The game you wanted to complete, but you couldn't

resident evil 4

i finally bought this game this past spring after hearing nothing but good things of it.

after reaching the castle, i could take no more. this is the worst resident evil ive ever played. combat is clumsy and aiming is wonky. many things about this game seem counter-intuitive. and to a not-as-important degree, the graphics are a huge backstep from REmake on gamecube, which i condsider the finest RE to date.

RE4 still sits on the shelf. i hate leaving a game unfinished once ive begun it, so im sure ill get back to it eventually...but only after ive had a few beers first.
Ninja Gaiden. :evil: I lost a bit of my soul to that game. Siren as well.

Also, I recall Mega Man games being tough as a youngster... Usually didn't finish those.
Paradox said:
resident evil 4

i finally bought this game this past spring after hearing nothing but good things of it.

after reaching the castle, i could take no more. this is the worst resident evil ive ever played. combat is clumsy and aiming is wonky. many things about this game seem counter-intuitive. and to a not-as-important degree, the graphics are a huge backstep from REmake on gamecube, which i condsider the finest RE to date.

RE4 still sits on the shelf. i hate leaving a game unfinished once ive begun it, so im sure ill get back to it eventually...but only after ive had a few beers first.
I think your perspective on games is incredibly skewed.
You know, I'm thinking "how many people on the entire planet's finished Gran Turismo 4?"

I mean, GT3 was an endurance test in its way, but it felt possible to do. Only things I haven't done is gold in all those time trials, but I only think of the "Gran Turismo" part as the real game in any case.

But GT4... Geezus, the endurance races alone are so completely wacko that even with the b-spec mode that allows you to run through things at three times the pace turns into a chore. The game is great, but really, don't expect finishing it unless you OCD is running overtime.
Paradox said:
resident evil 4

i finally bought this game this past spring after hearing nothing but good things of it.

after reaching the castle, i could take no more. this is the worst resident evil ive ever played. combat is clumsy and aiming is wonky. many things about this game seem counter-intuitive. and to a not-as-important degree, the graphics are a huge backstep from REmake on gamecube, which i condsider the finest RE to date.

RE4 still sits on the shelf. i hate leaving a game unfinished once ive begun it, so im sure ill get back to it eventually...but only after ive had a few beers first.

That post made me die a little, how could any one hate such a wonderful game
Codename Panzers phase one and two, along with company of heroes. I blame computer lag though; just can't get my mouse to go as fast as I'd like.
I was going to complete Shadow of the Colossus but then I got super bored wandering around looking for one of the Colossi and quit.
Reid said:
I was going to complete Shadow of the Colossus but then I got super bored wandering around looking for one of the Colossi and quit.
That's absolutely tragic. Go and beat that game right now and you can thank me later.
Izuna: Legend of The Unemployed Ninja, it's a pain getting to the 25th level of a dungeon only to use a talisman to escape because you're about to die. But yet i keep going back to it.
I use to bash people who never finished their games. I was a cheap ass and played one game for like six months straight. That was way back when I didn't have a job, but now I keep buying games and I hardly ever get to finish them. I've build up a shameful list over the past years and it only gets worse.

God of War-I like the game no doubt, but my disk got all screwed up and I couldn't play it anymore. So I went to gamestop and bought a new one. Haven't played it since, but I think I just jumped on Chrono's back.

Mister Mosquito-Don't play it that much, saw it used and remembered the pervy review written about it on GR.

Call of Duty 2 (360)-Don't like the game very much, to scripted, but on expert or Hard mode is a pain in the ass. I think I'm driving somewhere in a desert with a bunch of tanks.

Ghost Recon (360)-I just bought another game and never finished it.

Okami-My friend got it for me last Christmas and I got pretty far and I thought I beat it. But the game totally psyched me out and I had another part to go through, haven't touched it since and its almost been a year :cry: Really good game though.

Gun (Xbox)-Fuckn last boss on hard mode.

Shadow of Colussus-Can't figure out how to kill the sand dude but I'm sure I'll figure it out

DDR Ultramix 3 (xbox)- Meh, I was being stupid when I bought the game.

Soul Calibur II (xbox)-Campaign with Mitsurugi is a tough cookie, for some reason I just stopped playing after awhile.

Crimson Skies- I really wanted to finish the game, but somehow it just keeps getting kicked out and replaced for a different game. Sucks though, I'm very happy about the whole game in general.

Brothers in Arms (xbox), Doom 3, Wreckless Yakuza Missions (xbox), Resident Evil 4(GC), Viewtiful Joe (GC)Half Life 2 (PC) are all games that I just stopped playing since something got in the way. Sadness.
^^^god of war is another ive never finished. i got past the first level and then got involved in perfect dark multiplayer for awhile. i want to go back, but i think id like to keep it (and re4) as backups in case the red ring of death ever strikes my 360.
It used to be Banjo & Kazooie, but I cleared it last summer, I decided to kick the witch's ass and I played for weeks and cleared it. I'd say now, it's Baten Kaitos. I bought this game, and it was great to play with, but it seems too long and it gets on my nerves, especially now that I'm on one of the crappiest parts. I hate mazes in RPGs...
Paradox said:
^^^god of war is another ive never finished. i got past the first level and then got involved in perfect dark multiplayer for awhile. i want to go back, but i think id like to keep it (and re4) as backups in case the red ring of death ever strikes my 360.

Game was epic... last parts really pissed me off, though. I think it deserves a playthrough.
all of the splinter cells, i kept getting stuck in places and i couldnt figure out the control scheme

Starwars Knights of the old republic all of em, i got bored cause i was sick of using a fusion cutter and all i wanted was a light sabre. and i hate turn based attacks

Mass effect its not that i couldnt beat its just blockbusters a nag

Guitar hero 3 on hard yes im still on medium cause i just cant get used to that extra orange button. and also walmart screwed me over they gave me legends of rock with an Explorer guitar, it hasnt hampered me at all i just want a shiney black one.
jc00l said:
Starwars Knights of the old republic all of em, i got bored cause i was sick of using a fusion cutter and all i wanted was a light sabre. and i hate turn based attacks
Why not use a modifed vibroblade or dual wield a Bendak's Blaster and Carth's Blaster?
And I doubt anyone would use a fusion cutter as their weapon of choice.
Dino Crisis 1. I loved that game but could never get past the 'starting the generator' part.

another was Star Wars Jedi Outcast. but out of boredom.
5ympathy_d3nied said:
another was Star Wars Jedi Outcast. but out of boredom.
How can you find it boring?
The gunfights, lightsaber duels, puzzle solving, force choking someone and then pushing them off a cliff edge.

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