Actually, I can't say it was before or after the hype since I don't pay attention to hype or the media really in terms of tv shows...In case it's about the Shield!
And for me, it isn't really the freshness of the Colber Report. I actually started off liking Jon Stewart more and eventually went the other way. I still love both however.
I should also note in regards to your "how do you know your view isn't skewed" comment...I don't! I understand it's all a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong. Believe me, I'm 25. I'm pretty certain I learnt that a few years ago back when I was 18 or so and thought I was this open minded, enlightened soul. For arguement's sake though, I like to act as though my opinion is right. (Honestly though, with a lot of these shows it's an age thing. I can't expect a 15 year old or 16 year old to appreciate the original Transformers. It also goes back to interests. I can't expect a bunch of bleeding heart liberal video game nerds to love the Shield more so than Freaks and Geeks or Firefly. That isn't to say those shows are bad or they're wrong - Just...Different likes and dislikes. )
And for me, it isn't really the freshness of the Colber Report. I actually started off liking Jon Stewart more and eventually went the other way. I still love both however.
I should also note in regards to your "how do you know your view isn't skewed" comment...I don't! I understand it's all a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong. Believe me, I'm 25. I'm pretty certain I learnt that a few years ago back when I was 18 or so and thought I was this open minded, enlightened soul. For arguement's sake though, I like to act as though my opinion is right. (Honestly though, with a lot of these shows it's an age thing. I can't expect a 15 year old or 16 year old to appreciate the original Transformers. It also goes back to interests. I can't expect a bunch of bleeding heart liberal video game nerds to love the Shield more so than Freaks and Geeks or Firefly. That isn't to say those shows are bad or they're wrong - Just...Different likes and dislikes. )