Sourdeez said:Played a few minutes of GTA Online for the first time last night. While I was robbing a store someone shot out all my tires. Then when I tried to take the nearest vehicle he popped out and blew my new car up with a rocket launcher. I can see there isn't any type of real balancing going on.
UghRochester said:so I bought $500,000.
UghRochester said:I got it insured (it was already insure when I bought it), but I'm waiting until I mod it more. Oh, the cash packs are available now and MS finally changed my MS points currency to regular currency. Didn't think I would ever use it again, so I bought $500,000
UghRochester said:What was I going to spend that money on? GTA V DLC? The online is starting to bore me and I rarely play my Xbox 360 nowadays. I couldn't get those credit refunded, so I might as well buy something worthless.
UghRochester said:Hell, look at the F2P games you guys probably spend money towards to get advanced items and stuff.