What is your personal pick for best game of all time?


I know that Overrated Of Time will probably get the majority of votes on 'other' sites, but we're a special bunch here at Game Revolution. By 'special', I mean that we're weird and we smell funny. Let's Go!

My pick, Symphony of the Night.

Edit: Yes, I'm sure this subject has been covered dozens of times, but I'm bored and I don't ****ing care.
Final Fantasy X. Once I find it in my house, I'm going to add on to my 700+ Hours and try to crack 1,000+. Since that game never gets old for me, ever.
San Andreas

No game has ever reached the amount of greatness that this game has.

Story, characters, music, gameplay, and flat out stuff to do, it is damn near perfect in every way.
I just finished playing Metal Gear Solid 4.. and I have to say that is by far the BEST game for me to date. I can see why some people would argue the 15+ minute movie'esk type scenes.. but that's what did it in for me. It felt like you were watching a movie that you got to play, more developers should learn from this and take it in the direction of MGS.

Today I feel single player campaign games are way too short..

Runner Ups;

FFT (original)
I think the three favorite video games I play for the N64 is
-the two Links mentioned (LoZ:Ocarina of Time, and Banjo and Kazooie)
-Conker's Bad Fur Day
I'm gonna say Zelda: Wind Waker! I love how light-hearted and fun it is. And of course with Zelda gameplay.

Metal Gear solid is a close second. Literally EVERYONE in my area had that game.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I don't care what you say, it got me into gaming.

Close second would be FF7. Fine, call me a mainstream whore.

Okami is up there. So is FFX, Super Mario 64, and pending how I feel after beating it again, Secret of Mana

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