Treat Yo' Self


any Parks and Rec fans out there eh? eh?

Anyway people think Christmas is all about giving to others...well that is pure poppycock. I think its a great time to give to the greatest person there is...yourself.

Anyone getting themselves something nice over the holidays?

Me? I just moved into a new place about a month ago and wasn't able to bring my old bed with me so Ive been sleeping on an air mattress the last couple of weeks. Well fuck that noise. I am splurging this holiday season for a nice bed..
Love Parks and Rec.

I got a black Friday deal on a new Xbox 360 250gb slim for $199. Now I have it in my living room and my old launch Xbox 360 in my bedroom, which is just the ultimate luxury. Now, with the new cloud storage thing, when my wife says, "hey nerd, are you going to play video games all night, or are you coming to bed?" I can be like, "both!" and then pretty seamlessly travel my Skyrim session into the other room.

Also - and this makes me a terrible person - while shopping for my brother, I got myself something two different times while ordering him something. First, I got us both copies of Firefly on Bluray (I couldn't pass up the deal! And I needed to add more money to the cart to get free shipping [very important in Alaska] so I just got two). And the second time I got us both new era baseball caps.
BlackStar said:
I went out and got myself some satisfaction when buying other people gifts for Christmas.
I could have gotten some "satisfaction" for free, but I'm not desperate. The games I bought during Black Friday were my gift to myself.
I'm going skiing on the 7th Jan for a week in Austria. It's a late gift, but a gift nonetheless.
The good thing about being in the middle of nowhere for Christmas is that no one expects you to buy them anything.

I wont be home in time for christmas, by my post chrismas/birthday (thats Jan 17th, folks. Plan and save accordingly) gift to myself will be new parts for my computer, a new monitor, my final fantasy collection, and a new wardrobe (my clothes are soooo last year). Might throw a PS3 in there too.

Of course, hookers and alcohol are a given.
So, I purchased the Kinect. Before all of you stone me to death, read what I have to say. The Kinect sensor is bad. Not terrible, just bad. Bad enough to flip out? No, but it doesn't sync that well. Anyhow am I disappointed with my purchase? No, I'm actually quite happy. There aren't many games available, but I wasn't going to buy a new console just for the use of a motion controls. I bought the Kinect, because I like the use of motion sensors and it's a great party accessory. Can't wait until I see or perform a melee attack on someone accidentally.

Most importantly, Daniel R. Bischoff, if I ever buy Dance Central or Dance Central 2, I'm going to make a video just for you. For the reason of this
I furnished my living room. My girlfriend and I have been living with the same furniture from our studio apartment even though we live in a two bedroom now. Bookcase, TV stand, chairs, lamp, end table.... Now I want a new TV though. Don't know when that'll come around.
Bought Assassins Creed Revelation with gift cards because it was 40 bucks at the time and i thought it was a steal
Now comes part two of Treat Yo Self where you buy junk for yourself to supplement the gifts you got for Christmas. Add in the gift cards you got, and the occasional post-Christmas sales, and it's shopping season all over again.
Shaft said:
any Parks and Rec fans out there eh? eh?

By the title I first thought it was a Parks and Rec thread or something.

I got a crap load of christmas which means I'll treat myself with clothes, I would get games but I have a very small wardrobe and majority of my wardrobe is university clothing... I need variety so I'm planning on doing a manly shopping spree (most likely going to get a shitload of graphic tees). Also I wanna be at least one new graphic novel, either going to buy Batman Hush or Batman & Robin by Grant Morrison. I was going to buy skyrim because of how much I'm enjoying it but I feel like I shouldn't.

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