Original Resident Evil 4

Caped_Crusader said:

Okay, here's a great video of RE 4 before transforming into mindless 3rd person shooter. Notice the Silent Hill-style camera angles, slower pace and much more scarier atmosphere with ghosts turning into zombies, little baby dolls etc. THIS is the real survival-horror. RE4, as we know it now, is a pure action game where horror element is absolutely non-existent. Period.

Capcom has sold out, sacrificing deeper gameplay mechanics and good storyline for a lame, straighforward shooter just to win over more people from the 1st person shooter gaming audience. You don't fool me with your fancy boss battles and smooth graphics when the game itself is a shallow and depthless mess. Yes, I may be cruel but honestly, just look at this video - which verision would you really prefer?

Cry more?

They changed the game mechanics..yes, but it worked for the better. It eliminated many camera problems and control issues as well. It was more action oriented and it had a great story (despite the president daughter gimmick, that was sort of a given.) but even still, it was great..I don't really see how you can't like it. Your not judging it as a single game on it's own..more or less comparing it to it's predecessors, which doesn't give it the credit it deserves. I'm personally thrilled with the entire RE Series. What came out came out. Companies that sell games also are made to sell out, it's what they do...and generally speaking, it means they made a good game.
The story was a bunch of cliches, which made it funny. RE4 was one of the best games i've ever played. And the fact that there were no zombies was better for me, because in truth it is hard to kill a zombie.
Maybe in the previous RE games it's harder to kill a zombie. But with the behind-the-shoulder camera in RE4, killing zombies would be a no brainer! HAHAHA GET IT? NO BRAINER!
Dark_Legacy said:
Let's establish something. For people not playing resident evil, any RE title will freak you out at least once. For anyone playing RE more than the first time will be desensitized.

The old RE formula wasn't cutting it. It was bland, unninovative, and change was needed. RE4 gave you more control, more action, and more of the shocking we expect. I've seen people play RE4 for the first time and their first reaction is 'wtf'.

The gameplay mechanics may have changed, but so has the RE genre. Silent hill was always scarier. RE always focused more on the survival than the horror. Yeah, RE and Silent Hill are f'ed as sh!t, and the atmosphere is different in each. But fundementally, RE did something different from the beginning, and now, it's evolved, finally into a direction where it gives the franscise more meaning and youth, more promise. If it had been a graphically reved up verison of any other RE title and we end up with another outbreak, semi-successful, but boring with nothing new.

I've seen people complain that RE4 sucked cause it didn't have zombies. Well bad news for you, RE was never about the zombies, and was never about scaring you in the way silent hill was. RE was the real-life scary. The corporate controlling everything scary. The fact that the RE universe only has one difference from our universe: Umbrella, Inc.

I must agree. When my friends first played RE4 they were amazed. If I had of shown them REmake the response would have been different.

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