Is there anyone who doesn't like Call of Duty?


I picked this game up (modern warfare 2) because of how hyped and lauded it was, and played it for the first time this morning. I got a good half an hour in before realising I was totally and utterly bored.

I'm not a shooter fanatic, but liked goldeneye and halo etc. Also enjoyed Gears of War 2 a lot.

However, in this case, it felt really sterile and shooter-by-numbers. Also soldiers yelling 'hooah!' all the time gets on my nerves instantly. I have just come off a Dragon Age binge, so it might be a little overshadowed, but still...I can't gel with it.

At least the public like it, so it'll probably fetch a half decent trade in price.

So yeah. Anyone with me? Anyone at all? :(
I can definitely see where you are coming for, FPSers are a different breed of game (point and shoot). For me, I enjoy the interactivity with friends and family. I am really enjoying the online features, Spec Ops and Multiplayer.

But in general, whenever you play an RPG, other games cannot hide their shallow natures.
Bretimus is right, and I can see where you're coming from because I'm binging on Dragon Age at the moment, but the real draw for COD to me is the online anyway, which is one of the deepest multiplayers around
Every single Call of Duty since 2 have been shitty games for people with short attention spans and a bad grasp on quality. Not all shooters are this bad, though.
The original COD, and COD2 were the best of the entire series. Ever since they started making them for the consoles they have been dumbed down and cater to 12 year olds. I used to play multiplayer for hours, days, weeks at a time on the PC...but since the switch to playing on consoles I can't get into nearly as much. A keyboard and mouse just can't be beat for FPS games.
cod sucks so bad now because they refuse to change anything. little to no variety in em. on-line play modes? standarddm tdm and capture. not much innovation there. so why is it popular? because of the perks. people these days need to constantly be award for things. it's that 5 second attention span. reward em and they'll keep playing.
It's like a lightly fleshed out RPG, I don't care if I'm rewarded for things but I do like playing RPGs. When I gain a level my character gets potentially better, when gain a level in COD my character slowly gets better items. I don't see a problem in that.
Lethean said:
madster111 said:
Go Online.

You shouldn't have to go online to enjoy a game when it has a single player campaign included.
I agree with this entirely. What makes it even worse is that the newer CoD are the only highly revered games I can think of that don't have an enjoyable single player. Even games like Left 4 Dead which are made to be multiplayer games are still enjoyable singleplayer. Hell, even Halo 2 and 3 have a decent single player.
Yeah, the SP was all just to show what they could accomplish with their Graphics. Stories take a back-seat make me sad face.
madster111 said:
The campaign has been s*** since CoD4. It's just how things are.

Are we talking just Infinity Ward titles or Treyarch? If we're including Treyarch all the games have had shit single player except for CoD 1 and 2.
Treyarch only ported CoD 1 and 2 onto earlier generation consoles, or consoles entirely (CoD: Finest Hour, CoD 2: Big Red One) then made their first full game in CoD 3, which sucked. W@W wasn't terrible, the mutliplayer was fun, and Jack Bauer kinda fit the WWII general vibe they were going for. The Treyarch stories have always been bad however.

The single player on CoD 4 was hard to follow but not god aweful. There were a lot of really fun moments in it. W@W single player sucked, and the MW2 single player, while worse than MW was still acceptable. Especially when you throw Nazi Zombies into the mix.
If you pay no attention to the story and just play through the campaign as a set of scenarios, it is pretty damn fun. Especially the Burger Town mission.
But with story in mind, yeah, it's god-awful.
I don't consider MW2 to be a "bad" game, in my opinion, I don't think it deserved all the attention it got. What I myself find annoying is everyday in school i would have to listen to people in the class talk about it, and declare how incredible it is. I have played it and played its online, i thought it was fun, but not to the point where i worshiped it like that. Like i said before not a bad game. (i would give it a 8.5/10)

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