Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

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Nice pics, sir. Who did you play?


I = Samara
Scary, yes? :lol:
You sure you're allowed? I've heard to mods rape people to death when they start this topic without permission. You have been warned.

I got drunk, and posted a picture of my arm.


Then someone said that it wasn't really my arm. So I got drunk again, and posted a new pic while holding a sign of my username under my chin.


I should really stop posting while drunk.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
Nice pics, sir. Who did you play?


I = Samara
Scary, yes? :lol:

I don't understand your anatomy. That's crazy, whatever it is.

I played Sir Toby Belch. Quite the fun role.
-FCM- said:
I don't understand your anatomy. That's crazy, whatever it is.

I played Sir Toby Belch. Quite the fun role.
Your first mistake was assuming I'm human.

From what I remember of Sir Belch, it should have been a fun role. I didn't know you acted.
But then again, you're from California. Everyone there acts...
Holy fuck.

It's funny that Shaft said Zanker was basically like Firewall when that last picture of Zanker totally reminds me of one Firewall had posted.

Also, double u tee eff at pictures of your muscles.
Lethean said:
Also, double u tee eff at pictures of your muscles.

I was proving a point on IGN. Figured I'd post them here for a laugh. People think gamers are fat slobs. I'm a slightly muscular slob.
Lethean said:
Holy f***.

It's funny that Shaft said Zanker was basically like Firewall when that last picture of Zanker totally reminds me of one Firewall had posted.

You see what you want to see.


Hoomfie said:
Zanker, you look nothing like a mathmetician.

I know I'm feeding the troll here, but anyway. Care to share your narrow-minded stereotype of what every last mathematician looks like?

You can faintly see my other shoe to the right of my head.

Missed that at first glance. What are you doing on that pic, anyway? :lol:
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