though.
Master_Craig said:
I want to get Injustice 2, but it's one of those games that I "wanna play, but don't wanna pay". Maybe I'll get it when, or if it goes on a sale later down the track. I mostly just wanna play it for the single player.

Apparently most of the game play mechanics are the same as the first one, including combos, move sets etc. A very "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" feature, I think. I heard there are some minor new additions to game play, though.

Yeah, if it hadn't been for my wife liking the first one, I would have waited for a price drop before picking up this one. And you are spot on about the mechanics. Most of the combos are exactly the same, as are the special moves, although I think out of the (currently small) number of characters I have used, I think Flash has some new special moves. Also they have changed all the super attack and throw animations.

The gear mechanic is pretty cool, though there is a level system to it, so your character needs to be high enough level to equip the items. Seem to get level 20 gear at the end of each chapter of the story, but currently my highest level character is level 4 :/

Overall enjoying it though.
Like Craig, I just want to rent it for a weekend with friends, though I haven't actually rented a game since last generation.

A bunch of characters being locked behind the $100 version also turns me off.
I'm back into Horizon Zero Dawn. Hot damn, the story is getting good.

I find myself desperately needing new gear though, but it's expensive to buy. Tips?
Just grabbed AC Black Flag in the deals. Playing through it again and hoping to plat it this time! YArr HARRR OL' BILLY RILEY!!
It's down to Trinidad to see Sally Brown boys!~

Roll Boys! Roll boys roll!~

Been playing through Deus Ex: Mankind Burglar Simulator. I'm enjoying it so far though after hearing that I'm close to the end, I can see why people are upset about it being smaller in scope. Dunno, just not a Deus Ex game if you're not in some sort of distopian futuristic Asian city.
I have a huge urge to play Overwatch again on the PS4. Does anyone here still play?

I might reinstall it, but I'll have to redownload all the patches and stuff.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Had it sitting on my shelf for a whole but never had the heart to play it after being disappointed by Unity. I must say I enjoy it more than I though though.
i'm going hard back into New Vegas. just about to start the DLCs. it's hard to state how much more i like NV than Fallout 4.
On Xbox One: Still trying to finish up the Watch_Dogs 2 campaign.
On PS4: Just finished AC4 Black Flag, might go back into Destiny with my mates as a lead up to Destiny 2 this September.
On PC: Still on Starcraft II Co-op, running mods for Sins of a Solar Empire (Armada 3 and Prophets). Also, the backer-beta is up for Battletech, which has been taking a good chunk of my time these past few days.
Now that I've finished Horizon Zero Dawn for the PS4, I'm not really sure what to play. I could go back to Prey (also for PS4) but honestly I don't really feel like it.
Monster Hunter: Generations on 3DS.

I feel like I try to get into MH and MH-styled games once every two years or so. This one is supposed to be "the most accessible ever" yet I still feel like I need a guide to get through the tutorials and very first batch of missions. It's pretty ridiculous.
Monster Hunter: Generations on 3DS.

I feel like I try to get into MH and MH-styled games once every two years or so. This one is supposed to be "the most accessible ever" yet I still feel like I need a guide to get through the tutorials and very first batch of missions. It's pretty ridiculous.

Has happened to me numerous times as well. I remember getting extremely hype about Tri on Wii, I pre-ordered, and then it never grabbed me. My brother is going wild over the new Switch version though, so perhaps I'll try again.
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