Whats with the beta?

Someone made this topic before, and JCD proposed an amazing "not beta anymore Game Revolution" banner. Not sure why it was never used though...
*Bows* Why thank you, though I expect that it was never used due to it being rather... shite really.
JCD said:
I'll send you more donkey porn if you don't keep quiet.


But why still beta? Is the site not fully operational? Are there awesome new features still in testing like some kind of smoothie machine that makes hamburgers???
It's their scape goat for whenever something goes ill. They can simply fall back on the fact that they're in beta. If i ever owned a website, i would ensure that it was in perpetual beta.
I'm about done with the Beta thing. There's pages of features I want to add but I think we can get rid of the beta as long as there's no more bugs.

If you want to help out just come the site for stuff that's broken, very unintuitive, confusing, or screwed up some other way and post them.

I'll wipe out what's left and we'll get rid of the beta thing. :bigup:
ya i just joined this site ( a friend reccomnended it and he has been here a while ) and i was wondering why it is still in the beta that awnsers my question
yeah theres meta name="Rating" content="General">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Window-target" CONTENT="_top"> nothing wroing with this /images/structure/game_nav/psp_on.gif' site at all href </html> .aspx
well OBVIOUSLY there are still a few things not working, like...

--games in my collection ect..
--removing comrades
--kaan not answering my calls


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