Who says Emo kids are faking?

Is Emo getting out of control?

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  • No, because... (explain in reply)

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  • Emo? What the hell is that?

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  • I don't care

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  • I don't know

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Wow just wow, if i was his rents or soemthing...i woudl find a way to shut down myspace, and then tons of fags' lives will be over lol.

I wish that site woudl shut down. People would die.
Well, I hope that was your idea of a joke because then you'd just have a crap sense of humour and not be an asshole, then again you'd be an asshole with a crap sense of humour so I guess it's even stevens!

downwitdaclown69 said:
Wow just wow, if i was his rents or soemthing...i woudl find a way to shut down myspace, and then tons of fags' lives will be over lol.

Myspace had nothing to do with this though.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
This was a life, no less valid than yours, with a family, now humiliated and devastated, and friends also depressed.
And you guys are mocking him and giving him a label (emo) which all of you have somehow given a negative status. No one seems to care.

I've always believed emotion to be an amazing thing, one of the pros to having a brain, so now I'm debating which is worse. A guy bursting with emotion or an emotionless over-opinionated GR.

And I just know that someone will ridicule this message.

I'm not out to ridicule your compassion, but I simply don't share it. He was weak and wanted to die. This makes his life less valid than mine, simply because I want to live. I'm sympathetic to his family and friends, but the suicidal retard himself gets no pity from me. He wanted to die. He deserved to die. He also deserves to be ridiculed for his moronic behaviour in the process.
derekk said:
downwitdaclown69 said:
Wow just wow, if i was his rents or soemthing...i woudl find a way to shut down myspace, and then tons of fags' lives will be over lol.

Myspace had nothing to do with this though.

I think it had a lil something to do about it. Woudl you or I of known about this kid, if it wasnt on there.

Either way people are making him a maryter(sp?) on there now, and thats f*cking lame.
Who says emo kids are faking? I certainly don't.

Who says I care about emo kids? I certainly don't.

If I was going to kill myself (which I wouldn't because I'm not a pussy) I'd do it a cool way. Either get stoned to death (I'm talking about the actual rocks, probably sharp rocks for that matter). Letting people throw rocks until I am no longer alive would be an awesome way to go, painful, but awesome.
Simsy said:
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
This was a life, no less valid than yours, with a family, now humiliated and devastated, and friends also depressed.
And you guys are mocking him and giving him a label (emo) which all of you have somehow given a negative status. No one seems to care.

I've always believed emotion to be an amazing thing, one of the pros to having a brain, so now I'm debating which is worse. A guy bursting with emotion or an emotionless over-opinionated GR.

And I just know that someone will ridicule this message.

I'm not out to ridicule your compassion, but I simply don't share it. He was weak and wanted to die. This makes his life less valid than mine, simply because I want to live. I'm sympathetic to his family and friends, but the suicidal retard himself gets no pity from me. He wanted to die. He deserved to die. He also deserves to be ridiculed for his moronic behaviour in the process.

I agree with you. Suicide is probably the most selfish thing a person can do to their friends and family. And frankly, to kill yourself over one girl, when there are plently more fish in the ocean, well you're right, that IS a stupid thing to do. But I doubt that the fact he was "emo" had anything to do with this, he's probably just a natrually weak person. So even if he hadn't chosen that particular social lineage, the same exact thing would've happened.

But either way, yes the guy is an idiot. But that doesn't gave every pompous loser with a YMTND(did I get that right? Ah who cares!) site the go ahead to make fun of him for what he did. Because, it doesn't matter how it happened, the bottom line is all of you guys who are laughing at him right now, you're laughing at the death of a human being. Which, frankly, is pretty disgusting. :roll:

Incidentally, I am the only one who thinks a message board comprised mainly of geeks and nerds(myself included of course!) mocking those for being "emo" is an almost delicious irony?
BoyAnachronism said:
Incidentally, I am the only one who thinks a message board comprised mainly of geeks and nerds(myself included of course!) mocking those for being "emo" is an almost delicious irony?

I think you're making a very broad generalisation on that. "Geeks and nerds" aren't the stereotype image they were in the 80s. In case you hadn't noticed, nerds run the planet now. Our power is undeniable to anyone with eyes. With that said, "nerds" have changed with the times. Nerds aren't the socially awkward brim-rimmed four-eyes they once were. Hell, look at GR. A recent poll demonstrated that almost half of us were no longer virgins, and considering that the other half probably felt it was too young to have had sex in the first place, I think it says something about us, don't you? We can get laid now! And just look at the actual members of GR. Many of us lead socially productive and fulfulling lives outside here. Don't sell yourself short because you're a nerd, that kind of thinking is dead.

As dead as a suicidal MySpace boywhore, anyway. [/hate]

Simsy said:
I think you're making a very broad generalisation on that. "Geeks and nerds" aren't the stereotype image they were in the 80s. In case you hadn't noticed, nerds run the planet now. Our power is undeniable to anyone with eyes. With that said, "nerds" have changed with the times. Nerds aren't the socially awkward brim-rimmed four-eyes they once were. Hell, look at GR. A recent poll demonstrated that almost half of us were no longer virgins, and considering that the other half probably felt it was too young to have had sex in the first place, I think it says something about us, don't you? We can get laid now! And just look at the actual members of GR. Many of us lead socially productive and fulfulling lives outside here. Don't sell yourself short because you're a nerd, that kind of thinking is dead.

As dead as a suicidal MySpace boywhore, anyway. [/hate]


You're right! The geeks and nerds have evolved since the 1980's. It's odd really, these days geeks and nerds can be just as popular as the "jocks" in their own little way. I guess all that stuff about the geeks inheriting the earth was correct. And yes, we do have active social lives these days, so yeah, it was a rather stupid comment I made. My apollogies!

I still don't think we have any real right to criticise kids for being emo though. Sure we can criticise the concept of emo, it's ridiculous, and OH HELL YES we can criticise the trauma inducingly terrible music they listen to! But to actually criticise the emo kids themselves, I don't think we should. It's kind of unfair to make judgemnts over an actual personality just because they are "emo" or "goth" or whatever. I mean, we wouldn't like to be insulted like that. Emo kids are people too right?....

Don't answer that! :wink:
I'm tellin you, this emo shit need 2 stop!
Don't cry about ur life!
Come live in the hood!
Nothing is more gang-star then trying to survive the fucking hood!

Stop cryin' in yer damn big fancy house and take a walk on my block bitch!
BoBamSlam said:
I'm tellin you, this emo poopies need 2 stop!
Don't cry about ur life!
Come live in the hood!
Nothing is more gang-star then trying to survive the cuddle-wuddles hood!

Stop cryin' in yer damn big fancy house and take a walk on my block bitch!

Now THAT is a delicious irony! Thanks BoBamSlam! You prevented my point from being rendered moot! :D
WR, didn't you meet someone over an online game?

As far as the nerd thing goes, I guess it depends on your definition of nerd. Videogames aren't nerdy anymore; the video game industry makes more money than the movie industry. More than just nerds play games. But is it knowing about computers? A lot of people know about computers, and need to as computer jobs are the wave of the future.

But what is to ridicule about suicide? Why is it considered a weak thing? He can overcome the most basic human instinct of fear of death; doesn't that take a bit of strength? I'm definitely too weak to consider suicide. I'm too afraid of the unknown. He wasn't. At least he wasn't trying to get attention like other people do.
slickbenjamn said:
But what is to ridicule about suicide? Why is it considered a weak thing? He can overcome the most basic human instinct of fear of death; doesn't that take a bit of strength? I'm definitely too weak to consider suicide. I'm too afraid of the unknown. He wasn't. At least he wasn't trying to get attention like other people do.

In a very small majority of cases, you are right. Some Zen masters, for instance, have been known to commit suicide after having reached enlightenment.

However, I think it's a safe bet that this twat wasn't exactly an enlightened being. He did not "overcome" his fear of death. His fear of life was simply greater than his fear of death; he was much more afraid of living than you are of dying. Thus, he chose not to confront his fear and take the cowardly exit.

And he wasn't trying to get attention? He posted his suicide note on MySpace for crying out loud. Can you think of any other way which he could have been craving attention?
He's kinda too dead to actually get the attention. Sure, he has attention, but how's he going to enjoy it?

And what I was trying to say is that he's not telling people that he's going to commit suicide because he wants people to give him attention. He actually had intentions to kill himself, and he did.

He feared life more than death. Okay, then you fear death more than life. You're just postponing the inevitable anyways. Why?

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