Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Your comments about them trying to shoehorn too many characters into one film is the main complaint I had a year ago about X-Men: Days of Future Past, and I ended up being completely wrong. In the end, we'll just have to wait for opening day to see how it plays out.
Longo_2_guns said:
Honestly, the only weak part of the whole thing is Snyder. I think if they dropped him they could do much better.

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of his either. The visual style he's adopted in recent years is so boring.
Snyder is a decent visual director, but thats about it. He's too ingrained in the technical aspects of filming vs everything else.

Now who would be good in that role?
The character of Plastique will show up on The Flash. Weather she'll start off good or as a villain hasn't been revealed yet.

The upcoming season of Arrow will have the vigilante Wildcat show up on a recurring basis and Ra's al Ghul himself looks to be making an appearance at some point.

Barbara 'Bobbi' Morse, aka Mockingbird, is set to appear on Agents of SHIELD. No word yet on who will play her.

The comic series Outcast by Robert Kirkman is being developed into a tv series for Cinemax. Outcast follows Kyle Barnes, a man plagued by demonic possession since he was a child. He embarks on a journey to find answers, but what he uncovers could mean the end of life on Earth as we know it.

Image Comics character Painkiller Jane will soon get the big screen treatment.

Red band trailer for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Guillermo del Toro hasn't had high hopes of getting Hellboy 3 made due to it being pretty far down Legendary's list of priorities. So at Comic Con, he wanted to gauge the audience's reaction on a couple of things. When he said, "Number one, Hellboy 3?", the crowd went nuts. Later on in the panel, Legendary CEO Thomas Tull made a comment saying he wants del Toro to get back to him about that after he shoots Pacific Rim 2. So if it happens, it will be four or five years minimum and Ron Perlman will be about 70 years old.

Oscar-winning writer Chris Terrio (Argo, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) is being asked by Warner Bros to take care of the Justice League movie which is said to be filming back-to-back with BvS. Filming like that could be part of the reason BvS was pushed back to 2016.

Following up on last week's Dwayne Johnson speculations, he tweeted this image the other day:

While not confirmed, this may be representative of what The Thing will look like in The Fantastic Four

If that is how Ben Grimm will appear (I expected CG) then I approve.

Sony has shuffled around release dates for a couple of films. The Sinister Six has been moved up to November 11, 2016 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 has been pushed back a year to May 4, 2018. In an interesting note, Marvel has added a release date to their calendar, also for May 4, 2018. If that date holds, we may see The Avengers 3 up against Spider-Man 3.

A sequel for Guardians of the Galaxy has already been greenlit and given a release date of July 28, 2017. James Gunn will return to write and direct. An animated series is also heading to Disney XD next year.

Here's some Guardians B-roll footage of Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel voice acting. Diesel looks funny just saying 'I am Groot' over and over.

A teaser clip of Ant-Man was shown at Comic Con. While I haven't found leaked footage yet, I got the description of what was shown:
Clip begins with Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd having a conversation underneath shots of a lab. Inside the lab is all manner of vials and such (what you'd expect to see in a science lab) and the camera moves slowly towards a table in the back, which has the Ant-Man helmet sitting there. The dialogue is Douglas' Hank Pym coaching Rudd about taking on a "small job" but with Rudd's Scott Lang not sure about doing it. Pym came off as perfectly ornery and seasoned, a role befitting of Douglas, while Rudd seemed mostly like a "new" hero that was learning the ropes.

After stopping on the helmet, the footage cuts to Rudd in full Ant-Man costume running down what seems like a street, but it's something else entirely as he is shrunk down to insect size. He's communicating with Pym throughout, who is guiding him through what seems like some kind of break-in. Suddenly, a flying ant buzzes in and Pym tells Lang to just "tell her what to do." Lang eventually gets on top of the ant and starts to fly, a swarm coming in behind him. The footage ends with Pym telling Lang to jump as he starts to get overcome by the swarm.

Details on a couple other characters in the film:
Corey Stoll's character, Darren Cross, is said to be Hank Pym's former protege who has taken over Pym's company and is now leading it in an "evil" direction, eventually getting his hands on some Pym particles, which leads to him donning the Yellowjacket mantle at some point.

Evangeline Lilly was introduced as Hank Pym's daughter, Hope Pym (or Hope van Dyne depending on varying sources). Michael Douglas says that Janet van Dyne, aka The Wasp, will appear in the film in some capacity as well.

Before Comic Con, it was was revealed that Patrick Wilson has left the film. Wilson's departure isn't so much related to the directorial shuffling of the film as it's because the production's hiatus would cause it to interfere with other obligations on Wilson's slate.

Footage was also shown of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Here's the description of that:
Trailer opens on New York skyline then cuts to Avengers tower, where Thor, Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are mingling around a table, dressed in civilian attire. Thor sets down his hammer on the table and Tony Stark decides that he wants to try and pick it up. Stark: "If I can pick it up then I'll rule Asgard?" Thor: "Of course." He tries, but can't budge it, so he goes and starts grabbing Iron Man gloves, eventually having Rhodes do the same, with both of them tugging on Mjolnir. Rhodes: Are you even pulling? Hawkeye gives it a try as well with no budge and then Cap steps up, smiling. He gives it a strong tug and it moves ever so slightly with only Thor noticing. His face goes from smiling to straight shock, but he quickly laughs it away uncomfortably, while Cap steps back not noticing that he actually just moved Mjolnir. Thor picks the hammer up with ease and says to the group, jokingly: "You're not worthy."

The playful moment is broken up, though, when a battle-damaged robot comes limping from the back of the tower. It has an Avengers logo on its arm, which suggests it is one of Stark's drones, likely damaged in an earlier battle. Then it speaks in a menacing voice (James Spader's). Ultron: "I know you're 'good, I know you mean well... but you just didn't think it through... There is only one path to peace... your extermination." While Ultron is talking, each Avenger is preparing to throw down, some of them grabbing weapons. As he finishes speaking a bunch of drones come smashing through the wall and the trailer kicks into high gear.

A lot of images of civilians in peril/running away in populated areas (reminded of the New York shots in first film, but at new locations) as explosions and mayhem erupt around them. Shots of Ruffalo as Bruce Banner (pants, no shirt), looking injured and crawling through the woods. Shots of tanks in a woodland area (Thor landing atop one and smashing it with his hammer), Hulkbuster armor in broad daylight with Hulk rampaging after it. Hulk throws a car at the Hulkbuster and then punches through the car. Hulkbuster throws a punch, but Hulk catches it. (An epic battle in the streets is what we're in for). Black Widow drops out of the bottom of a Quinjet while riding a motorcycle, lands and rides off. Captain America bursting through a door (no mask, but otherwise costumed up). A few shots of Quicksilver doing his speed thing, but not enough to get a sense of how it will play in the film. Scarlet Witch falling to her knees yelling; another shot of her tossing red magic from her hands. A LOT of explosions, flipping cars, etc., but no buildings crumbling to the ground. Seemed to be battle-focused mayhem.

The entire trailer plays with a malevolent version of Pinnochio's "I got no strings" (an ode to the theme of Stark/Ultron's relationship) that culminates in a shot of a fully realized and upgraded Ultron looking to the camera, shiny, metallic body with the red internal glow. Ultron: "I got no strings on me." CUT TO BLACK. Then, as the stinger, we see a shot of Cap's shield, severed in half, and as the camera pulls back we see all the Avengers laid out on a rock, seemingly unconscious (or dead) with Tony Stark standing over them. The camera pulls back to reveal they are on a floating rock in outer space.

If this leaks online, I'll grab it and post it here soon as I can.

After the trailer, Kevin Feige revealed that there will be more threats for the Avengers and introduced the most prominent one to the stage: Josh Brolin as Thanos. Brolin walked out wearing a faux Infinity Guantlet and went up to Robert Downey Jr., saying: "Where's my rose?" to which RDJ handed one over with Brolin eating the petal.

Props on display at Comic Con from The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Cap's broken shield

Arm of Hulkbuster armor

Broken Ultron drone

The broken shield could be a good reason to get some vibranium from Wakanda and there was some filming in South Africa...

Over the past week, individual character art for the film has been released bit by bit. Here's a non screen busting image of all of them together.

Missing from Marvel's Comic Con panel: any mention of Doctor Strange or any other new properties.

I'll end this week with 8-bit Avengers.

EDIT: Catch the HD version of that Deadpool test reel before Fox pulls it too.
Just a small update this week.

First look at Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in Daredevil:

I'd reported before that due to the underwhelming performance of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the release date of the 3rd film got pushed back to 2018 and The Sinister Six got moved up to November 11, 2016. Looking to have a film to fill that 2017 gap, Sony may move the Venom film to sometime during that year. Also on the subject of Venom, the film is now being officially called Venom Carnage, so that gives you an idea of where they may go with it.

Sony is also looking to start up a female staring comic film franchise. Seeing as how they only have access to those associated with Spider-Man, I'm guessing Black Cat or Silver Sable. An obvious guess is Spider-Woman, but as her origins have HYDRA ties and nothing to do with the Spider-Man gallery (minus the Ultimate universe) I'm pretty sure Marvel has the rights to her.

Here's a shot of Ben Affleck on the set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in Bruce Wayne mode. Looks to be in front of wreckage at Wayne Financial in Metropolis. Got some gray at the temples there.

Batman v Superman and Captain America 3 were both staking out a release date of May 6, 2016. Would they both fight each other over ticket sales or would one blink first and move dates? Well, it looks like Warner Bros flinched and shuffled BvS to an earlier date of March 25, 2016. Marvel has to breathe a bit easier over this as well.

On top of this, WB released a film schedule in a similar fashion to Marvel's from a couple of weeks ago:
Untitled DC Film – 08/05/16
Untitled DC Film – 06/23/17
Untitled DC Film – 11/17/17
Untitled DC Film – 03/23/18
Untitled DC Film – 07/27/18
Untitled WB Event Film – 11/16/18
Untitled DC Film – 04/05/19
Untitled DC Film – 06/14/19
Untitled DC Film – 04/03/20
Untitled DC Film – 06/19/20
Untitled WB Event Film – 11/20/20

I don't know what a WB Event Film is, but that's at least ten DC films over the span of about four years, eight of unknown titles

I'll end with blacksmiths making Batman/Wolverine claws because why not?
Hard to recognise Ben Affleck. He looks bigger, and with the grey hair going on it looks like they're certainly going for an older Bruce Wayne look.
LinksOcarina said:
hes been lifting weights thats for sure.

Good on him. He certainly looks bigger, and again it looks like the physique he has is inspired by The Dark Knight Returns (evident in the photo of him as Batman).

I'm just glad he put some muscle on for the role instead of relying on a muscle suit or something like the old school Batman's.
Yes! Now I just need to get a bit part in Untilted DC Film 2016 and build that into a speaking role by the 2020 finale.

No way will they make all of those movies on that schedule. I'd like to be proven wrong because I love super hero movies but I just don't see it happening.
The comic book based show Powers that will air exclusively on Sony's Playstation Network has cast Sharlto Copley and Michelle Forbes to star.

Clancy Brown will appear on The Flash as General Wade Eiling. Brown is no stranger to the DC universe having voiced Lex Luthor in animated form for over a decade.

A couple of updates ago, I said that Bobbi Morse, aka Mockingbird, was going to show up on Agents of SHIELD. We now know that she will be played by Adrianne Palicki (G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Friday Night Lights). A little trivia: Palicki was set to play Wonder Woman in a failed NBC pilot a few years ago.

Love it or hate it, so far Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been a success at the box office. Enough so that a sequel has already been greenlit for release on June 3, 2016. Director Jonathan Liebesman says that he'd love to introduce Dimension X in the next film.

While still not officially confirmed for a Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice appearance, it would seem that Warner Bros still has big plans for Aquaman. WB has ordered two separate scripts for a potential Aquaman movie, which are being written by Will Beall (Gangster Squad) and Kurt Johnstad (300: Rise of an Empire). WB will then choose which of those they like best and decide if they want to greenlight a film.

Continuing on with BvS, a shot was snapped of actor Scoot McNairy on set wearing digital replacement fabric from below the knees down.

His role is still unknown, but with this shot, the rumor mill is speculating everything from The Flash, to Metallo, to a victim of the Superman/Zod battle given prosthetic legs by Lex Luthor.

Going forward, Marvel is wanting to avoid origin story films when possible. Ant-Man will already be starting off with an older Hank Pym and early reports say that Doctor Strange may begin with him already the Sorcerer Supreme. Any origin scenes will likely be told Incredible Hulk style in the opening credits or as flashbacks.

Production on Ant-Man just started a couple of days ago, but the first image of Paul Rudd as Scott Lang has already been released out.

Also for Ant-Man, T.I. (American Gangsters, some kind of singer I guess?) has joined the cast in an unspecified role. Bobby Cannavale and Judy Greer have also been added to the cast.

In earlier drafts of the Ant-Man script, Hank Pym in the first act prologue has a meeting at SHIELD and meets up with Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, Armin Zola, and a young Alexander Pierce. Not sure if this made it to the final draft, but still interesting nonetheless

Possibly related to the above, another addition to the film is John Slattery who played Howard Stark in Iron Man 2. It's unclear if Slattery will reprise his role of Stark or play a new character.

The character of Richard Rider's Nova was almost in Guardians of the Galaxy, but James Gunn decided against it. Here's concept art of how he may have had appeared in film though:

James Gunn says that Guardians 2 will likely add another character to the team. My money's on Adam Warlock. His cocoon looked busted open.

Marvel requisitioned a screenplay from Joe Robert Cole (Amber Lake) for a potential Inhumans film which they are very happy with. If they move forward with it, they next step will be to choose a director and cast it.

Stellan Skarsgard will be back as Dr. Erik Selvig for a small appearance in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Not sure if he was joking or not, but he said he would be naked again.

I'll end this update with what we would have seen if the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic Con teaser had ran a few seconds longer...
Paradox said:
Clancy Brown will appear on The Flash as General Wade Eiling. Brown is no stranger to the DC universe having voiced Lex Luthor in animated form for over a decade.

Paradox said:
The character of Richard Rider's Nova was almost in Guardians of the Galaxy, but James Gunn decided against it. Here's concept art of how he may have had appeared in film though:
That would've been so great.
But instead they made the Nova Corps a bunch of lame pilots...
I was waiting for Nova to show up. I liked the Nova Corps though, mostly. Glenn Close was kind of weird.
In the part where the Dark Aster broke through the Nova shield, I was like, "Ok, all the Nova Corps is being killed off so there can be only one left and that will be the end credit scene". But I ended up being wrong.
I knew Nathan Fillion had a small cameo somewhere in the film. In the end credits scene I concocted in my head, I half expected someone to walk up to a burned Nova helmet, pick it up, the camera pans up and there he is as Rider. On my first viewing, it went right over my head (my reflexes weren't fast enough) that Fillion voiced the big alien that got nasally tree raped.

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