sega 32X and sega master system


hello again, i recently just got a 32X is there anything good for it, i bought it simply becuase i collect old systems. Also i'm trying to find a sega master system, but what is it?
the 32X sux big times so get rid of it and the master sytem was the console that sega made before the genesis but it wasnt the best becuz of the better games on the NES
not true the 32x had a few gem games, and i have a nes, most games were made for both systems and look and sound much better on the master system
ya but there wasnt many gem games for 32X that ppl noticed becuz they were too busy with the snes and normal genesis the games that were for the master system and nes werent as good as the nes exclusive, mainly the marios, zeldas, metroid and some other good ones but master system had a few good games but not as many as nes
jivesc00ter said:
hello again, i recently just got a 32X is there anything good for it, i bought it simply becuase i collect old systems. Also i'm trying to find a sega master system, but what is it?

Doom for the 32X isn't half-bad, although the sound is kinda poor. NBA Jam: T.E. is also pretty decent. I also have a soft spot for Star Wars, but it's really more polygons than anything else.

As far as the Sega Master System goes, it was Sega's answer to the NES. It's an 8-bit platform that was poorly received domestically, as Nintendo had almost complete control of the third-party publishing market and Sega couldn't churn out enough games to keep it relevant. It's a nice find, but, unless you're a Sega fanatic, you may be underwhelmed by what it has to offer.
Sega Master system was a great system

Wonderboy 1 - 3 were great

As was Sonic the hedgehog and there were alot more.

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