The Sega CD was a load of crap.


Was anyone else suckered into buying that hunk of junk?

I just watched the Angry Video Game Nerd talk about the Sega CD and I agree with him fully. The games weren't fun, just annoying. It was the beginning of the end for Sega, after that was the failed 32X, the failed Saturn, and the saddest console of them all; the failed Dreamcast.

Anybody ever own a Sega CD? Anyone remember actually enjoying it?
In my little world, the only game consoles that ever really existed are:

Sega Genesis
XBox 360

So, all I would know about the beginning of the CD era is that Sony won.
Your face is a load of crap.

Ahaha, sorry, I had to say it. The devil made me do it.
I never was a fan of the Sega Saturn.. or Dreamcast... although I can't speak for the Sega CD. I was however a Genesis fan, so I can't see how the CD would have been that bad...

The last good system however was the Intellivision.
Oh, but the Sega CD WAS bad, it was really bad. They tried to sucker kids in with their FMV graphics and what not. But can you actually name a good Sega CD exculsive game that you enjoyed?

And besides, the FMV scenes couldn't fit the entire screen. The 32X came out shortly after to make up for the failed Sega CD and that had a good Sonic game and the best home version of Mortal Kombat II but really, that's all their was.

Sega Genesis was great, and if they spent more time into perfecting the Saturn instead of coming up with that gimmicky crap and attack adds to combat the SNES they might still be maknig consoles.
i actually still have my dreamcast and i thought it was....IS still a great system, it just never took off like it should have. it was a fighting fans system of choice, it was one of the first consoles to have online functionality, and have it work, with voice chat (alien front online), and it had a game called Seaman. it also had great arcade ports, and sometimes, better than arcade ports (Soul Calibur!!!).

and it had one of my favorite robot games ever made, Virtua On: Oratario Tangram! i played that game sans twin sticks and still loved it. i wish i still had a copy of it though. sad face.
first off your an idiot for calling the DC a bad console, it was great it failed simply on the merits of sega's previous mistakes and secondly while the sega cd wasnt great it had a few good shooters and sonic cd is hands down the best 2d sonic out there

Ah...yes I was in 3rd a broken home living with my tried to make up for lost time buying me a SEGA CD. At first I thought it was amazing..."and the people actually talked" I bragged on the school bus. "im going home and playing sewer shark!" well fuck me! the damn thing tore up the first week i got my dad had to cough up money to ship it to whoever and i got it back fucked up again...forget the red ring of death i don't know if anyone else had this problem but it pissed me off...and as far as games i don't remember many that i played...dragons lair...batman returns...sewer shark...thats really all i can bottom line the sega cd was a flimsy piece of plastic suicide.
jivesc00ter said:
first off your an idiot for calling the DC a bad console, it was great it failed simply on the merits of sega's previous mistakes and secondly while the sega cd wasnt great it had a few good shooters and sonic cd is hands down the best 2d sonic out there

first off I never said Dreamcast was a bad console. I said it was the saddest console of them all, maybe I should've used the word tragic instead of sad. But I wasn't calling it bad.

And Sega CD did have some good games... like 3 :roll:
white-noise said:
And Sega CD did have some good games... like 3 :roll:

Honestly, the SCD DID have some fun stuff on it... Sonic CD, the Lunar titles, Vay, Sewer Shark (just to show it off to people and watch THEM cringe... classic!)... umm... Trivial Pursuit... uhhhhhh...

Maybe that's it after all. *shrug*
Despite it's overall crappiness, I will always have a spical place in my gamer heart for the Sega CD.. Yes it's good games were few and far between and most of it's actual good games were hard to find, but I still like the system. These are the games I remember having a good time with on the Sega CD
Sonic CD
Earthworm Jim Special Edition(it had levels that no other released version had)
Eternal Champions CD
Shining Force CD
Heart of an Alien
Lords of Thunder
and of course, all the working design games:
Lunar 1 & 2
Dark Wizard
Popful Mail
So no, it wasn't a great system, but it had it's moments.
SNATCHER is a killer game, if no one has played I highly recommend it. Hideo Kojima was in his prime back then, not like now ''cough'' MGS 4....sorry but that game sucked balls, i beat it on Big Boss Hard once and never touched it again.

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