Savagery: Id Nag Mama

I came up with the words, but I had to check it was a real game!

Incidently, have you guys got close to mine??

It's a very.....LONELY anagram at the moment.

...the race is on...
I should kick myself for not getting "Alien: Isolation." I rearranged the letters to "IEOANLISILAION" - that should have rang the bell, but no, I'm thinking along the lines of "Lost in Translation." I'm so stupid.

I do know this one, though: Super Mario Maker!

Since you said it was easy, I thought about what games you might currently be playing and it just popped out. I thought the game was just called "Mario Maker," so when I was left with "PUERS," my initial thought was "Pure Mario Makers" - a testimony to my stupidity.

Ok. On to the next one:

An Antithesis Slams Sin
Hitman Silent Assassin. Man that was rough. Totally forgot about the Hitman games. So when I made Hitman, I just Google'd Hitman games.

Here's my next one.
Washcloths food, so sue.
I like this anagram. :p Just wanted to give this thread a bump in hopes that others will join in! I'm working on it, too, but I'm stumped so far.

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