Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare

Well, you can only make so many WWII games till people get sick of it. The gaming industry beat the hell out of that dead horse.

And why couldnt you just give us a link? That navigation menu is such a pain to navigate through. Anyway, here is the link. I'm not that excited because I never been that fond of COD games to begin with, but I am interested in what it'll look like.
Yeah I played the original CoD on PC, and got the expansion for that, but I never played any of the others. I just got tired of the genre, and think its interesting that they are transitioning the "CoD" series to urban combat.

I'm sure they are just trying to milk the title, but I hope they actually change the way the game plays and not just add new skins/weapons.
^^ yep I saw the trailer live today. I have to say it definately caught my attention, but I know it was pretty much all cut scenes. Either way, the game looks better than I was initially giving it credit for.
tbh i never get tired of WW2 games no matter how many times i storm the beaches of normandy i never get tired of it. i played MOH frontline over a hundred times just to play the first level i think COD should stick to WW2 shooters of course there new one might be good though.
FrozenBacon said:
Well, you can only make so many WWII games till people get sick of it. The gaming industry beat the hell out of that dead horse.
Now it is on to Korea. Next, Vietnam. Then, the Civil War. The Revolutionary War. The Cold War!
Civil/Revolutionary would be interesting, very crude, raw, in comparison to these despite them obviously being crude in ways as well. It was just very primitive in ways, hm. Wouldn't see it having all too much depth though, but who knows, depends on the producers. The Cold War can't really be done in terms of a shooter, for obvious reasons, but it would an interesting concept..If taken into odd hypothetical scenarios.

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