So Loki, Buzz Lightyear and Darth Vader walk into a bar...

GiftedMonkey said:
Episodes 7, 8, and 9 will be the CGI adventures of Anakin Skywalker fighting in the Clone Wars.

The fan base is already there. For the latest generation of Star Wars fans, that's what Star Wars is.

You can't have Anakin fighting in the clone wars in Episode 7 after he already died in Episode 6! Continuity people!

What time frame does Lego Star Wars take place in? Maybe Star Wars Episode VII: Lego of my Sabre Bro!
WickedLiquid said:
GiftedMonkey said:
Episodes 7, 8, and 9 will be the CGI adventures of Anakin Skywalker fighting in the Clone Wars.

The fan base is already there. For the latest generation of Star Wars fans, that's what Star Wars is.

You can't have Anakin fighting in the clone wars in Episode 7 after he already died in Episode 6! Continuity people!

What time frame does Lego Star Wars take place in? Maybe Star Wars Episode VII: Lego of my Sabre Bro!

Ohhh that'd be neat! A movie based on a video game based on a toy based on a movie! Then when the Lego Star Wars characters show up in Kingdom Hearts, we'd be playing a video game based on a movie based on a video game based on a toy based on a movie!
What they didn't tell you is that part of the deal was letting Lucas meet a real live Disney Imagineer...and then letting him eat his soul.
used44 said:
Well, yeah, why wouldn't they be. If Episode 7 wasn't directly related to Episode 6, then it wouldn't be called Episode 7. Like others have said, I would definitely prefer a movie that was set in the expanded universe instead of a sequel involving the Skywalkers, but oh well. Mildly disappointing.
Who knows what will happen though.

Well I was hoping maybe not focus on the Skywalkers as much and branch off into something else
Gunner37 said:
used44 said:
Well, yeah, why wouldn't they be. If Episode 7 wasn't directly related to Episode 6, then it wouldn't be called Episode 7. Like others have said, I would definitely prefer a movie that was set in the expanded universe instead of a sequel involving the Skywalkers, but oh well. Mildly disappointing.
Who knows what will happen though.

Well I was hoping maybe not focus on the Skywalkers as much and branch off into something else

What I've read indicates that George Lucas has already produced story treatments for 7,8,9. Mind you, those are not actual scripts, or dialogue, but simply story treatments. Someone else will have to write the scripts, and Disney has made it pretty clear they might not even use his stories.
Yeah I feel like that's wishful thinking from Mr. Lucas. I doubt they use his stories.
Let's hope he destroys illiteracy like he did two awesome franchises and my childhood nostalgia.

But seriously, good on him. It is amazing to see someone run a business so well that they can 1) maintain 100% ownership, 2) have next to no debt and 3) be viable enough to sell for that much...let alone turn around and use the proceeds for something as amazing as charity directed toward improving education. George Lucas, you're amazing.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Let's hope he destroys illiteracy like he did two awesome franchises and my childhood nostalgia.

Bahahaha. This made me laugh out loud, you asshole.
Bretimus_v2 said:
George Lucas, you're amazing.

You don't hear those words too much anymore.

He did do a good job in this deal. I think this is George just cleansing himself and retiring for good.

And I think he figures Star Wars will survive on its own in disney's hands. Plus Disney does need to branch out a bit, and thankfully they have been thanks to Pixar and Marvel.
If it follows the books that Lucas considers canon wouldn't the next set follow Luke's rebuilding the Jedi and eventually becoming the grandmaster... and if thats the case...

Who would be Mara Jade? (Emma Stone)
Will they kill Chewie?
Who in the hell is going to play Luke?

Perhaps it follows the Skywalker kids... Making it possible for Everyone to return to the series... Old as shit but still
Longo_2_guns said:
"I was mostly surprised by how little it cost them. I mean, 4 billion isn't that much for Star Wars."

That's what I was saying with my family. Lucas could have got more than 4 Billion to sell to Disney his whole company, plus the Star Wars & Indiana Jones Franchises.

LOL at the title of this thread, by the way! It certainly caught my attention!
Episode VII is already set to be released in 2015. JJ Abrams will direct. Expect lots of lens flare from light sabers.

Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carey Fisher are all said to be returning, although Ford says if Han Solo comes back, he wants a death scene. The focus will likely carry on down the Skywalker family line.

In addition to Episodes 7-9, a number of stand alone films centered on individual characters will be made as well. Yoda and Boba Fett look to be getting thier own movies and possibly a young Han Solo may get one too. If there's some scene in it though where a mentor tells Han to never shoot first, I will rage-flip the theater.

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