The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

Whatever you do, don't get in front of a TV or monitor. Whenever my insomnia acts up those two contraptions just make it worse. Do you drink caffeine and are you getting enough excercise?
Funny, I caught my brother masturbating this morning, it was kind of funny too, he tried to hide himself under his bed covers and all I was doing was asking if he wanted breakfast.

Later on, I told him to do it when people are asleep, not awake.
if ya are gonna masturbate, wear goggles and a plastic hair net.

anyways, changing subjects before a mod closes us down for sexual miscoduct... anyone seen "the hurt locker" yet. it actully a good movie, cept for the ending.
LinksOcarina said:
Funny, I caught my brother masturbating this morning, it was kind of funny too, he tried to hide himself under his bed covers and all I was doing was asking if he wanted breakfast.

Later on, I told him to do it when people are asleep, not awake.
I got a funny, pitiful image from this 'cause I imagined your brother being like 19 years old, with stubble.
I'm not reading into this, but from what I gather in the last few posts is that link masturbates to 19 year old people with stubble.
Trippysmurf said:
Affen said:
Ach, a flu. Very annoying one -My nose is like a running water tap. I also feel like I'm getting a fever.

Home remedies please! Don't suggest garlic, unless you have some good recipe to go with it. :)

Chicken noodle soup. This is Jewish penicillin.

Woah, destiny guided me. I went to eat in chinese restaurant yesterday and guess what were the starter soup? Chicken noodle soup, that's right. It worked like an charm. When I woke up today my nose had magically stopped running and the overall feel is so much better.

Now what's the subject in hand right now.......... oh, penis.. in your hand... up and down, up and down..

LinksOcarina said:
Funny, I caught my brother masturbating this morning, it was kind of funny too, he tried to hide himself under his bed covers and all I was doing was asking if he wanted breakfast.

Later on, I told him to do it when people are asleep, not awake.

Sock on the door, come back in 4
But at least it'll keep them from opening the door, and that's the advantage for anyone who posts here who's young enough to still be living with their parents.
I would like to take this moment to bitch about the weather.


And now i'm done. thank you.
All of the stuff on the door you guys are mentioning reminded me of what my college roomie and I did when we were busy (either alone or with someone else). We would write something having to do with Monopoly on our white board. Because if one of us is playing Monopoly the other can't pass go. :p

On another note, just got back from Minnesota yesterday... That was a fun trip. :roll:
StalfrosCC said:
Yes Krownose, I blocked you on AIM. I don't talk to people who refuse to spell out "you're".

Don't talk to him like that. What kind of person are you? Sure, the IQs here are usually higher, but someone like Krowsnose being able to post at all is a fantastic achievement! Besides, that homophone can cause confusion in people who aren't challenged with a learning disability. I certainly make concessions for him every time I read his posts. I'd hoped you would too, Mike.

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