beta testing gr


hey guys,

our new web server is currently secretly located at

can you guys pound on it and see if you can break it? we're not looking for old bugs, we're looking for stuff that works on www but doesn't work on lax.

if you find any issues please tell us how to reproduce it, ex :

- I went there (url)
- I clicked here (link name)
- I expected X and saw Y

post anything you find in this thread.

also, anything you post to lax: reviews, blogs, whatever, will be temporary and will not survive.

I random clicked pretty much everywhere and found no issues.
Made and deleted a blog too, no issues.

Much snappier, too.
Yeah, I loaded a whole bunch of site aspects (home, reviews, previews, videos, forums, profile, downloads, and I streamed a video) through both sites (www and lax) and the lax was nearly twice as fast in all aspects, and not buggy whatsoever.

edit: If it makes a difference, I'm using Google Chrome
This topic doesn't show up in so I don't know if it follows the "anything you post to lax: reviews, blogs, whatever, will be temporary and will not survive" statement. So far I haven't found anything different
de-ting, describe the problem better. with example url's and clear descriptions.

we don't have a dedicated guy like dheliker or joeblow anymore, so the coders working on the site don't understand your shorthand.

well written instructions will actually get you what you want.

I understand what De-Ting means, there's no way to see all comrades in your GR profile, these were minor problems before
Haha, classic.

But no, "BIFF!!" is my equivalent to "POW, right in the kisser!"
Duke_Ferris said:
de-ting, describe the problem better. with example url's and clear descriptions.

we don't have a dedicated guy like dheliker or joeblow anymore, so the coders working on the site don't understand your shorthand.

well written instructions will actually get you what you want.
Okay, I'll talk slow for the lesser beings.

Go to your profile. Not your forum profile, your actual GR profile. Scroll down to the bottom. There's two boxes. One of them contains your collection of games, and the other has the reviews you've written. The problem is both of these boxes are entitled "My Reviews." One of them should be entitled "My Collection" or "My Games." I'll leave it to you brainiacs to decide which one needs to be changed.

Now stay in your profile, and look for the "Comrades" box on the right-hand side-menu. Note how there isn't a link in this box to display the all of your comrades, so the ones that aren't visible technically are no longer your comrades. This needs fixin'.

And of course, the main color for all of GR is white. This is a noob move by web designers. It needs to be a darker color, like black, so it's easier on the eyes. That means changing the font color to white for all text, as well.
De-Ting said:
And of course, the main color for all of GR is white. This is a noob move by web designers. It needs to be a darker color, like black, so it's easier on the eyes. That means changing the font color to white for all text, as well.

The new black layout being used by a couple websites i know is vastly superior to the older white layout.
Better Search Engine Results

One of the easier changes to make for the game search engine would be for it to return exact matches first, especially for game with short titles.

If I type in "Ico" in the search engine, the game "Ico" should be the first game that appears, not "Xevicom Forever". Same goes for "Final Fantasy VII" - the first result shouldn't be "Final Fantasy VIII".

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