Guitar Hero III Help PLEASE!!!!!!

Ok.... So please don't think I'm completely retarded, because this is seems like it should be really easy, but I can't figure it out.

I just got Guitar Hero III for PS2 for christmas. I just got to the part where I have to beat Tom Morello in a battle. I went through the tutorial and everything. I was doing really good, but somehow he just keeps geting me into the death drain. I have tried so many times and it is starting to make me angry!!!! Please help!!!!! How do I beat him?
So do I just keep trying??? He always gets the last notes no matter how many times I nail him o rhow good I do. So since he gets the last notes.... I always go into a death drain.
^Yeah, I dunno if you've been reading some reviews, but they criticized GH III for those boss battle things. Longo's right it really deals with luck rather then skill.
hey dude i got it 4 xmas and i've passed slash so far but the battles are sometimes luck but don't use the attacks at any random time use them when when he's about hit something like a solo cos they got lots of notes unlike chord progressions. :alienbang:
sxcsk8er_7644 said:
So do I just keep trying??? He always gets the last notes no matter how many times I nail him o rhow good I do. So since he gets the last notes.... I always go into a death drain.
Have to beat him before 3/4 done with the song or he goes in death drain and you automatically lose. Lame.
yea just try to get 3 power ups and them use one and as soon as thats over hit the next one and ect.

oh and this only works for slash and tom, for lou you want to do it right before he gets his for the first three times then use the strategy u just used, but you only really need two for lou, good luck

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