Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

Here's what I've gathered over the past week. With Comic-Con starting up tonight, I'll try and update daily if there's enough news to report and if my work schedule allows.

Deborah Ann Woll (True Blood) will be playing Matt Murdock's love interest Karen Page in the upcoming Netflix Daredevil series.

William Sadler will play Simon Stagg in a recurring role on The Flash.

Also for The Flash will be Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) as Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold.

Gotham showrunner Bruno Heller said previously that they want to introduce the Joker at some point. But what intrigues me is the how, as reported by website Bleeding Cool:
Basically, every episode in the first season will introduce a character that might be a future Joker, each emphasizing aspects of the character’s iconography, a card sharp, a flower seller, a clown, or just a guy with a very big grin. All relatively unknown actors. All potentially a Joker. But only one of them being the actual Clown Prince Of Crime.

Heller also says that Gotham will see Harvey Dent and Hugo Strange.

DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns revealed definitively that DC movies and television projects won't crossover, and will exist in separate universes.

A script is in place and production should start soon on a film based on the Valiant Comics series Archer & Armstrong. Archer & Armstrong is an action buddy comedy in which the young Obadiah Archer is confronted with the “Great Satanâ€
Nope. As long as Spider-Man movies and merch are profitable for Sony, they'll never give up those rights. The closest Sony and Marvel came to cooperating with film universes was Sony giving Marvel permission to use OsCorp in the New York skyline of The Avengers, but they had already rendered the city and couldn't insert it. Now in the future, one couldn't rule out some kind of Roger Rabbit type collaboration. But for now, Sony has Spider-Man, Fox has the X-Men and Fantastic Four, and Marvel has about everything else. Except for Namor, who is still tangled up in a big mess with Universal and Legendary.

Just in case you missed it before, I'll give you the dream Marvel team up trailer.
Paradox said:
If you like crank, you're gay

huh... crank... what? this crank?

Paradox, i question your taste in movies.

Also, the rock is made to be Black Adam, there's no other way.
Paradox said:
In a recent interview, when asked what character he'd be excited to play in the DC universe, Dwayne Johnson had this to say: "That's a smart question right there. DC and I have been talking for a couple of years now about trying to find whatever the right character is; who's the right character. It's also tricky too because there's baggage, and it's good baggage that I have, ya know? I am a certain way and my wiring is my wiring and my DNA is my DNA. When I step on set and on screen I'm aware of what I'm able to bring to a character and so is DC. I will say this: there's a character out there that we're going to announce very soon that I'm gonna play. I'll just say this: the power of Superman and it's not Green Lantern. This character has the power of Superman, he can throw down . . . just say the word. That's all I'm gonna say!"
The power of Superman. Just say the word. Let's see if a Shazam movie is announced at Comic-Con with Johnson as Black Adam.


UghRochester said:
According to IGN, Roy Harper looks like he'll be given the title "Arsenal" for Arrow S3

You all know that was his Teen Titan name.

I like it.

Here's a close up image of Affleck's Batman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
I'm interested to see how Ben Affleck fills the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in terms of voice, body and overall acting. Regarding the costume, I think it's a bold attempt at what they're doing, e.g. attempting to recreate the superhero tights look in film, since usually Batman wears armoured suits in the films, so Batman's costume in this film is similar to Superman's costume (tights).

And for those who don't know, the reason this costume has such short ears is because it's based off the second costume seen in Frank Millar's The Dark Knight Returns.
Personally, I think anyone looks good in the bat suit. If Michael Keaton can look fine as batman, I don't see why Affleck can't either.

I will, however, be interested to hear what his voice is like. Otherwise, he's a fine actor, so I'd expect that he can handle the role just fine.
Longo_2_guns said:

Daniel Bryan was at Comic Con
Daniel Bryan stopped a burglary of habitation on his home in Phoenix with SUBMISSION WRESTLING.
Daniel Bryan is the hero we needed, and the hero we deserved. One day we'll all stop home invasions with SUBMISSION WRESTLING.
I showed that to my girlfriend and she immediately began making herself a Wonder Woman costume. I am a lucky man.

And by that I mean I got a golden band for my right hand! Ba dum tish!

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