The most damage you've ever done to a console/PC,

lol man i swear some of you have rage problems!

I try and keep my hardware as safe as possible. If anything i remember putting my foot through a wall because i kept losing at championship manager ages ago :S
I'm such a baby with my video game systems and software. But of the dozens of Game Boys I've owned, none have had the battery enclosements still on them by the time I'm done with them. Not quite sure what that says about me.
I can only imagine Used. Anyways, my 360 and computer are my children and I would never harm them in anyway. But I have tossed/broken some mean controllers back in my of which was one I got for Christmas for the DC. My father was not amused.
Well, one birthday I got WWF smackdown 2. I was at my cousins house and as it had just come out he wanted it but couldnt afford it. So, a family friend offered to chip my playstation (allowing it to play illegal copies) in exchange for borrowing the game to copy for his son and my cousin. Of course I thought why not, and accepted.

Anyway he opens it, puts his glasses on and says "hmm...I think its...This one", reaches and cuts something with wire clippers, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. Anyway we put the lid back on and screw it up, put a copied game on, hit the on button and cross our fingers...Dead. So, he's like "hmm it hasn't worked, ah well, never mind". So i'm a bit disappointed, and put my shiny new game in and hit on only to be met with the exact same blank white screen. As you can imagine a few minutes later its open on the table again and being fiddled with by amateurs trying to resuscitate the poor thing, when my cousins girlfriend comes in in a dress and knocks a glass of red wine over, pouring straight over the open playstation.

Needless to say, it didn't work therafter. RIP :(
^I wouldn't have trusted an amateur. Plus, you never got to play an excellent game, i still have smackdown 2.

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