Ammo conservation and current gen shooters

If you don't mind, I'd like you take a step back to 1999 for a moment. Back to the days of the Nintendo 64, and in regards to a specific title, WinBack. For those who haven't played, since there is no review from GR.

As a young man, this was one of my favorite titles for the N64. I found it fun and enjoyed the action and wanna-be Tom Clancy storyline. While I haven't had the chance to even touch the game in nearly 8-10 years, I remember the gameplay very well, and could probably still navigate the first few levels with good precision. The most distinct thing I remember about the game though is how well it was suited to my style of playing shooters.

I am not the guy who goes for the biggest gun right away. I'm a conservationist. I'm the guy who will play entire titles using handguns, saving my ammo in the bigger guns for the important thing; boss fights. In WinBack, I found a game designed perfectly for this style.

The handgun had unlimited ammo, and decent enough power. If you were willing to put in the grunt work, it would not let you down. Doing so, you saved the ammo you had for the few alternative weapons (only a shotgun, sub-machine gun, and a rocket launcher if I remember correctly). This was useful, because the handgun wasn't so practical when dealing with the bosses.

As the years have passed, and shooters progressed, there is no question that they've eased up in requiring such staunch ammo watching. Ammo is either everywhere, or so easily obtainable or unnecessary that there is no need to conserve. Shoot till the gun clicks, then do a quick b-line to the nearest supply.

So, I'll pose my question now. Which do you prefer?

The more conservationist approach of having to be careful not only with how much, but what kind of ammo you use. Or the go all out approach, with the constant security of being able to refill as quickly as you run out.

I think my stance should be obvious. But given the possibility that someone might not have determined it, or determined it correctly, I'm a conservationist.
I have to agree with you. Ammo conservation was one of the main things that kept me enthralled in RE1/2. Now with the newest incarnations of the game You don't worry about it at all besides maybe with the Rocket launcher but that's it.
Well, not being a big shooter fan and really only having played the first few levels of Doom, I can’t say which I prefer from shooters. Yet Oblivion’s bows and arrows gave me a taste of what you’re talking about, they put in a sh*t ton of normal arrows for you to find, and some magically enchanted ones also.
Some of the magic arrows were pretty powerful and I would always save them to use on a strong boss (which Oblivion does not have). Managing your resources (arrows or bullets) is part of the fun in the shooter genre of video games in my opinion. So I would vote conservationist. :gun6:
They both have their places.

Ammo conservation will always be present, however, no matter the game. It just so happens that a few games go out of their way to include it, such as (proper) survival horror and stealth-based.

Not that it doesn't show up during the more frantic of battles too, where you're trying to take down the last enemy before you run out of ammo.

As long as there is a finite number of bullets, there is ammo conservation.
I was going to ask a question.

Did always having ammo and a full arsenal of weapons cheapen the "Survival" theme of Resistance 3 for anyone?

I haven't played it, but I just feel as if a walking terminator need not worry about survival.
TheJx4 said:
I was going to ask a question.

Did always having ammo and a full arsenal of weapons cheapen the "Survival" theme of Resistance 3 for anyone?

I haven't played it, but I just feel as if a walking terminator need not worry about survival.

Yeah it kinda did because i remember in the first one i ran out of ammo a lot more than this one but it was still pretty fun. Even though some ammo is a lot more rare than others but still loved the game.
Honestly, I don't know which one I prefer. I guess if the game had a good balance about it. I freaking hated running out of ammo in Deadspace though, which seemed to happen to me a lot, because I can't even consider playing on easy settings, hardcore all the way, lol, so I would spend countless time, beating guys down, using the powers, and running way back to a regen station, lol, it was kind of sad, and very annoying as well.
I'm like you. Countless times have I played a game where all I'ved used is the handgun saving my shotgun rounds for a boss or something...only to reach the end of the game and it would turn out I never fucking used the shotgun haha! I do prefer that though...the survival shooter, a bit like Dead Space.

Know what this reminds me of? Turok 2! I loved every drop of that game, and you had to be careful with your ammunition. Saving the shotgun ammo for those big bastards on the swamp levels...good times!

MattAY said:
Know what this reminds me of? Turok 2! I loved every drop of that game, and you had to be careful with your ammunition. Saving the shotgun ammo for those big b****** on the swamp levels...good times!

I cannot tell a lie. I was a notorious cheater when it came to Turok. I just loved all the guns in the game so much, I had to cheat to have them all. Just had to.

I never played another Turok after the 2nd one...but all this reminiscing....
Oh me too. Normally I got as far as Hive of the Mantids...then I'd get lost.

Everyone did the "oblivion" cheat...everyone! Then I'd get as far as Hive of the Mantids....and get lost.
StickyGreenGamer said:
I never played another Turok after the 2nd one...but all this reminiscing....
What’s a matter Sticky? Your starting to sound like a sentimental old man. :p

I hear that in Id’s new shooter Rage you have no encumbrance, so you can have all the guns, ammo, turrets, and RC car bombs you want. Personally unless the GR review is B+ or better I think I’ll pass because of that.
tinymhg said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
I never played another Turok after the 2nd one...but all this reminiscing....
What’s a matter Sticky? Your starting to sound like a sentimental old man. :p

There are a few things that make me feel that way when I discuss them. Video games, movies, music, marijuana (cause these kids just don't know...). Considering I'm only 24, I often feel quite old.

Like Garth Brooks said, "I'm much too young to feel this damn old"
I repeatedly get myself killed in multiplayer shooters (COD, Halo, BField, et al.) by reloading after firing only a few shots when I really shouldn't have worried about it. I need that clip full, damn it!
used44 said:
I repeatedly get myself killed in multiplayer shooters (COD, Halo, BField, et al.) by reloading after firing only a few shots when I really shouldn't have worried about it. I need that clip full, damn it!
Ya never know when you're going to have to unload it on a group of enemies.... not that you ever do given the opportunity. I'm the same way. Why bother waiting to see if more enemies come through that door when I know I'm short 3 bullets?
danielrbischoff said:
used44 said:
I repeatedly get myself killed in multiplayer shooters (COD, Halo, BField, et al.) by reloading after firing only a few shots when I really shouldn't have worried about it. I need that clip full, damn it!
Ya never know when you're going to have to unload it on a group of enemies.... not that you ever do given the opportunity. I'm the same way. Why bother waiting to see if more enemies come through that door when I know I'm short 3 bullets?

I'm this same way too. My finger is constantly hitting reload. Halfway through fights when I have good cover or any other opportunity I have. Doesn't matter if I'm down 1 bullet or 20.
What's really disgraceful about this habit is how many bullets come in a clip in video games these days. If you're running around with an LMG you have 100-round clips. The average Assault Rifle has like 32 rounds per clip. You REALLY REALLY don't need to reload.
I swear to God, the next person who says "clip" instead of "magazine" is getting banned. The difference is huge, you guys.

God, this is why no one with taste takes you guys seriously.

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