GR GOTY Community Choice Award [Semi-Finals]

No prob, used. And I totally agree. Journey and Ass Creed are going to lose to whatever wins the second match.

Thank you once again to my forum co-host Brett who's helped immensely this holiday season. With awards, reviews, previews etc flying around, I really appreciate the back up on this in the forums. Here is our final round!

The end is here. From 16 games, we've come to two final contenders for the Community Choice crown. Wanna see where the community votes landed throughout the tournament? Check out our handy-dandy Google Spreadsheet for the complete break-down, but first: vote for the winner of our Community Choice Game of the Year awards now:
This is actually tough.

Walking Dead.

...and co-host...please. Just didn't want to see the forum fall too far behind the front page guys.
Who would have thought the best game of GR 2012 would be between two download games. I predict that deep into the next gen all CD games may soon be replaced as downloadable ones just like how CD's replaced cartridges.

I'm sure Sony and Microsoft can deliver next gen consoles with 1TB or more of HDD.

Walking Dead
Wes said:
Who would have thought the best game of GR 2012 would be between two download games. I predict that deep into the next gen all CD games may soon be replaced as downloadable ones just like how CD's replaced cartridges.

I'm sure Sony and Microsoft can deliver next gen consoles with 1TB or more of HDD.

That's both cool and scary. Cool because it's super convenient. Scary because it would be impossible to buy games without an internet connection. I'd think there would still need to be a disc version.

And I'll also vote for TWD
Rather, both of them have unique artstyles which are less graphical and yet still look good. Which is exactly where games SHOULD be going. But I digress.
Game play and story first, then graphics. But if you can make a great game with great game play and story with awesome graphics that makes it even better.
Like most have said, unique art style is better than realism in graphics.

Growing up, we all cared about graphics. But that's because we all wanted the in-game graphics to look like the FMV/CGI cut-scenes. Now that we've reached that point, artwork is more dazzling on the eyes.

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