war on opiates


I'm not sure how it is in the States, but up here in igloo land there's been a bit of a stir over doctors handing out prescription pain killers too easily.

Now as someone who has struggled with an opiate addiction, I can tell you it's pretty easy to get hooked. I got them a couple years ago to deal with cluster headaches, problem is you get a nice kick when you first start using them. After a short while the kicks gone, and you want to take more and more to reach that initial euphoric feeling. As a result, opiate dependance and abuse have skyrocketed in this country.

What I don't get, is how is this not only legal, but the go to medicine, and yet marijuana is still seen as a substance that has no medical value. If you recall, I just had surgery done, and was given some pain killers. I took them initially, as the pain at first was immense, but after 3 days, I flushed my remaining tablets and decided to self medicate.

I've been completly honest with my doctor about it as well, I would prefer to smoke a joint when the pain gets to be an issue (I work construction clean up, so I have to move my arms quite a bit, causing severe discomfort where the wound is.) as opposed to popping a few pills. But this is seen as a horrible, horrible thing.

I guess my confusion stems from, why is one substance, easily found, that offers pain relief (and I'd be lying if I said there was no enjoyment from it), and shows no signs of physical addiction, deemed illegal, yet another substance, found easily through legal means (simply complain to your doctor), that is very easy to become dependent and addicted to (I'll tell you first hand, withdrawals from opiates after almost a year of usage is a bitch) deemed safe for the public use?
Because of corporations.

Obviously the opiates are more profitable to them than a plant you could just grow in your backyard.

I agree with your sentiment though, Icepick. I've been saying this a lot lately but it's another reason I'm growing to hate this country. Fuck you corporate America.
There's still a stigma associated to the marijuana leaf. It's the drug choice of the poor and lazy, and anything associated to the ghetto can't be good for my body.
So we leave pain medication to the hard working men and women of opiate R&D, in their anti-static suits, degrees hanging on their wall.
and really

it all amounts to the same thing.

So along with the opiate medication you're receiving the placebo of peace of mind, so it's basically a tax on our fears. Plus, it was developed in a laboratory, so how bad can it be? The truth is opiates are far more addictive than marijuana, and far more dangerous. Take too many and it's nite-nite forever.
Drug A puts hard working, intelligent people to work; Drug B funds terrorism and minorities listening to rap music. It's actually self-fulfilling because people in the ghetto can't afford opiates. Though why would you want to when marijuana would be the safer choice.
Optimus-Crime said:
There's still a stigma associated to the marijuana leaf. It's the drug choice of the poor and lazy, and anything associated to the ghetto can't be good for my body.
So we leave pain medication to the hard working men and women of opiate R&D, in their anti-static suits, degrees hanging on their wall.
and really

it all amounts to the same thing.

So along with the opiate medication you're receiving the placebo of peace of mind, so it's basically a tax on our fears. Plus, it was developed in a laboratory, so how bad can it be? The truth is opiates are far more addictive than marijuana, and far more dangerous. Take too many and it's nite-nite forever.
Drug A puts hard working, intelligent people to work, Drug B funds terrorism and rap music. It's actually self-fulfilling because people in the ghetto can't afford opiates. Though why would you want to when marijuana would be the safer choice.

Because of saturation, cost of perks for 5mg and 10mg have dropped dramatically on "the street." Innitially they cost much more than a dime of marijuana, however I can now find pills for as low as $2 for a 5mg, 4-5 for a 10mg
daniel's right in saying big corp. Xanax sells on the street, but it's still made in the lab. Marijuana can be made in your backyard. Big Pharma ain't having that. So why not flood the market with your opiates? It create competition with marijuana and cocaine on the black market. Meanwhile, you're still in charge of supply.
Yeah, prescription drugs are abused here much more than illicit ones and the big pharma companies continue to produce more and more and more. I can't remember the link off hand but there was a report a while back on how easy it was to get a script for painkillers. Many doctors hand em out like nothing cause they get nice bonuses for doing so.

Just another example of how the whole system is rotten from top to bottom but any talk of changing things and you are labeled as a muslim socialist communist from kenya.
Yeah, I agree with Daniel and understand what Icepick is saying. I've smoked it before. It's not addicting at all. It also relieves pain. They say we lose brain cells from it. That's complete bologna, because we lose 10,000 brain cells each day without it.
Hmmm I had a very serious and lengthy response to this, but between Ralphie and kitties, I'll leave it alone for now...

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