The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

StalfrosCC said:
Yes Krownose, I blocked you on AIM. I don't talk to people who refuse to spell out "you're".
I think there's a difference in people who refuse and people who aren't smart enough to care.

LinksOcarina said:
Why the hell do you talk to me, then?
Well, depending on which of the above categories you belong to, I'd say he probably should stop talking to you. :roll:
I just shaved my pubes, then sprayed some adidas body spray afterwards....... owwwww :cry:

The sad thing is I've done it before, I always forget to NOT do that when they're shaven... FML.
NickKmet said:
WHY THE f*** IS IT BREAKING 100 f****** DEGREES THREE DAYS IN A f****** ROW IN f****** WESTERN WASHINGTON?!?!?!??!?!?!?
It was a hundred and three at the airport, and in Bellevue right now my friend's car was wavering between 104 and 108 the whole time. This is fucking ridiculous.
malakian said:
StalfrosCC said:
Yes Krownose, I blocked you on AIM. I don't talk to people who refuse to spell out "you're".

Don't talk to him like that. What kind of person are you? Sure, the IQs here are usually higher, but someone like Krowsnose being able to post at all is a fantastic achievement! Besides, that homophone can cause confusion in people who aren't challenged with a learning disability. I certainly make concessions for him every time I read his posts. I'd hoped you would too, Mike.

ur gay too
Global Warming? It's only 100 here, which this time of year it is usually 110 or so, as I live in a desert. So I say nuts to Global Warming.
LinksOcarina said:
Welcome to global warming, kiddies.

It's been cool this summer here...we average around 15 days of 90 degrees far this year, 4. We're actually on the verge of completing the 10th coolest July on record. Thank god for global cooling.
I'm glad to know I'm amongst friends who also despise the theory of global warming. It makes me feel all warm, like a melting icecap.
De-Ting said:
I'm glad to know I'm amongst friends who also despise the theory of global warming. It makes me feel all warm, like a melting icecap.

That is either clever hyperbole or malicious doublespeak!
LinksOcarina said:
De-Ting said:
I'm glad to know I'm amongst friends who also despise the theory of global warming. It makes me feel all warm, like a melting icecap.

That is either clever hyperbole or malicious doublespeak!
All you ever hear from people that are crazy about global warming is something about melting icecaps, while completely dismissing the fact that we're freezing our balls off most everywhere else. I'm hurt that you would think to accuse me of such douchebaggery.

But I forgive you, since you used the word "hyperbole."
De-Ting said:
LinksOcarina said:
De-Ting said:
I'm glad to know I'm amongst friends who also despise the theory of global warming. It makes me feel all warm, like a melting icecap.

That is either clever hyperbole or malicious doublespeak!
All you ever hear from people that are crazy about global warming is something about melting icecaps, while completely dismissing the fact that we're freezing our balls off most everywhere else. I'm hurt that you would think to accuse me of such douchebaggery.

But I forgive you, since you used the word "hyperbole."

I think people get the whole situation confused because of it called being "global warming" when in actuality it should be just "climate change". Some places are getting warmer, while some places are getting's just kind of a shift in weather patterns, caused of course by you driving your car to work everyday.
Speaking of weather. Up in North-East Ohio the Summer has been even shittier than usual. I would die for a 100 degree day. Instead we have been stuck with 65 degree, cloudy, rainy shit storms. It is like we are having an 6 month spring. Soon Autumn will hit and we will be stuck with 55 degree weather and, if it is anything like last year, snow in October! I will then get to sit through 6 fun filled months of freezing cold and an average of a foot of snow on the ground everyday.Which will likely be on the road as well as in my yard, because even though Chardon, Ohio is on the snow belt they refuse to spend more money on more than the 4 snowplows we have! YES
BigZell2020 said:
I think people get the whole situation confused because of it called being "global warming" when in actuality it should be just "climate change". Some places are getting warmer, while some places are getting's just kind of a shift in weather patterns, caused of course by you driving your car to work everyday.

In academic circles they do refer to it as "climate change" some have even dubbed it "climactic". Too many C's, too much alliteration if you ask me. Mostly they are dealing with the destabilization of climate. And some areas are being hit much harder than others (caps, equator...).

I'm not an eco-nut, but the scientific proof is there. Just listen to the guy with the PhD, not the dude in a hemp shirt, and especially don't listen to Al Gore.
De-Ting said:
LinksOcarina said:
De-Ting said:
I'm glad to know I'm amongst friends who also despise the theory of global warming. It makes me feel all warm, like a melting icecap.

That is either clever hyperbole or malicious doublespeak!
All you ever hear from people that are crazy about global warming is something about melting icecaps, while completely dismissing the fact that we're freezing our balls off most everywhere else. I'm hurt that you would think to accuse me of such douchebaggery.

But I forgive you, since you used the word "hyperbole."

I was just fucking with you, of course.

Yeah it's all climate change and things like that, and it can destroy the world as we know it in the end, so we need to try and stop melting the icecaps so that temperatures can go back to normal, or at least not be ten degrees off on where they should be.
Most of the carbon emissions come from power plants and industrial factories and shit along those lines. Apparently the impact of cars is pretty miniscule compared to those heavy-hitters.

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