Rock band/guitar hero VS real guitar


I'd just like to ask fellow guitarists who've experienced the guitar hero/rock band games in some way how difficult they find it. I personally can solo and riff away on a real one, but really, really struggle with this video game.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I find guitar hero harder!
I think being an actual guitarist makes it harder to get use to guitar hero especially on lower difficulties when certain notes are removed from the chart. My buddy has the same problem so your not alone.
Davis has issues with Rock Band/GH Guitar too.

Rock Band drums, however, he loves because they are almost more challenging than real drums.

I don't play either in real life so I couldn't comment. I do, however, feel like a star when I play Rock Band. I even have some leather pants I wear just to play.
When I was about 10 I had Need for Speed III (around that number) for the PC and we had a steering wheel with foot pedals and everything.

My parents got into it, but I was much much better at it then them, which I kinda felt odd since they are both really good drivers in real life. But yeah obviously a game can't teach you everything you need to know, and like wise I'm sure being an elite special forces doesn't nessicarly make you a god at Gears of War.

Just makes it more funny when people try to state that GTAIII teaches kids how to steal cars and shoot weapons.
yea, guitar hero is really hard if your play guitar.

They got the aesthetic right, but... not the technical accuracy; which messes me up all the time. I can hardly play with 3 buttons and don't wanna think about the others.
It punishes you for knowing the music. I tried playing to a few songs I already know on GH and instinctively went were my hands are used to going and what I know is right, but according to the game, its not played that way. Every thing's right at the bottom of the neck. (No, rock band's guitar did not help this at all.)
I don't think one has anything to do with the other.
If you spend enough time playing Rock Band or GH you will learn the patterns just like practicing a song you want to know on a real guitar.
I got good at these rhythm games by starting on easy and working my way up to hard.
I also find the ability to count measures extremely helpful at getting better at these sort of games, especially Rock Band drums. So in a sense my classical theory training gave me a bit of an advantage on the learning curve.
I think what grey said applies to me - it's the muscle memory, as they call it, throwing me off big time.

I must unlearn what I have learnt.

Not just that but different techniques. "Annnd pinch harmonic...oh, right." You know who frustrating it was keeping my hands in the same place when playing Van Halen? I'm so used to playing it for real I instinctively reach for those tapping sections only to look like an utter tit. :(

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