ur favorite game but it has to be ur favotre ever

UrbanMasque said:
ten was pretty good, what i dont get are those people who are nuts for FF9... i thought that was the worst one ever.

It was the Worst ever, FF7 and FF8 was great and awesome, i think my complement is redundant?! huh anyway CLOUD and SQUALL should be in one team, agree?
How could anyone have just *one* favorite game? Some of my favorites:

Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Dragon Warrior 4 (NES)
Final Fantasy 4 (SNES)
Final Fantasy 9 (PS)
Way of the Samurai (PS2)
Metroid Prime (GC)
LOZ: Wind Waker (GC)

I think Final Fantasy 7 was terrible, and that Final Fantasy 9 is quite possibly the best of the series.
My favorite would have to be a tie between E.T. for the Atari and Superman 64 jk. Mine would have to be Golden eye for the N64 because it was one of the first console games to blend in a good single player campaign and a awsome multiplayer aspsct. I remember playing against my friends for 8 hours straight with only cold pizza and Mountain Dew. I still play time to time and after I'mdone with this I'm going to play it.
Rise of Nations: Gold Edition, nothing like dropping a few nukes on a civilization and then capturing their cities afterwards

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