Jonathan Leack is an idiot.


Rookie ... sion-pack/

You ever wonder why he's the main guy reporting on CoD? Because he loves shitting on it.
That CoD4 building? It's an easter egg. It was in the original Call of Duty. It's been in every IW CoD. You don't see anyone complaining about the damn teddy bears, do you?

He might as well write articles for Kotaku, he has that sensationalist flair.
I'm going to go ahead and move this into the general gaming section since, you know, it's about a game. A big one.
Lethean said:
I'm going to go ahead and move this into the general gaming section since, you know, it's about a game. A big one.

Well, I'm not just talking about that article.
He's uninformed and ignorant about a lot of other stuff too.
cyberjim2000 said:
One man taking a s*** in the ocean won't turn the whole ocean into s***.

But, that ocean is activision a company known for guitar hero-ing every god damn major title they make. So that whole 'ocean' was shit long before their latest installment came out.
Yeah I am not impressed with COD...and honestly Modern Warfare 2 was the same as the original as well, a good game, but the same game.

The super-hate is a bit much, but he does bring up a blunt point.
LinksOcarina said:
Modern Warfare 2 was the same as the original as well, a good game, but the same game.
Wrong. Oh, so wrong.

CoD4 is a delicious piece of pie-cake-donut-cookiepizza, and MW2 is a BP-sized dump.
My main complaint with MW games is that they don't frickin' tweak their multiplayer. If every tard is abusing the same cheat, make it so they can't. It takes time, but it's better than having a lop-sided MP, right?
My problem with the CoD games is that when you call them shit, you're just considered a hater rather then the speaker of truth.
Daddio said:
My problem with the CoD games is that when you call them s***, you're just considered a hater rather then the speaker of truth.

If there is no legit reason for your hate, then you are a hater.
If you hate the game because its popular and sells well, you are a hater.

It's much different when you have issues with the GAME itself, such as the various gameplay issues.
TheJx4 said:
Daddio said:
My problem with the CoD games is that when you call them s***, you're just considered a hater rather then the speaker of truth.

If there is no legit reason for your hate, then you are a hater.
If you hate the game because its popular and sells well, you are a hater.

It's much different when you have issues with the GAME itself, such as the various gameplay issues.
Now that's the truth.

I hate that lag still hasn't been addressed, spawn points are still awful, character animations are still horrendously inaccurate, hit detection is getting worse and worse, and melee is always loused up in one way or another.

But the games are so freakin' entertaining. >_<
De-Ting said:
TheJx4 said:
Daddio said:
My problem with the CoD games is that when you call them s***, you're just considered a hater rather then the speaker of truth.

If there is no legit reason for your hate, then you are a hater.
If you hate the game because its popular and sells well, you are a hater.

It's much different when you have issues with the GAME itself, such as the various gameplay issues.
Now that's the truth.

I hate that lag still hasn't been addressed, spawn points are still awful, character animations are still horrendously inaccurate, hit detection is getting worse and worse, and melee is always loused up in one way or another.

But the games are so freakin' entertaining. >_<

Played a little Spec-Ops before I had to go, it's really fun, even in the first few rounds.
The graphics on PS3 but I'm not playing in HD though, but I already know it's better on 360. Not by much though, so no biggie there.

I'll play MP when I get back home. Ting, that's how Black Ops started out, so I hope everything is worked out by January.
De-Ting said:
...Black Ops is still that way. I haven't played MW3.

Black Ops is pretty much fixed now.
(Except Demolition maybe, I don't think they are ever gonna change the spawn system)

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