The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

I finally got around to watching the first half of season 5. I don't know if it was the fact I binge watched it instead of my usual week by week viewing, but this was my favorite half season by yet.

Spoilers obviously, I stayed away from this thread until i was caught up so why are you here?

I like how they spent half a season setting up Terminus only to blow the place up in the first episode. The pastor kinda pisses me off, I have a feeling he'll get his due before season 5 is done.

I hated seeing Bob go, he was a cool cat. And Beth dying felt a little contrived. She totally risked everyone getting shot when she stabbed the cop. It was still really sad though when Maggie sees Darryl carrying her body.

Also lots of HOLY SHIT moments. Slaughtering the Terminus guys in the church, the doctor cutting off that woman's arm, Darryl fighting back with a ripped off zombie head, etc. Oh man, so brutal!
I've only ever cried once. And that was the ending to the telltale game season 1. That isn't to say there weren't many many moment in the show that I had the feels.
Finally caught up when AMC showed their tri-yearly Walking Dead Marathon. For Walking Dead, only cried for the finale of Season 1 and despite the ending being soul-crushingly sad, less for Season 2, both for Telltale Games. But especially season 1.

Did have some tears for the end of "Coda" with Beth and Daryl. She wasn't much of a killer so why would she nail the heart in one good stab?

Binged watched season 5 and most of season 4, so pretty stoked to finally be on track with The Walking Dead and being able to watch episodes when they come out instead of tip-toeing between the episodes and possible spoilers.
For me, my top saddest moments were
-Sophia walks out of the barn a zombie
-Lori's brutal death
-Hershel's brutal death (god damnit)
-The psycho girl who kills her sister and is then put down by Carol
-Morgan telling Rick how he lost his boy
First Bob, then Beth, and now Tyrese they are killing everyone off still don't know why they killed off Beth and Tyrese
I'm pissed they killed Tyrese but what an amazing episode.

Although with all the cameos I was hoping Hershel would show up and decapitate The Governor.
I thought it was a super weird episode with all the hallucinations, though it made for a great moment in the end in the car listening to the radio.

I'm OK with Tyreese being killed off, but I'm a little bummed that the particular way he went out made him look rather stupid. I know he's a reluctant killer, but he wouldn't have turned his back on a walker like that.
Thought he was gonna make it long enough to get some medical attention after getting his arm cleaved off but he was bit for a while. And agree with the car bit, some good stuff right there.
Tyreese was always too kind, only he and Noah would look at those pictures wistfully without even checking if the walker on the bed was truly down or not.

Thinking that somewhere down the line we'll find out who lopped off the walker's arms, legs and torsos. And who filled the truck with them.
Serious. I had one growing up and there was nothing worse than waking up to hearing a sibling pissing because they were too lazy to close the second door. But this bull shit. Way to fail even worse during the zombie apocalypse.
Seriously it was one of my favorite episodes since Hounded. The Sopranos used to have returning characters who died and just like with TWD I get all excited like a fanboy.

Seeing how this show has one of the highest kill count of major characters I'd love to have a dream episode where Rick encounters everyone who died, saving Shane for last.

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