Zoom zoom!


So Rosa and I replaced our 1990 Honda Civic hatchback that had 183k miles on it with a new 2010 Mazda3 iTouring. Damn is this one nice ride. And it has bluetooth!











It's a 16 valve, DOHC engine, 148 HP so it certainly isn't a racing car by any means but it does have some zip to it, handles like a dream, gives great MPG and most of all, the 3 is an extremely well rated, reliable car. I apologize for all of the pictures, I'm just pretty damn excited about this.
red instrument panels. Just like the red in your eyes, you goat eating liar! CHange my join date.

What kind of interior? also, get it tinted, like, now.
Haha! I still plan on changing your date! This is like the first time I've logged in and I'm having some password issues regarding the extent of my powers :(

We do plan on getting it tinted as soon as possible. As for the interior, it is cloth. We were going to go with leather but it was already a little out of our price range.

Here's the interior (pic lifted from some other site.)

I drive a Mustang. I use it to pick up chicks. I think that means that I win.

Lethean said:
So Rosa and I
Ah fuck. You win everything, as usual.

Nice car, by the way.
Leather is overrated.
Hot and sticky in the summer, cold and hard in the winter. Don't take care of it properly, and it'll crack and look horrible when you go to sell it, forcing you to drop the price because the overall look of the interior looks bad.
You made the best choice there, IMO.

Nice ride bro, although i wouldn't buy most new cars worth under $25k(aud) for the simple fact that a good quality used car would be cheaper and better, but not much used can match the new Mazda 3s.

You need Tint like said, but get the exhaust replaced ASAP.

The standard one is tiny and stupid, restricting power AND the aggressive engine note they have from factory.
Not only will it sound and go better, but even your fuel economy will receive a boost.

Put some new engine oil in, the standard stuff they use is no where near as good as Synthetic. Expect another 1 mpg and a more responsive and powerful engine.

Last but not least, go check tyre pressures and put 36-37psi (2.5bar) in them all.
If your local tire shop does it, get them to put Nitrogen in it and get it aligned properly.

Working at a tyre shop has showed me how little care they show with alignments and pressures from factory.

Don't just ignore my advice either, doing all that will give you more power and gain you another 3mpg. Ride quality will be improved, and it will feel more solid on the road making it feel even better around corners.
madster111 said:
Nice ride bro, although i wouldn't buy most new cars worth under $25k(aud)

Isn't that like $500 USD? =P

madster111 said:
Put some new engine oil in, the standard stuff they use is no where near as good as Synthetic.

I don't know how things run in that strange land of yours, but in 'Merica the synthetic is the industry standard. I bought a 2010 Ford Focus last year and it came with it, and the car garage told me I shouldn't put anything lower in it.

Still, sexy car there Lethean
Lethean said:
We do plan on getting it tinted as soon as possible.

You planning on taking the Mrs. out to make-out point huh? Gonna check out the back seat amirite?

But if you hear a noise coming from out in the woods for the love of God don't go check it out. Drive away man!!!!
Man, Lethean, You have a nice ride and all. I'm gonna let you finish but you can't beat MY ride! Fuel efficient, Cheap and a whole lots of rooms for the ladies!





...man... it sucks not having a car... :cry:
brah tell ya what u need to do get a mad pod filter on it it will go like a lambo shit will give u an extra 20hp no joke. drop it on its ass brah slam that shit and chuck some low profiles on it. get some NOS stickers and put it on your rear window ppl will think it has NOS in it and give u respect. i put it on my civic and bitches get wet. catchya broseph.
Lethean said:
Haha! I still plan on changing your date! This is like the first time I've logged in and I'm having some password issues regarding the extent of my powers :sad:


madster111 said:
Leather is overrated.
Hot and sticky in the summer, cold and hard in the winter.
I have leather. Just buy a car cover or park your car in a car hold.., er, Garage. Tint helps.
Car seat warmers for the winter.

Thought I'd pass this along

5 Things You Should Do For Your Car
5 Things Your Car Doesn't Need
Here's one thing your car doesn't need.. A Spoiler! (horrible looking things)
Nitrogen doesn't escape the tyre as quickly as regular air, meaning in 6 months instead of your air inflated tyre being down to 32-33psi, a Nitrogen one will be around 35psi.

Wear is also reduced under spirited driving or track conditions due to Nitrogen keeping your tyres cooler.
Due to it not heating up as much and other science crap, it also holds pressures lower under high heat.

And don't think 22% doesn't make a difference. I bet if i removed 22% of the oxygen in the air your breathing, you wouldn't be too happy. (Protip: That's all of it)
Lien said:
Man, Lethean, You have a nice ride and all. I'm gonna let you finish but you can't beat MY ride! Fuel efficient, Cheap and a whole lots of rooms for the ladies!

I actually work at New Flyer (North American Bus Maker) ... I wish I got the ladies ..
I hate car people.

Not people with cars, but people who repair cars then overcharge you. Did you know that in UK the prices of labour for people in car garages equates to £90 an hour!?

What a joke.
MattAY said:
I hate car people.

Not people with cars, but people who repair cars then overcharge you. Did you know that in UK the prices of labour for people in car garages equates to £90 an hour!?

What a joke.
Pull a VG30DETT out of a 300ZX and then put a new one in.

Then we will talk.

(Hint: I would honestly rather take a dick up my ass with no lube for the same price than remove a VG30)
...err I did that yesterday. The VG30DETT under the COB-09 then entwine and wield around the shaft of the flux capacitor. Do it that way, it's much easier. Got the idea when I fell and hit my head on a bathroom sink.
Yeah, I'm not a mechanic remember?

All mechanics need is dexterity. People in a factory do the fucking same.

Now dont get me wrong, if it's for an F1 car, fair enough. The £90 an hour is probably worth it since they kinda need to know how to make it shit fast etc.
But a fat, oily bloke in a jumpsuit repairing a day-to-day car? Fuck off. There are millions of these bastard mechanics around, at least 4 in a mile from where I work! And all the blokes are retards, so it cant be that fucking hard to learn.

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