How many people smoke weed

How many here smoke weed

  • Ye-ye!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nah, there is a reason it's called dope

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I did, but I didn't inhale

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't smoke no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
used to... got to the point where no matter how much i smoked, no matter how i smoked it i'd just get sleepy.. all my friends started doin coke, E.. etc. on a regular basis, i played around with it for a while then quit entirely relatively quickly... i stuck to alcohol and that's it..

now that i'm 24 most people only smoke pot and drink beer at my age anyway.. sucked back when i was 19 and in that area though... bein pretty much the only person who wasn't fucked up on something...

never had the need to talk about it on a message board though.. or talk about strains of pot that don't exist just cause i look cool when i say i'm smoking white rino or northern lights when in reality i really have no idea what i'm smoking.. similar to acid.. the stamps on acid are just thrown on there to make them sell.. as is the case typically with types of weed :p.. placebos ftw..
Personally I would rather smoke weed than ciggs and drink. But hey everything is good in moderation. I smoke alot and I do not lead a boring depressed life, nor do I have no money and broke all the time. I have alot of fun doing many different things while being high and not being high. So all of you say that it ruins you life and it could turn you crazy; YOUR ALL FUCKING RETARDED. Its a plant, one that grows in nature and then you smoke it. Nothing is added to it like ciggs and It's alot better for your body than liquor, and if you cook with it it isnt bad for you at all.
I'm a good 14 year old unlike other people (*cough*madster*couch** :p). But seriously, I don't smoke but other people in my school do. I son't smoke beacue then my best friend wouldn't be my best friend anymore and I don't want to die earlier.
Been smoking chron everyday sinse I can remember. Well maybe not everyday, I know that I didn't smoke on April 20th of this year, and yesterday for that matter, but give or take a couple days in the couple years and its been everyday. I must say, it's almost like a musical fuel for me. It helps, its fun, it's habitual, and like everything else, it's probably gonna lose it's pizazz after a while, you start settling down with your life and move on. It pretty well seems as though almost everyone has experienced it at some time or another, and it seems as though that we all grow up and grow out of our old rugged band shirts, the cool hipster attitude, and the desire to smoke chron to get your high in life.

EDIT: Take it from me, and anyone else who would vouche for me.
If I had to choose between encouraging smoking it or encouraging not to smoke it, I recommend not smoking it, or not even trying it. I say this because, not to be a hypocrite, but if you never try it, you will never know what you are missing out on.
Looking back, I wouldn't have made the same choices as I have. I have my own reasons why I do it, much like everyone has their own. Don't try to find reasons though, and if you are to try it, high-schoolers, adults, even young kids, please try to be educated on the subject, watch out for biased opinions, and do not put yourself in a pressured situation. Understand the pros and cons, and be responsible. That's key.
Dont fucking get busted either!
I dont need weed to get more out of life. I've tried it and know I'm not missing out on anything - in fact my life has improved considerably since those days.

The ONLY time I would ever suggest weed may of be some actual use is to the elderly in severe pain. That, or death anyway.
I'd hardly say that's the only use for weed medicinally.

Used smokes because he has AIDS.

and btw, I didn't vote. What the fuck is a ye-ye? Exactly.
'fraid tangerine, though I may not know you Im adding you to my mental list of knobs.
You posting like "Yo guys who smokes weed?" thinking its a cool thing or whatever the hell dumbass idea has been inhaled into your skull automatically makes me think your a bit of an arse. Combining smoking and drugs into one funtastical death brining package sounds like fun. My brain and my lungs can suffer...nice one.
Sorry, but its the way it has to be...
Robmiester said:
Been smoking chron everyday sinse I can remember. Well maybe not everyday, I know that I didn't smoke on April 20th of this year

What the hell's wrong with you man?!
What's with the judgmental attitude Mr UrbanMasque (and I guess to all the other hater's out there)? Robmeister details his relationship with a drug, and irrespective of whether or not I agree with him, states his opinion on it. You, in turn, basically accuse the man of having something wrong with him. It's his choice whether to smoke weed on a daily, weekly or not at ally basis and the resultant high that he gets from it will affect you little as your not smoking will affect him. Dude, I dig drugs, love em. Have taken all manner of mind-altering, environment-enhancing, brain-melting narcotics since the age 16 and will no doubt continue to take them well into the future. I'm not an addict. With the exception of weed and alcohol (which to be frank is a far more destructive influence in many peoples lives then any other drug- well, except perhaps the crack, but crack and socialising don't mix and there should always be some social aspect to your drug taking, except I guess valium but that's always a means to an end) I rarely get seriously fried more than once a month. I've not gone mental due to prolonged exposure, I can still type, and my life, besides the infrequent instances of drug meddling, is as stable as the next guys. I do what I do with my life, as does Robmeister, because I honestly enjoy it. Some don't- but don't you dare judge us on the experiences we enjoy because you don't, or worse, haven't even experienced them.
UrbanMasque said:
Robmiester said:
Been smoking chron everyday sinse I can remember. Well maybe not everyday, I know that I didn't smoke on April 20th of this year

What the hell's wrong with you man?!

Yeah, my little cousin had a first communion (part of the catholics religion in case some did not know) and I was with my family all day. We drove 7 hours to Ottawa and back for the day, the beautiful day of April 20th. As my mind was sober, I watched as guys on bikes strolled down the street holding the canadian flag with a red pot leaf in the center, a hint smell of burning chronic every now and then, and about 8 kids under the age of 6 constantly jumpin around as if they were winded up for 24 hours. Yeah it sucked, but you can surely bet I drank that day.
Acid_Fueled said:
What's with the judgmental attitude Mr UrbanMasque (and I guess to all the other hater's out there)? Robmeister details his relationship with a drug, and irrespective of whether or not I agree with him, states his opinion on it. You, in turn, basically accuse the man of having something wrong with him. It's his choice whether to smoke weed on a daily, weekly or not at ally basis and the resultant high that he gets from it will affect you little as your not smoking will affect him. Dude, I dig drugs, love em. Have taken all manner of mind-altering, environment-enhancing, brain-melting narcotics since the age 16 and will no doubt continue to take them well into the future. I'm not an addict. With the exception of weed and alcohol (which to be frank is a far more destructive influence in many peoples lives then any other drug- well, except perhaps the crack, but crack and socialising don't mix and there should always be some social aspect to your drug taking, except I guess valium but that's always a means to an end) I rarely get seriously fried more than once a month. I've not gone mental due to prolonged exposure, I can still type, and my life, besides the infrequent instances of drug meddling, is as stable as the next guys. I do what I do with my life, as does Robmeister, because I honestly enjoy it. Some don't- but don't you dare judge us on the experiences we enjoy because you don't, or worse, haven't even experienced them.

...ummm.....ok?!.. i guess..
I, for one, have learned much in this topic. For example, pot can make you have interesting conversations, it is both a plant AND a drug, people who are dying should be able to use it, people who want to enjoy music should use it, and that it can kill you (or at the very least, just ruin your life).
Acid_Fueled said:
What's with the judgmental attitude Mr UrbanMasque (and I guess to all the other hater's out there)? Robmeister details his relationship with a drug, and irrespective of whether or not I agree with him, states his opinion on it. You, in turn, basically accuse the man of having something wrong with him. It's his choice whether to smoke weed on a daily, weekly or not at ally basis and the resultant high that he gets from it will affect you little as your not smoking will affect him. Dude, I dig drugs, love em. Have taken all manner of mind-altering, environment-enhancing, brain-melting narcotics since the age 16 and will no doubt continue to take them well into the future. I'm not an addict. With the exception of weed and alcohol (which to be frank is a far more destructive influence in many peoples lives then any other drug- well, except perhaps the crack, but crack and socialising don't mix and there should always be some social aspect to your drug taking, except I guess valium but that's always a means to an end) I rarely get seriously fried more than once a month. I've not gone mental due to prolonged exposure, I can still type, and my life, besides the infrequent instances of drug meddling, is as stable as the next guys. I do what I do with my life, as does Robmeister, because I honestly enjoy it. Some don't- but don't you dare judge us on the experiences we enjoy because you don't, or worse, haven't even experienced them.

Amnesiac said:
I believe he was just boggled at the 4/20 skip.


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