Vote of Duty

Make it a 3rd person cover-based shooter. Also, set in the future, fighting aliens.
used44 said:
Make it a 3rd person cover-based shooter. Also, set in the future, fighting aliens.

And the guns should have chainsaws on them, and you should fight with 2 other dimwits who don't listen to your commands and get hung up at the most inconvenient times. Enemies should also spawn from random holes in the ground.
BigZell2020 said:
used44 said:
Make it a 3rd person cover-based shooter. Also, set in the future, fighting aliens.

And the guns should have chainsaws on them, and you should fight with 2 other dimwits who don't listen to your commands and get hung up at the most inconvenient times. Enemies should also spawn from random holes in the ground.
Hey, I like that game.

keepithowitis said:
BigZell2020 said:
used44 said:
Make it a 3rd person cover-based shooter. Also, set in the future, fighting aliens.

And the guns should have chainsaws on them, and you should fight with 2 other dimwits who don't listen to your commands and get hung up at the most inconvenient times. Enemies should also spawn from random holes in the ground.
Hey, I like that game.
...sounds too much like Gears of War..or was that the joke?
UghRochester said:
...sounds too much like Gears of War..or was that the joke?
(as Ghost says)
I think they should drop all the shooting and violence. Those really ruined my gaming experience in the first one. I want to hand out soup for hungry African childs. Now that's a Call of Duty I want to be part of.

Don't worry, I'll inform Infinity Ward so we can all enjoy it together.
-New Weapons, attachments, and perks.

-NO vehicles!

-Not like CODWOW in any fashion.

How are people complaining about snipers not being able to hide? what are these people autistic?

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