IDEA: Oldschool only board

I thought about it (after mass amounts of THC), and we should have an old school only board similar to what Cov Ops use to be but for anyone with an account pre beta. Why? Because the misc board is full of garbage posters and useless topics and no one uses any of the other boards anymore. So, how would this help? The board could be an anything goes *sort of* for its older users (i.e. anyone with an account before beta is probably over 18 or older by now, so I believe we can all handle saying big words and some semi NOT work safe images). Another notable thing we could do is allow links to different content (as long as it's properly marked and the board is still worksafe) Of course, to keep spam down the board wouldn't count any post, so any post you make doesn't count to your post count. It would essentially be controlled chaos outside of the viewing eyes of the light of heart users. Since I came up with this idea I purpose that Icepick, shane (if you can find him?) and I should be mods of this new board to ensure chaos can endure.


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Major decisions such as adding a new board aren't up to me, obviously I have a say (as do the mods) but the decision is down to dUKE and the other staff so I'll refrain from posting my opinion here for now. Having said that, I'm fairly sure Joe would have to implement some kind of hack to prevent posts from going towards the count because I don't think there's an option to do that at the moment and users would have to be added manually.

you might as well name it the "whites only" section. :(

I've been hanging around GR for a decade, yet I joined up a little after beta, so should I get into your suggested little club?
Many of us visited GR for years before signing up to the boards, some people didn't even realise there was a forum. The boards are extremely different to the rest of the site.

maca2kx said:
Many of us visited GR for years before signing up to the boards, some people didn't even realise there was a forum. The boards are extremely different to the rest of the site.


exactly. I think the Misc section could stand to be broken up into a few new sections : Music, Misc, Politics, and a little section for insults and general stupidity.
Jesus Christ did I write this last night? Yeah probably, but back to the subject at hand. Maybe the Old school only divider would probably be over kill. As far as the board is concerned, they're some solutions to it. I imagine it more of a "serious spam" board if that makes any sense, and not the snuff film I was describing earlier. Maybe it can be accessed through length and number of post instead of if you're account is pre beta. This also could be an incentive to post more (useful topics) on the misc or other board for access. Then again, you still run into the problems mentioned earlier by maca. Quite possibly, it would be just as easy for me to throw up a board on my own server with restricted access to only posters with old school or a certain post level (for post beta people). But then you run into a whole set of new problems with that since it would just basically be a spin off (and the fact it would have no affiliation with GR other than a spin off). It's something to possibly consider, but again, I doubt GR will be the next SA anytime soon.
I'd like your idea myself FBF if it wasn't for two things:

You mentioned a couple of times you were high. Advertising you're high or drunk has always and will always be very lame.

Second reason - Yay for isolation? No! Boo for isolation!

Mainly the fact you included an ASCII animal saying he's high.
id say this is probably the best idea FBF has ever came up with. Unfortunately, it is still a terrible idea and in no way should be taken seriously or considered even for a second.
Shaft said:
id say this is probably the best idea FBF has ever came up with. Unfortunately, it is still a terrible idea and in no way should be taken seriously or considered even for a second.


wait.... rofl!

also love the stoned godzilla. on the other hand, maybe a board for people with a high enough gr score? new folks who are awsome bloggers or reviewers would qualify...

*runs off to find gojira and get stoned*
But the bloggers aren't any fun. They're all annoying.
How about a forum that only I can enter. And then everyone will be like, "What's going on in there?" And I'll be like, "you'll never know hahahahahaha!" And really it will just be a bunch of pictures of different cheeseburgers.
Longo_2_guns said:
How about a forum that only I can enter. And then everyone will be like, "What's going on in there?" And I'll be like, "you'll never know hahahahahaha!" And really it will just be a bunch of pictures of different cheeseburgers.

Aww, shucks. No hummingbird sex?
But the only thing with GR scores dUKE, is that not all of us, even old-timers, have that high of scores. I never Blog, I never added comrades until last week, and I haven't even explored the other functions as a member in reviews, etc. So my GR score sucks.
/\ dUKE is trying to incorporate the forums into the rest of the site, in the past the forums have been very separate from the site but now I think the hope is that everything will be linked in some way. I wouldn't call it a problem, it's encouraging participation and extending the GR community.

But it abuses us forum members who aren't interested in more than maybe flipping through the main site once a week for interesting video game tidbits, because we've quit playing. That and maybe a contest. I think there should be a certain level of Old-School that automatically gets admitted, and newer members with high GR Scores are also admitted. It's the VIP forum.
I don't like such discrimination even if it's supposed to actually favor me. There's no reason to separate us oldies from the newbies. Some of them are quite nice.

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