|OT| Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Alright, to those who care about the game, let me tell you what I've seen and done.

First of all, I am a level 25 Finesse (Rogue) build, pure Finesse, no other points in anything but Finesse. I do not have any of the longbow talents, but I've put points in everything else. I am 35 hours into the game, and I've explored about half of the game. It's big, it's really big, it may not be Skyrim big, but it is definitely big.

I've completed around 73 quests, with more in my backlog. The main faction quests are lengthy, you can -not- do them in one sitting. Like the Travelers quests (Thieves), takes you from one end of the game to the other. The side quest starts off kind of generic, then it gets interesting, at least to me. It's very heavily inspired by Destiny and Fate. Your character, the Fateless One (not a spoiler), isn't doing good, or bad, because they're Fated to, they're doing it because they choose to, that makes them special.

Yes, there are moral choices in the storyline. You can use skills like Persuade, Lockpicking, Dispelling and even Mercantile in dialogue options. You can do bad, or good. You can go on killing rampages, but much like Skyrim, you can't kill quest NPCs (though mobs can, which does alter the quest a bit). You can get thrown in jail (and lockpick your way out of it.)

Now to address one of the concerns that intoTheRain brought up, and I see the problem now. One of the complaints is the loot, now, do not think for a second that there isn't much. I've never seen the plethora of weapon models and armor models in this game. It has more armor/weapon models than anything I've ever seen in any RPG ever. Every yellow is unique modeled, I believe, so are most purples. However, the issue intoTheRain brought up is that its hard to find things your level... and that's true, but it is more complicated than that. See, the game doesn't base loot on your level, it bases the loot on the Region (there are 5 'regions'), and the Pocket (I call the areas that make up the Regions 'Pockets'). Like I'm level 25, but I'm getting mostly level 9-10 item drops (by item level, we mean the level requirement to wield it.)

Before you grow concerned, let me tell you that the item level doesn't -really- matter, in fact, it looks like a facet of the game that doesn't matter. I don't even know why there are item levels to begin with, because the item level versus the stats of the item don't match up. You may find a level 3 item that has a cooler model, and better stats than your level 10 item, thus making the item level something that is pointless and could be forgotten. Items, and upgrades, drop like candy... just don't pay any attention to the item level versus its stats and your actual character level.... does that make any sense?

You -can- own houses, in fact, you can own more than houses. I don't think this is a spoiler, but you can own a Mineshaft (And its accompanying office which acts as a House), you can own an Arena, a House, and even an apartment (basically) in a city. The arena, and the Mineshaft, generate money, and can be further upgraded to generate additional money.

The game is not difficult except on hard, then its only slightly difficult... but, honestly, if you're comparing it to games like Dark Souls, or the hardest parts of God of War, then its somewhat of an easy game, but I don't judge games based on difficulty.

Enemies do not scale to your level, but they stay challenging for the time you spend in the Pockets scaled for them. I think they -may- scale slightly, though. You won't find grey enemies unless you go back to the starter zones (Which you should, because it will make new quests pop up in earlier towns sometimes.)

You do go to places that aren't listed on the map, such as several large cities that are their own Pocket/series of Pockets. As I said, the world is huge, like really really big.

The game does love its forests, but they manage to keep the different areas feeling different, most of the time anyway.

At any point you can completely 'undo' your character and become something else, I could if I wanted to switch over to Might or Sorcery (fight and mage). While not an uncommon feature in MMOs, its rare to see it in single-player games. It's also handled differently than most single player games. Because you are the Fateless One, you can essentially at any point choose to re-write what you are, your history, and how you're going to effect the world. It'd be the equivalent of me deciding in real life I want to be a nuclear physician instead of some jackass posting about a video game on a review site.

Anyway, those are some things about the game that I thought I'd post.
The game mostly becomes over easy around level 20-22, I can't imagine how easy it will be around the level 30+ area. I'm 26 now, and in the final zone and everything is retardedly easy even on hard. I don't even lose health, I have Chakrams that have a 15% chance to steal 25 health points. I never go below max basically.

And the loot to me is a problem, because even in the final zone I am still getting epic longswords for example that do 50-90 base damage. And have been able to purchase blues from vendors since the second zone that do 150 base damage. And I'm getting 90 base damage epic chakrams in the final zone, but have 190 base damage blue chakrams I bought from a vendor in the third zone. And the magical properties on the weapons scale rather accordingly from what i've seen.

The loot makes zero sense, plain and simple, and was clearly not well thought out.

Those are definitely the two LARGE issues I have come across.

But I also changed my mind. This game is too good for a 3.5/5. And it is VERY promising for the future when they release a new game, and fix these issues. It is bound to be very impressive. I still haven't finished the main quest because I don't want it to be over yet. And I fear I'll be bored when the main quest ends.

Will definitely update though.

going back to my original 4/5 at this point. This game should NOT be overlooked unless you are low on funds.

If being beaten to death by brutal difficulty is your thing and you cant find enjoyment from a game otherwise, then you should overlook this game. That's about the only reason to.
Well, I was chosen to write the official review for Reckoning on the site I contribute too. Here is the review if you want to read it (and you should, the more people who see it the more likely i'll be paid), otherwise my thoughts are as follows.

It is a very solid RPG, and I like the mechanics of it a lot. The combat is fluid and the diversity of attacks through the different weapon choices is really deep. I also like the fact that you have to work at fighting a group of enemies; you need to be more strategic or they just gang up on you, especially on the tougher difficulties.

The fates system is awesome. I love the fact that we get to see hybrid classes like this, abliet in simpler form than before. I also am partial to the jack of all trades tree; they finally put in something that is full combination of all skills, which is rare in RPGs now a days. Even Skyrim really didn't give that freedom, it kind of just let you pick and choose yeah, but it had no classes to begin with, which I always...well, personally never liked.

I do wish the game was more open world, but what we have is a nice variety of zones and really good art style. Mcfarlane did a good job in leading to create this world, very vibrant, very colorful, and distinct. It stands out because it has enough in it to make it stand out.

But its also linear by design, the old MMO design shines through a lot, and kills it a bit when you backtrack, especially since everything is divided into zones.

Also, the storyline is typical high fantasy shlock. Although, considering R.A Salvatore was the writer...yeah...don't expect anything deep here.

Overall I think the grade and recommendation make sense to me. It is a solid game, but overall doesn't do much to change the landscape of the RPG genre.
I think the difficulty is reasonable until about level 22. From that point it just geta progressively easier even on hars. I got 191 damagd chakrams at level 25 that steal 25 hp , 15% chance, i never lose health on hard and wasnt even that geared yet. The difficulty is broken. I thought people were just whining about difficulty in an attempt to atroke their e-peen, but it really did indeed turn out to be broken easy.

Still a great game. Cannot wait for the next game with all these flaws fixed. Ill be playkng another round as a caster and will really take my time and take the world in, as imo the beautiful world and atmosphere was the games strongest point, perhaps tied with the combat.

Clicked your link links. Id still give it an 8/10, was just too fun and pretty despite its flaws for me to give it anything less. But that point is clearly 100% opinion based, so feel anything 70+ is reasonable
anybody a caster build use fae gorta? I'm starting to think it's kinda useless. The 100% health drain doesn't seem to work 100% of the time. He really is only good during boss fights to distract some of the enemies and then it's still hit or miss because it's so damn slow, not to mention he sometimes just sits there. Hopefully they balance this a bit. Other than that, I don't like the prospect of the shield spell or freeze spell. Haven't used shield yet, but the freeze spell kinda sucked compared to lightning/fire.
I'm done with this game now and think it deserves a 3/5 officially.

The loot is broken. Past level 20 there is very little incentive to even continue playing unless you want to wrap up the mediocre story.

Dying is impossible. Monsters never change. I've fought the same creatures since level 5 through to the bitter end.

Long story short it has a LOT of potential and is a glorious game for the first 10-15 hours. Then it fails. They straight up didn't finish it. Rather than the game just abruptly ending, the content just continues on but doesn't change, get more difficult or vary in any way. I had a very hard time to finish it, and I wasn't satisfied at all when I did. TBH I wish I didn't.

Upgrades are almost non existent past level 20-25ish. And when you get one you're not sure you even want to equip it because you can already just randomly press buttons on your controller and lay waste to the same mobs on the hardest difficulty randomly spawning on you that you saw at level 2.

I'm not a Longo 2 Guns, or anything. I don't need sadistic difficulty to be pleased with a game, as long as it gives me some sort of challenge. I NEVER complain about difficulty in a game. But this game is an exception, it's a joke, simply put.

Random dungeons you find along the way provide zero satisfaction. They all have predictable mob spawns as you enter the big room, they surround you, you faceroll them, collect some loot of no use to you, get nothing in return from being in the dungeon, and leave disappointed. They don't increase in difficulty, nothing changes, it's terribly disappointing.

Sigh.. it's sad writing this. I was in love with this game, now I kinda hate it.

If you buy it. Play for 20 hours then quit while you have happy memories.
I came to nearly those same conclusions after playing only the demo. And it does seem like this game got a fair bit of press during its launch week, but since then nobody is talking about it. That's a sign.
It sounds like you should go with this (having played the other two, but not this one)....

Although, Dungeon Siege 3 is some escellent brainless-looting fun.
intoTheRain said:
I'm not a Longo 2 Guns, or anything. I don't need sadistic difficulty to be pleased with a game, as long as it gives me some sort of challenge. I NEVER complain about difficulty in a game. But this game is an exception, it's a joke, simply put.
Woo that's me!

For the record, I don't care about difficulty as long as it's well enough made or has something else driving it along.
Longo_2_guns said:
intoTheRain said:
I'm not a Longo 2 Guns, or anything. I don't need sadistic difficulty to be pleased with a game, as long as it gives me some sort of challenge. I NEVER complain about difficulty in a game. But this game is an exception, it's a joke, simply put.
Woo that's me!

For the record, I don't care about difficulty as long as it's well enough made or has something else driving it along.

not saying there is anything wrong with liking super difficult games btw if it sounded that way
Nah, I didn't take it that way at all. Just clearing up that I do like all kinds of gameplay. I'm just a hardass.
I'm still enjoying it. Some of the points (broken loot, too easy etc) are pretty accurate. However it's still tremendously fun. Im about 30 hours in, lvl 21 pure mage build and just got to the desert area with about 15 unfinished sidequest and a bunch i skipped due to being overwhelmed. I am definitely going to play again as a finesse/melee build. Well worth the $60, i dont regret the buy at all regardless of the flaws.
drathbone said:
I'm still enjoying it. Some of the points (broken loot, too easy etc) are pretty accurate. However it's still tremendously fun. Im about 30 hours in, lvl 21 pure mage build and just got to the desert area with about 15 unfinished sidequest and a bunch i skipped due to being overwhelmed. I am definitely going to play again as a finesse/melee build. Well worth the $60, i dont regret the buy at all regardless of the flaws.

i dont regret buying either, despite how annoyed i may seem.

but around level 26-27 is when i really started to get bored.

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