What are ya playing?

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The Sims 3 is my current game of choice. Strangely addictive! BEfore I know it I've spent 4 hours on it.
MattAY said:
The Sims 3 is my current game of choice. Strangely addictive! BEfore I know it I've spent 4 hours on it.

So did you ruined someone's life, yet? I remembered my character getting three women pregnant in that game and one of them was my boss's wife.

I've been playing a bit of Technic Minecraft lately. It's a mod pack for Minecraft that adds a shit ton of stuff to the game. From nuclear reactors to compressors. It's pretty easy to install to just to the Technic website (link) and download the launcher. It'll install a different Minecraft to a different folder so your original files and save games are left intact. Definitely worth a try, if you own the PC version of Minecraft. Also if that's not your thing the launcher also includes Yogbox and Hack/Mine with more emphasis on exploration and RPG elements.

Also, I've been replaying Final Fantasy 8 and 9. I thought 9 was the worst Final Fantasy on the Playstation era because I thought the character designs were weird and the overworld map was "meh". But it started to warm up to me and I'm enjoying the game... again.

Finally, I've been dabbling in a free-to-play browser game called, "Echo Bazaar" or "Fallen London" (link). Pretty much a browser based Choose Your Own Adventure game set in a... steam-punk part of London or whatever but with persistent players. I don't know, definitely worth a look at if you got time to kill. So look me up if you get on and want to go... on... a text based adventure (I guess). My name on there is Zamza.
I just tried out Torchlight (1st one) last night, spent nearly 4 hours on it! It's a fun little dungeon-crawler, and I think that it improved upon the Diablo formula in some very understated yet much appreciated ways.
Mostly just Far Cry 3 and P4G. FC3 seems pretty solid - nothing special but pretty fun.

Haven't really had as much time as I'd like with P4G though, just killed Contrarian King and am off to take on Shadow Kanji - who happened to be the biggest bitch to me in the original, hopefully he isn't as bad this time around.
Just beat Shadow Kanji.....Honestly, I thought Contrarian King was harder. Giving Nice Guy and Tough Guy weaknesses really makes that fight a whole lot easier compared to the original, in my fight Nice Guy didn't even get off a Heat Riser.
I'm currently playing Uncharted 2. I loved Uncharted, but Uncharted 2 is so similar. Even the main menu music is the same. Still loving the story. so far. It feels like I'm watching/playing National Treasure.
Picked up Myst and Riven for two bucks each over at GoG.com. Myst and Riven are those games that I'd see all the time at the computer software aisle at Fry's Electronics. I'm going to try and beat them without going through walkthroughs. Pretty interesting, had to pull out a pen and paper to solve the puzzles though.
danielrbischoff said:
Uncharted 2 is so much better than UC1!
Well, I'm at parts where it just got better like jumping from truck to trucks was pretty fun. The stealth usage is better in this game. You can switch from primary to secondary weapon while aiming as well as using grenades. Environmental usage like propane tanks are improved. I can see why you would say it's better (never argued it wasn't better), but the story wise is similar so far. Solve puzzles, betrayal, towards end fight unknown creatures, etc. I bet I'll fight Lazarevic at the end, correct? As I said before, I still love the game.
cyberjim2000 said:
Picked up Myst and Riven for two bucks each over at GoG.com. Myst and Riven are those games that I'd see all the time at the computer software aisle at Fry's Electronics. I'm going to try and beat them without going through walkthroughs. Pretty interesting, had to pull out a pen and paper to solve the puzzles though.
When I was young, my whole family would try and solve these games together. We made it all the way through Exile, and to date I can still solve Myst without a walkthrough.
Walking Dead - about to start episode 4.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - two countries have left my alliance so far. I'm not great at the resource management part. Love it though.
Madden 13 - coaching career with the Raiders. I think I'm 5-1. I had a 230yd rushing game with Run DMC, so that was awesome.
GTA: Vice City on iPad. Just passing it around the room yesterday, basking in the nostalgia.
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