Official Diablo 3: Rise of the Necromancer Giveaway!

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The magical and ranged abilities and spells of Wizards made me love this class because it has the most varieties of skills over other classes. I might not like melee classes because I believe they have more chances of being killed but in the case of Wizard class, they have elemental spells that would kill different kinds of monsters depending on their weakness.

The Asian looking of the Wizard class makes me feel to relate with it because I am Asian as well.
Wizard because of the wide area of destruction they sow. My Wizard in Diablo 3 has a wand that casts a random destruction spell from the action bar when I use secondary attack but since the only destruction spell I have there is meteor storm, it's constantly raining fireballs while I fire disintegration beam or arcane torrent with fire effect. If I add a fire tornado to action bar, it's the ultimate fire mage, who sets the world on fire around him.

In real life, my wizard would wipe out a village in seconds and destroy a city in couple of minutes. Insanely powerful, killing armies in an instant and bosses in mere seconds.
Demon Hunter! Favorite build: Unhallowed Essence Multishot I love speed farming when you wipe all monsters with one mouse click it feels good and it totally satisfies me. It seems I could do it all day it never gets boring always getting that feeling that I could get better with each kill... New primal items is my ultimate goal, items that I hunt feeds me but I'am always hungry for more and Demon Hunter is my hero that I chose or perhaps it chose me in this never ending monster massacre!
Like many other the Crusader with the thorns build is my bread and butter. Not only does the class look the coolest IMO but I love being a near invincible tank that dishes out serious punishment. Also the the Captain America shield throw is one of the best things ever, satisfying on so many levels.
Monk for sure. They're pretty versatile, but I love being able to apply Exploding Palm to everything, then having them explode in a colorful rainbow of puke. Melting my GPU is just an unfortunate side effect :eek:
Demon Hunter (DH) all the way ^^

Nothing quite as satisfying as running around (vaulting) in high heels, watching everything turn to ashes...

Awesome damage and survivability!

P.S. Thanks for the giveaway!
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Nothing is better than the good old crusader, back in Diablo 2 it was called the Paladin and I play the #$@! out of it. Now, these days you got the crusader that build currently revolves around shooting fidget spinners (Hammers) at enemies and doing over 100M dmg. Not only is this build fun but it also lags the living hell out of people in your lobby( Due to shooting over 9000 fidget spinners on screen, causing lag). And that why it fun but no one likes you and people think Crusader sucks. But hey, I love the class and that all that matters!
To celebrate our new Dark Theme, Blizzard has sent over five codes for Diablo 3: Rise of the Necromancer. Note that these codes are for PC only.

To enter, post below answering the following question:
  • What is your favorite Diablo 3 class and why?
On July 12th at 12:00PM PT we will randomly select five winners who will be private messaged on this forum.

Good luck!
For me it's Demon Hunter, the way you can just spray everything and it dies in seconds with the unhallowed build is just insane.
I've always loved the barb class, you can go hard mode and go raekors and just charge through everything for miles, you can go leapquake barb and have some fun jumping and stomping, and you can also go wastes barb and straight up spin whirlwinds of death through entire mobs. Great class to play


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Barbarian only!!I still have good memories playing whirlwind barbarian in vanilla..So i still enjoy him..i like demonhunter too.
My favorite class is the Wizard. As a child I always wanted to be a Wizard/Sorcerer. Something about the mystic arts/magic has always interested me. I naturally gravitate to magic classes.
My favourite class is the necromancer. I played D2 and he appealed to me, his abilities and so on. When I read the books with Zayl, he became my favourite character from Diablo series, and I hope to see him again, maybe in next expansion if Blizzard decides that we will get one, who knows :)

Sorry for my English, it's not my first language :)
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