CYOA: The Liquid Just Got Wicked

If movies have taught me anything, it's that the protaganist always gets saved at the last second!

Except for Psycho... and Donnie Darko... and American Beauty... and Themla and Louise.... and...

Anyways, go for Ocelot!

I sense someone cloaked is nearby
Part 17

Wicked was tired of getting kicked around, the only way to change things was to kick some ass. "Snake, I'll take the basement downstairs. Rescout this floor and the floor above. See if the HIND is back. If so destroy it, it'll make life so much easier if you don't have to repel. Those controls were awful..." "What are you talking about," Snake interjected. "Snake, if there's one thing you need to know...I'm meta...more Meta than Psycho Mantis." "Who," Snake asked confusion filling his voice. "Exactly. Now Meryl, go run some recon. Use the BDU on the guard in the bathroom." As she changed, Wicked saluted Snake and headed out the door. He was excited. This was his story now, not some weird companion book like Ender's Shadow. When he got to B2, he knew what he needed to do.

Get supplies

Kill the guards

Subdue the guards
HK-47 said:
Kill the guards. You proved your balls are bigger than your stomach so kill some b******.

I'm not familiar with this take on the expression.
Matt, I don't know what you're trying to say...but I do know that I'm going to now spend my lunch getting food instead of writing.
Part 18

When the doors opened the guard looked over. "An empty about that. This place gives me the creeps," he mumbled, turning back to his route. The next thing he knew, arms were around his neck. "Shhhh," Wicked whispered, "you will live, but I'm taking your supplies...and your watch...and you might wake up in some sort of homoerotic pile with your fellow guards. Actually there's no 'might' about's happening." The guard struggled a big harder at the announcement, but Wicked was too strong. Slowly he made his rounds, almost falling prey to the floor traps, but slowly and surely each guard went down. Wicked then took his time picking through the storage room, he found some frag, stun and chaff grenades and just as he was about to grab some more loot, he ran into some lasers... "Man, maybe I should've gotten the smokes." He could hear heavy boots coming down the hallway and funny enough, a little countdown clock appeared in the corner of his vision.

Hide behind some boxes

Kill enemies

Try to evade them in the hallways
Evade with a grenade.

used44 said:
HK-47 said:
Kill the guards. You proved your balls are bigger than your stomach so kill some b******.

I'm not familiar with this take on the expression.

It goes particularly well with a sub, but it's one of those rarely used situational expressions.

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