Your artistic endeavours

Quite good, Matt! Every one of your characters could do without the spiky hair, though.
Wow, I'm so glad this thread has been revived. :p

Nice drawings, MattAY. I like the casual design of your first character but in my opinion the thick line under the eye does kind of look like eye liner. Spikey hair I'm not too fond of nowadays but, I understand that it's under the influence of the manga/anime style so that's cool. :p

Cool photographs, Lentium. My favourite is the second one, due to its colour and the sheer amount of detail. :)

Cool photographs as well, yorky! I like the rocks, again due to the amount of detail and colour in it. Must have a nice camera? :p I also like the moon in the clouds because as often as we see such a thing, it's quite original for a photograph.

Great paintings, NickKmet! I like your first one (the mountains and the forest) the best. :)

I don't really have any new artwork myself but for the sake of posting in this thread I'll post some stuff, and maybe draw some stuff to throw up here? :p

Er, these are just sketches or "plans" for poses and stuff. Over at deviantART there's a really cool stock photographer, Jade Macalla - - who does a lot of helpful stock photography to help out other artists. From time to tame he does requests. Recently he was doing stock photography of a super hero theme for someone's unofficial competition so to speak. So I sent Jade some superhero pose-ideas in the form of sketches.


This is supposed to be a very Spider-Man style kind of pose.


Clearly inspired by Rorschach from Watchmen, it's supposed to be a "hero" in a pose of putting on a mask.


Not the best drawing ever but it's supposed to be a sort of, ninja pouncing style reference pose thingy. :p


This is my favourite one. A sort of upward perspective of a character running, or in a running motion at least, basically ideal for a speedster character or something.

Hope you like the sketches for pose/reference ideas. :p
^Those are sweet. The third one looks like a Wolverine-sorta thing, if you needed a classification. I like the first one the best though, it just looks like so many things could spring from that one scene.

Ehh, I'm not one for creating my own art, but I've got study hall coming up fourth quarter, so plenty of time to draw :). I'll see if I can get some pictures in soon.
^somebody wrote a bunch of names inside with chalk, it's part of a name. Maybe it's someone named Linnk *shrugs*
Awesome photos as always, Lentium! ;)

I managed to draw another n3rdc0r3 comic today. The idea came to me last night just as I was getting ready to go to bed. This is comic number eighteen for my er, hopeful comic, and it's about the newly released film... Dragonball: Evolution.

"Results May Vary"


I hope you all like it. :)
miak757 said:
When did they rename it Dragonball evolution?

No idea man, but that's the official name of the movie >_<, "Dragonball: Evolution"...

MattAY said:
Haha I like the detail with the black guy and him squeezing his drink.

Thanks MattAY! Glad you like it :). I like to draw little subtleties like that in my comics (it's not very often I suppose). It's an influence I got from Penny Arcade. :p
Of course since i like making Master Chief, here's one i did for Skate 2

Too bad it was a pain in the ass and it looks like crap

Here's one i did that i think Links


Although the master sword is a little off

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