This makes me sick - Connecticut Shooting

Saw on the news last night that the teacher that was killed was a 20-something "universally-loved" women and that police found "definite evidence of a motive" at the suspect's home. Then they I also saw that the suspect had tried to enter the school the previous day.

My guess is he was obsessed with this girl. :-/

Still can't help but feel regret for the families who've lost love ones. RIP again.
I think some people need to understand that there is a difference between banning guns and simply changing the second amendment so that not every single American has the right to own a gun.

The way the system works now, anyone, no matter how psychologically disturbed they are can own a gun. All they need is a clean background. Everyone has a clean background until they commit a crime, in this case, go on a shooting spree.

This amendment was written during a time where women were not allowed to vote and slavery was common. It was written before we had automatic weapons and advanced sniping scopes on rifles. The world's changed drastically since the second amendment was written, time for an update.
WickedLiquid said:
I think some people need to understand that there is a difference between banning guns and simply changing the second amendment so that not every single American has the right to own a gun.

The way the system works now, anyone, no matter how psychologically disturbed they are can own a gun. All they need is a clean background. Everyone has a clean background until they commit a crime, in this case, go on a shooting spree.

This amendment was written during a time where women were not allowed to vote and slavery was common. It was written before we had automatic weapons and advanced sniping scopes on rifles. The world's changed drastically since the second amendment was written, time for an update.
I just told my siblings almost the exact same thing. You put it splendidly.
De-Ting said:
WickedLiquid said:
I think some people need to understand that there is a difference between banning guns and simply changing the second amendment so that not every single American has the right to own a gun.

The way the system works now, anyone, no matter how psychologically disturbed they are can own a gun. All they need is a clean background. Everyone has a clean background until they commit a crime, in this case, go on a shooting spree.

This amendment was written during a time where women were not allowed to vote and slavery was common. It was written before we had automatic weapons and advanced sniping scopes on rifles. The world's changed drastically since the second amendment was written, time for an update.
I just told my siblings almost the exact same thing. You put it splendidly.
And let's not forget that at that time, the united states didn't have a stable standing army like we have today. In fact a good portion of the defense of that era were mercenaries and short term voluntaries. You can say that it was passed to "arm the people against future tyrants" sure but don't assume congress at the time unanimously believed that.

And i know everyone hates political cartoon but this one pretty much shows my feelings on this whole fiasco.
Yeah, I had to deal with an idiot on my Facebook who had no clue my stance wasn't for banning guns, but that owning a gun is not you God given right as an American.

Some people man...
C_nate, I guess I just mean that it could still be useful to keep them banned, and do more in conjunction with that. I agree that a ban alone isn't going to be so effective, and I totally hear and agree with what you say about circulation. The saddest thing about what you said is the paranoia and fear spurring people to get firearms... It's true, and it doesn't make sense to me.

And Eyebrows, gtfo. Of all things, you advertise The Sun? :p
WickedLiquid said:
I think some people need to understand that there is a difference between banning guns and simply changing the second amendment so that not every single American has the right to own a gun.

The way the system works now, anyone, no matter how psychologically disturbed they are can own a gun. All they need is a clean background. Everyone has a clean background until they commit a crime, in this case, go on a shooting spree.

This amendment was written during a time where women were not allowed to vote and slavery was common. It was written before we had automatic weapons and advanced sniping scopes on rifles. The world's changed drastically since the second amendment was written, time for an update.

I'm in favour of banning guns that have no use but to kill people and tightly controlling guns that can be used for hunting.
sorta long post where I just think aloud incoming
don't feel obligated.

I have so many new questions about these sort of shootings now.
Why are these shooters such complete pussies? Little man rages into Big man. Big man needs big gun bullshit. It's buying right into all of the same old archetypical nonsense that stereotypes are built upon, the same bs that put him into his "box" of autism, clouded judgment, mental illness...yeah, I don't really buy into the mental illness part, sorry. I think you can be capable of committing this sort of act without having had prior mental illnesses. I think that's an easy-out to say one's crazy or autistic, or what have you. That's our own need for rationalization, because everything--without fail--needs labeling, or understanding.

Anyway, Serial killers usually prey on their sexual interests, so mainly women. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, or at least slept with men--he killed men and boys. The DC snipers chose their victims at random, so as to leave no pattern for investigators.
So why did Lanza focus on those weaker than himself? That seems to be the trend now. From Columbine down.

Dan, I don't believe Lanza was obsessed with this teacher. Maybe he was, but she seems to be victim of his indiscriminate fire. He was more focused on the children rather than adults. I mean, he did kill the principal, but she tried stopping him, so it's not as if he was focusing on authority or power. He wanted to hurt those weaker than himself.

A product of bullying. They said he was home schooled. Probably because he was bullied. And now we're talking about bullying, oh boy. Bullied because he was different? But what's the look of an autistic person anyway? What are their defining features. Skinny, introverted, smart? White? Stereotypes. Seems this guy bought into some serious stereotypes, and it seems he had an overbearing mother who bought into them as well. From what I read she held him to higher standards? Something. Sounded like he cracked. SO maybe he did go "crazy"?

But how does crazy plan? Serial killers kill for weeks, months, years, whatever. This batch of crazies--quote/unquote--go out trying. Trying what, only they know. But their common goal seems to be to kill as many as possible then kill themselves, but not in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting case. But he was also seeking a bit of infamy, with his colored hair and swat team wardrobe. He wanted to live to see his name in the news.
Anders Breivik was also seeking fame, in order to support his cause.
But not Lanza... so what's that make him? More badass?

Just wondering what motivates these young men. ... opath.html

^says the Columbine shooters' motives were not payback. Not to kill the bullies...trench coat mafia, all that biz. It wasn't about that at all. It was about leaving their mark on history. A grander plan.
There's that word again: plan.

These shooters are trying to outdo one another. The crazies, I mean. "Oh, well no shit," i know, i know. But after an elementary school shooting at Christmas, where are we headed next? If you've noticed, the American media's beginning to take some responsibility for glamorizing these acts; they're not mentioning the guy's name anymore, it seems they're mostly focusing on remembering the lives that are lost. They're trying to pull away from making this guy a household name, no doubt in efforts to keep copy cat killers from seeking this same sort of infamy. Which is right.

This guy had to plan to shoot an elementary school. That's not crazy. Evil, yes. But planned out.
He was bullied, I'm sure of that. But he didn't shoot up his former high school or jr. high.
He chose those smaller than himself. Where the smallest humans are found congregated, an elementary school. He focused his efforts on them. Are we to be afraid of skinny, introverts now? No, but what led him to attack those more innocent, or weaker than himself, who was already pretty small and weak from what pics show. Why not shoot up a bar? Because who would weep for the drunk? A restaurant? They've lived their lives, fulfilled? Why not make the drive to the other side of town and shoot up the Crips' Union Hall?
I'm not saying there's a profile, I'm just saying the trend is to go weaker, younger as the shooter's age goes. He definitely wasn't a badass. Wasn't like he went and picked fights with big mother fuckers on the street. (With gun in hand) Dude was the epitome of a pussy. But was it talk like that that made him commit this act in the first place? Honestly, I don't believe it was. He's the bully in this situation.
Both Senator Reid and Senator Joe Manchin have come out today in favor of some kind of new restrictions on firearms. Both have received consistent praise from the NRA on gun issues in the past (despite both being Democrats), and Manchin has been a lifelong NRA member and currently holds an "A" legislative rating from them. A number of other pro-gun pundits have also spoken out in favor of new legislation.

What has the NRA said through all of this? Nothing. Their 31 congressional supporters in the senate? All refused the opportunity to speak out in favor of guns on talk shows the past few days.

As long as that continues to be the case, and more vocal support comes from politicians, something will happen. Most likely we're looking at renewing the assault weapons ban, and perhaps making it permanent, and also a ban on large magazines (more than 10 rounds).
everyone's afraid of getting their shit pushed in by the gun voters come next election. back to square one? it's gonna take major cojones to get anything done. Would love to see a Republican step up and do what's right. Their side is in bad, bad shape and this would be the perfect opportunity to rebrand the entire party...
Optimus-Crime said:
sorta long post where I just think aloud incoming
don't feel obligated.

I have so many new questions about these sort of shootings now.
Why are these shooters such complete pussies? Little man rages into Big man. Big man needs big gun bullshit. It's buying right into all of the same old archetypical nonsense that stereotypes are built upon, the same bs that put him into his "box" of autism, clouded judgment, mental illness...yeah, I don't really buy into the mental illness part, sorry. I think you can be capable of committing this sort of act without having had prior mental illnesses. I think that's an easy-out to say one's crazy or autistic, or what have you. That's our own need for rationalization, because everything--without fail--needs labeling, or understanding.

Anyway, Serial killers usually prey on their sexual interests, so mainly women. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, or at least slept with men--he killed men and boys. The DC snipers chose their victims at random, so as to leave no pattern for investigators.
So why did Lanza focus on those weaker than himself? That seems to be the trend now. From Columbine down.

Dan, I don't believe Lanza was obsessed with this teacher. Maybe he was, but she seems to be victim of his indiscriminate fire. He was more focused on the children rather than adults. I mean, he did kill the principal, but she tried stopping him, so it's not as if he was focusing on authority or power. He wanted to hurt those weaker than himself.

A product of bullying. They said he was home schooled. Probably because he was bullied. And now we're talking about bullying, oh boy. Bullied because he was different? But what's the look of an autistic person anyway? What are their defining features. Skinny, introverted, smart? White? Stereotypes. Seems this guy bought into some serious stereotypes, and it seems he had an overbearing mother who bought into them as well. From what I read she held him to higher standards? Something. Sounded like he cracked. SO maybe he did go "crazy"?

But how does crazy plan? Serial killers kill for weeks, months, years, whatever. This batch of crazies--quote/unquote--go out trying. Trying what, only they know. But their common goal seems to be to kill as many as possible then kill themselves, but not in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting case. But he was also seeking a bit of infamy, with his colored hair and swat team wardrobe. He wanted to live to see his name in the news.
Anders Breivik was also seeking fame, in order to support his cause.
But not Lanza... so what's that make him? More badass?

Just wondering what motivates these young men. ... opath.html

^says the Columbine shooters' motives were not payback. Not to kill the bullies...trench coat mafia, all that biz. It wasn't about that at all. It was about leaving their mark on history. A grander plan.
There's that word again: plan.

These shooters are trying to outdo one another. The crazies, I mean. "Oh, well no shit," i know, i know. But after an elementary school shooting at Christmas, where are we headed next? If you've noticed, the American media's beginning to take some responsibility for glamorizing these acts; they're not mentioning the guy's name anymore, it seems they're mostly focusing on remembering the lives that are lost. They're trying to pull away from making this guy a household name, no doubt in efforts to keep copy cat killers from seeking this same sort of infamy. Which is right.

This guy had to plan to shoot an elementary school. That's not crazy. Evil, yes. But planned out.
He was bullied, I'm sure of that. But he didn't shoot up his former high school or jr. high.
He chose those smaller than himself. Where the smallest humans are found congregated, an elementary school. He focused his efforts on them. Are we to be afraid of skinny, introverts now? No, but what led him to attack those more innocent, or weaker than himself, who was already pretty small and weak from what pics show. Why not shoot up a bar? Because who would weep for the drunk? A restaurant? They've lived their lives, fulfilled? Why not make the drive to the other side of town and shoot up the Crips' Union Hall?
I'm not saying there's a profile, I'm just saying the trend is to go weaker, younger as the shooter's age goes. He definitely wasn't a badass. Wasn't like he went and picked fights with big mother fuckers on the street. (With gun in hand) Dude was the epitome of a pussy. But was it talk like that that made him commit this act in the first place? Honestly, I don't believe it was. He's the bully in this situation.

You make some good points. I agree that if you are coherent enough to plan something out like this, then you aren't textbook crazy.

And the copy cats are already out there. They arrested some kid the other day for planning and talking about shooting up his school. Another guy was just arrested with something like 45 (FORTY FIVE!) guns after making threats, and yet another guy was arrested after firing off 50+ rounds in a shopping mall parking lot.

Glad all these guns are keeping us safe...

Keeping the topic on guns, one thing that stood out to me in the story was that the guns belonged to this guys mother.

So of course, to me, the million dollar question is, had she not bought these several guns, would she and those children still be alive today? Was she shot in the face and killed by the very same gun she bought thinking that would keep her safe?

Or would this guy have gone out and gotten his own weapons? They said he tried to purchase another gun but didn't want to wait for the waiting period and didn't buy it. So he really was motivated to do this act and the convenience and availability of the guns that belonged to his mother made it that much easier for him to carry it out. What if his mother didn't have those guns? Would he have gone back and waited the three days for his own?

These are questions we will never know the answer to but just highlights again my point about how the staggering number of guns floating around and the ease in which the can be acquired, either legally or illegally, makes it much easier for people with bad plans and bad intentions of following through with the evil things they have planned.
And the shootings don't even slow down...

A 21-year-old Joliet man accidentally shot and killed himself while trying to demonstrate how the safety mechanism worked on his new handgun, authorities said today.

Deon D. Perry was pronounced dead at 5:40 a.m. Saturday at Provena St. Joseph Medical Center.

Joliet Police Cmdr. Al Roechner said today that the mishap occurred around 5 p.m. Friday as Perry was sitting in a vehicle in front of his home with two other people.

The two witnesses said Perry was displaying his recently purchased .25-caliber handgun when "he set the safety, pointed the gun at his face, pulled the trigger and the safety didn't work," Roechner said. Perry was shot in the right side of his face near his nose.

Perry's friends called 911 and were joined by police on their way to the hospital's emergency room.

We just got word that 3 people are dead after a shooting in Grand Rapids.

Police say a 27-year-old man shot two women inside a minivan and then killed himself.

A preliminary report showed that the man was seated behind the women when they were shot and a handgun has been found.

The van was parked outside the Arbor Circle Counseling Center. The group just finished a session at the center.

The man had a relationship with one of the women and also had a child together.

Stay with 9&10 News as we continue to follow this developing story.

TOPEKA, Kan. — A man with a history of theft and weapons convictions gunned down two police officers investigating possible drug activity in a Kansas grocery parking lot, and was later killed after an armed standoff, authorities said Monday.

GUTHRIE — A 3-year-old boy is dead after shooting himself in the head early Saturday afternoon, authorities said.

The boy was visiting a relative at a home in the 1500 block of Derby Lane, about four miles southeast of Guthrie. He found a loaded handgun in a bedroom, Logan County sheriff's Capt. Richard Stephens said.

Stephens said the call came in just after noon. He said criminal charges will not be filed.

The boy's name and hometown were not immediately released.

According to Kevin Smith with the Roy Police Dept., 41-year-old Christopher Lock shot his wife multiple times in the torso during a domestic dispute at 3792 West and 4750 South in Roy at around 10:20 p.m.

Smith said the woman fled from the house with her young daughter, who had sustained a head injury from being hit with a beer bottle. Their 5-year-old son was left inside the house with Lock, who had been drinking.

Neighbors called 911 and the woman was transported to the hospital where she is in stable but serious condition.

When officers arrived on-scene, Lock fired two shots into the neighborhood and one bullet struck his neighbor’s home. Police called in the SWAT team and conducted a Reverse 911 instructing neighbors to lock down their homes and stay inside because of an armed suspect in the area.

Lock negotiated with officers for about 3 hours and agreed to release his son into their custody, then came outside and surrendered his weapon to police at around 1:30 p.m.

He was taken into custody and questioned by police. Smith said Lock had several firearms in his possession.

SAN ANTONIO — Sheriff's officials say a man opened fire in a San Antonio movie theater parking lot, wounding one person before an officer shot him inside the theater.

Just like I predicted as well...

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. has sparked a surge in gun sales, according to independent arms dealers across the nation.

Robert Caselnova, who owns a Connecticut gun shop located less than 10 minutes from the school, said firearms flew off his shelves over the weekend, with multiple requests for AR-15 style rifles, a weapon Adam Lanza used in the Newtown massacre. Caselnova said he knew the Lanzas and that the mother and son had visited his store in the past, separately, but never made any purchases.

After high-profile shootings, debate over gun control can cause consumer demand for guns to rise, government records have shown. Industry experts say fears that stricter laws will follow such incidents push people to stock up on firearms before regulators can clamp down. But last weekend’s spike in business was unprecedented, gun shop owners in California, Connecticut and North Carolina told HuffPost.

Larry Hyatt, owner of North Carolina-based Hyatt Gun Shop, which claims to be America’s largest independently owned gun store, said he had a line out the door on Saturday, forcing him to call in extra salespeople.

“We already have tons of customers because of Christmas, hunting season is peaking right now, and not to mention, the election,â€
C_nate said:
And the shootings don't even slow down...

A 21-year-old Joliet man accidentally shot and killed himself while trying to demonstrate how the safety mechanism worked on his new handgun, authorities said today.

Deon D. Perry was pronounced dead at 5:40 a.m. Saturday at Provena St. Joseph Medical Center.

Joliet Police Cmdr. Al Roechner said today that the mishap occurred around 5 p.m. Friday as Perry was sitting in a vehicle in front of his home with two other people.

The two witnesses said Perry was displaying his recently purchased .25-caliber handgun when "he set the safety, pointed the gun at his face, pulled the trigger and the safety didn't work," Roechner said. Perry was shot in the right side of his face near his nose.

Perry's friends called 911 and were joined by police on their way to the hospital's emergency room.

We just got word that 3 people are dead after a shooting in Grand Rapids.

Police say a 27-year-old man shot two women inside a minivan and then killed himself.

A preliminary report showed that the man was seated behind the women when they were shot and a handgun has been found.

The van was parked outside the Arbor Circle Counseling Center. The group just finished a session at the center.

The man had a relationship with one of the women and also had a child together.

Stay with 9&10 News as we continue to follow this developing story.

TOPEKA, Kan. — A man with a history of theft and weapons convictions gunned down two police officers investigating possible drug activity in a Kansas grocery parking lot, and was later killed after an armed standoff, authorities said Monday.

GUTHRIE — A 3-year-old boy is dead after shooting himself in the head early Saturday afternoon, authorities said.

The boy was visiting a relative at a home in the 1500 block of Derby Lane, about four miles southeast of Guthrie. He found a loaded handgun in a bedroom, Logan County sheriff's Capt. Richard Stephens said.

Stephens said the call came in just after noon. He said criminal charges will not be filed.

The boy's name and hometown were not immediately released.

According to Kevin Smith with the Roy Police Dept., 41-year-old Christopher Lock shot his wife multiple times in the torso during a domestic dispute at 3792 West and 4750 South in Roy at around 10:20 p.m.

Smith said the woman fled from the house with her young daughter, who had sustained a head injury from being hit with a beer bottle. Their 5-year-old son was left inside the house with Lock, who had been drinking.

Neighbors called 911 and the woman was transported to the hospital where she is in stable but serious condition.

When officers arrived on-scene, Lock fired two shots into the neighborhood and one bullet struck his neighbor’s home. Police called in the SWAT team and conducted a Reverse 911 instructing neighbors to lock down their homes and stay inside because of an armed suspect in the area.

Lock negotiated with officers for about 3 hours and agreed to release his son into their custody, then came outside and surrendered his weapon to police at around 1:30 p.m.

He was taken into custody and questioned by police. Smith said Lock had several firearms in his possession.

SAN ANTONIO — Sheriff's officials say a man opened fire in a San Antonio movie theater parking lot, wounding one person before an officer shot him inside the theater.

Dude, you have no idea how many gun shot victims I saw working as a security guard in a hospital. People who think guns should be legal have their heads in the sand.

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