Need help with Call of Duty World at War


I recently purchased Call of Duty World at War and I am stuck. When I get to "Blowtorch and Corkscrew", I cannot get past the last bunker. After killing all the Japs and tossing a satchel charge in there is a gate in the door which will not let me through. Kiefer constantly tells me to "blow the bunker". I tried going back to get more charges from the "glowing" area and then when I get back it will not let me through no matter how many times I toss charges in. There are no more enemies to kill because everything is quiet no matter which direction I go. This is driving me NUTS!!

I purchased the game "nearly new" so I am wondering if there is any possibility it is somehow screwed up?

Thank you in advance for any help and please talk to me as if I am Helen Keller or Rain Man due to the fact that I am an idiot
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
need help huh,? okay. this is what you do. you quit story mode, go to co op, and play nazi zombies. problem fixed.

Also buy all the expansions so you have Nazi Zombie Dogs

and it solves everything, Nazi Zombies = win, everything else en W@W = lose
Quit being a shithead, nobody is going to give you advice on a game that came out a couple years ago. Fucking google it.
LittleZell....if you arent part of the solution than youre part of the problem. Shut your ignorant hole if you dont have anything helpful to say
You guys are being total dicks, you know that? All he's asking for is some help - Yeah Google exists but we're a community. Even still, recommending him to look elsewhere is fine but you don't need to be assholes about it. It wouldn't kill you once in a while to keep your mouth shut if you don't have the answer and let someone post who does.

I'm going to go ahead and move this to the general gaming section. Hopefully you'll get more responses there.
Mostly, I'm offended by his use of "Japs"...nah, I'm just messing.

I'm confused as to where you're talking about. If I remember correctly you blow all three bunkers by dropping satchel on them and then look for a rocky area to the left, go down in there and you'll eventually go under a bridge.

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