The Gordon Ramsey scrambled egg tutorial literally changed..

Gordon Ramsay is the man. Some people are actually scared to send back food or complain about it out of fear cooks will spit in it. FFS, I wish Ramsay could go around cracking skulls and telling cooks they're idiots more often, lol.
Ramsay is a real man. If you look beyond the personality portrayed by the media, there really is no denying it. The man has an unbelievable work ethic. He isn't a dick for dick's sake, he does it because he expects greatness.

He also had gasoline dumped on him and was put at gunpoint while investigating the shark fin trade not too recently. And some of those British, their just great.
used44 said:
I watched the second half of that sharkfin thing. Pretty good show.

I don't want to drag this off-topic. But yeah, I saw it too. I caught the latter half about a week ago, and caught the beginning half this morning. They didn't have him getting put at gunpoint on camera, but with the seedy places the show brought him to, its no surprise it happened.

Anybody who hasn't seen it, I'd suggest you watch it. As far as I can tell they'll be replaying it several more times on BBC America. Set yo DVRs!
StickyGreenGamer said:
used44 said:
I watched the second half of that sharkfin thing. Pretty good show.

I don't want to drag this off-topic. But yeah, I saw it too. I caught the latter half about a week ago, and caught the beginning half this morning. They didn't have him getting put at gunpoint on camera, but with the seedy places the show brought him to, its no surprise it happened.

Anybody who hasn't seen it, I'd suggest you watch it. As far as I can tell they'll be replaying it several more times on BBC America. Set yo DVRs!

Whats this show called?

The eggs look a bit undercooked for my liking :/
I suck at making omelettes, so I make a lot of scrambles. Usually every Sunday I'll make breakfast for my wife and I and any other guests we may have. My scrambles usually consist of whatever items are randomly in the fridge - usually mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach. Sometimes sausage or cheese whatever. Then I always sprinkle mine with sriracha.
they arent soggy at all. its the creme fresh that makes them look soggy, not an undercooked egg.

i assume, i watched this video years ago. it's the same as a hard boiled egg and egg sandwiches. to cook a perfect hard boiled egg submerge the egg in cold water. when it comes to a boil cook for 3 minutes. then remove from stove and set on counter with lid for 8 minutes.

makes a flawless hard boiled egg. not a gross rubbery black chew toy.

i just put some sour cream/salt/pepper/paprika in my eggs. i don't find the removing from stove, putting on stove etc. method necessary. all that's necessary is you cook at low heat and never ever stop swishing them around with a spatula until theyre done.


im gonna go make some now and take a picture ok guys? good
See, I whisk the eggs in the pan like Gordon does, but add a little bit of milk. The milk helps make it fluffier.
intoTheRain said:
they arent soggy at all. its the creme fresh that makes them look soggy, not an undercooked egg.

This. Ramsay is a critically acclaimed chef. He's not going to make a soggy, undercooked egg and then air it on TV for all the world to see, lol.

I'm totally going to try this.

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