Kind of player you are in shooters


By this, I mean how do you play while playing online in shooters? Are you the quiet but deadly type? Are you the guns-a-blazing type? I'm what I like to call a:

Kamikaze Player: I'm the type of player who, when everyone is shooting eachother from behind cover, runs out of cover towards the enemy, kills one or two people and dies. I'm also one of the first to make it to the enemy base, where I will die. If you don't know the pattern of my type yet, it is I die ALOT. Almost everytime I'm the one who has died the most in a round, but not killing alot of people. For this, I usually come in second place, either overall or just on my team. It's kind of fun being a kamikaze.
I'm the one that sorta attempts stealth, but is way too impatient and ends up just running out right as an enemy would have fallen into my trap.. especially in CoD. I still reguarly come first on my team, except in Halo, which I can't stand.
like boringman i too am a kamikaze player, or sometimes when tired of dieing, i'll be the camping player. sometimes mix em together, run out shooting and if i survive find a place to hide and camp.
Boringman54 said:
Kamikaze Player: I'm the type of player who, when everyone is shooting eachother from behind cover, runs out of cover towards the enemy, kills one or two people and dies. I'm also one of the first to make it to the enemy base, where I will die. If you don't know the pattern of my type yet, it is I die ALOT. Almost everytime I'm the one who has died the most in a round, but not killing alot of people. For this, I usually come in second place, either overall or just on my team. It's kind of fun being a kamikaze.

Now I don't have to say it myself
I'm more of a sniper, i usually stay behind cover and pick enemies off so my team have an easier time advancing, but unlike the campers i'll advance with the team and move to new sniping spots so i'm always covering the advancing players.

Unlike you kamikazes i'm rarely at the top of the score charts, but i always have the best K/D ratios.

When an enemy that was a splitsecond away of putting an end to your streak dies out of nowhere, you have me to thank. :p
I run in and shoot. I don't care if my teammates just threw a grenade in there. I'm going in. haha I usually die... sometimes I kill one or two people before I go down. Randomly I'll get a pretty good streak going, but it isn't too often.

Some certain person I know tells me I don't pay attention when I'm playing... and it's kinda true. :p

I can't stand still, and I can't be sneaky, so I may as well just run and yell, "Hey guys I'm over here, see if you can kill me before I kill you!"
I'm one of two things.

1. I pick off enemies from long range, no matter what weapon I'm using, or see them coming from a distance, and either draw them into a trap or do whatever it takes to get behind them for a surprise. I often lose in close quarters, because I'm not that good with high sensitivity. But if I turn a corner and you're not that close to me, I'll getcha. I also swap out my pistol for whatever weapon I come across, which I usually make good use of, especially if it's a sniper rifle. There's not better way to know where to snipe than to have been right in the middle of the action.

And if the lag or an otherwise completely nonsupporting, shellfish team accompanies me:

2. I'm the guy who can't seem to get a kill for beans. For whatever reason, like me having an off day, the game spawning me with every single enemy team member looking straight at me, or playing against nothing but a team of "I-suck-soooo-bad-at-this-that-I'm-going-to-convince-myself-that-I'm-good-by-sitting-in-one-spot-and-shooting-everyone-that-comes-by-and-then-brag-about-it-like-a-massive-douche," I simply won't be able to get very many kills.

Ah, and let me not leave out that I very often will team kill certain members or entire teams that piss me off with their complete lack of common sense, especially those who do not play with the sound at an appropriate level.
I just tend to run around the map and kill whatever I see. I usually have the highest amount of deaths, but I usually have the highest amount of kills also. I don't care what my team is doing, I usually just go off and do my own thing.
Depends on the game. Judging by how I play TF2, I'm the guy who gets 20 assists and 5 kills. I usually play as Pyro or Heavy, so I keep shooting at the enemy. I don't hit enough to kill them all, but I keep them on their toes and drop their health while the Kamakazie players take them out.
^ That's one thing with Resistance 2. There's usually so many people shooting at one unfortunate bugger that high numbers of assists aren't uncommon.

Speaking of R2, when I play that, I usually go lone wolf, playing mostly Death Match, and claiming first place several games in a row. It's all about accuracy and reflexes. I can easily kill any incompetent fool who tries to get the drop on me without being able to keep up with my manoeuvres. And knowing how to properly use the Bullseye tags is key to taking on large groups, which is always oh so satisfying when done successfully.
I guess I sneak around and snipe a lot, on the level that it's appropriate to do so. Otherwise I'll act like a slightly less kamizake-like kamikaze player (except when I actually do go kamikaze when I cook a nade and run towards the enemy like a motherfucking cheetah!)

Oh and I also throw a grenade at the start of a COD match.
I used to go kamikaze back in the day, but years of FPS experience has changed me into a tactician. When I am on the move i check my corners and keep an eye on my hud so i'm not caught flat-footed.

In combat I avoid a stand up fight, opting to flank and trick the opponent while using available resources (grenades, claymores, etc) so the fight is as one-sided as possible. I don't worry about stealth, I just try to out manuver the opposition.

I do my best to communicate with my team, but I try not to rely on them to get anything done. If it's CoD, I trust my back more to a claymore than to an ally; unless i'm playing with friends.

As much as I prefer tactics I hate sniping; It's too slow. Mid range to close range is ideal.
tigerlily521985 said:
I run in and shoot. I don't care if my teammates just threw a grenade in there. I'm going in. haha I usually die... sometimes I kill one or two people before I go down. Randomly I'll get a pretty good streak going, but it isn't too often.

Some certain person I know tells me I don't pay attention when I'm playing... and it's kinda true. :p

I can't stand still, and I can't be sneaky, so I may as well just run and yell, "Hey guys I'm over here, see if you can kill me before I kill you!"

Ih Halo: I was the "Base-Bitch" or defender. I sat in the flag room with the shotgun and killed everyone who tried to get into my house. This worked great in Halo 1, and was pointless in Halo 2 & 3.

In CoD: I'm the Berserker. I never stop unless to kill. I'm always moving around the map, gunning people down on the run. In early CoDs I would rarely die: usually to someone in the machine gun tower. In later CoDs, this is a bit tougher due to the perks, but I can hold my own.
clayman637 said:
I used to go kamikaze back in the day, but years of FPS experience has changed me into a tactician. When I am on the move i check my corners and keep an eye on my hud so i'm not caught flat-footed.

In combat I avoid a stand up fight, opting to flank and trick the opponent while using available resources (grenades, claymores, etc) so the fight is as one-sided as possible. I don't worry about stealth, I just try to out manuver the opposition.

I do my best to communicate with my team, but I try not to rely on them to get anything done. If it's CoD, I trust my back more to a claymore than to an ally; unless i'm playing with friends.

As much as I prefer tactics I hate sniping; It's too slow. Mid range to close range is ideal.


I thought there weren't any of us tacticians around anymore :wink:
im the guy who is always in the right place at the right time, cause i care more about the objective than killing people

im also the one who nerdrages at people who run around just trying to get kills
Im a mixture of the kamikaze tactician and sniper because when im bored of sniping i go on the run and shoot and kill whoever i see but i usually die a lot then after that i get careful and start to think about things

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